书城公版Speeches-Literary & Social



[On the evening of the above day the friends and admirers of Mr.

Macready entertained him at a public dinner.Upwards of six hundred gentlemen assembled to do honour to the great actor on his retirement from the stage.Sir E.B.Lytton took the chair.Among the other speakers were Baron Bunsen, Sir Charles Eastlake, Mr.

Thackeray, Mr.John Forster, Mr.W.J.Fox, and Mr.Charles Dickens, who proposed "The Health of the Chairman" in the following words:-]

GENTLEMEN, - After all you have already heard, and so rapturously received, I assure you that not even the warmth of your kind welcome would embolden me to hope to interest you if I had not full confidence in the subject I have to offer to your notice.But my reliance on the strength of this appeal to you is so strong that Iam rather encouraged than daunted by the brightness of the track on which I have to throw my little shadow.

Gentlemen, as it seems to me, there are three great requisites essential to the perfect realisation of a scene so unusual and so splendid as that in which we are now assembled.The first, and Imust say very difficult requisite, is a man possessing the stronghold in the general remembrance, the indisputable claim on the general regard and esteem, which is possessed by my dear and much valued friend our guest.The second requisite is the presence of a body of entertainers, - a great multitude of hosts so cheerful and good-humoured (under, I am sorry to say, some personal inconvenience), - so warm-hearted and so nobly in earnest, as those whom I have the privilege of addressing.The third, and certainly not the least of these requisites, is a president who, less by his social position, which he may claim by inheritance, or by fortune, which may have been adventitiously won, and may be again accidentally lost, than by his comprehensive genius, shall fitly represent the best part of him to whom honour is done, and the best part of those who unite in the doing of it.Such a president Ithink we have found in our chairman of to-night, and I need scarcely add that our chairman's health is the toast I have to propose to you.

Many of those who now hear me were present, I daresay, at that memorable scene on Wednesday night last, when the great vision which had been a delight and a lesson, - very often, I daresay, a support and a comfort to you, which had for many years improved and charmed us, and to which we had looked for an elevated relief from the labours of our lives, faded from our sight for ever.I will not stop to inquire whether our guest may or may not have looked backward, through rather too long a period for us, to some remote and distant time when he might possibly bear some far-off likeness to a certain Spanish archbishop whom Gil Blas once served.Nor will I stop to inquire whether it was a reasonable disposition in the audience of Wednesday to seize upon the words -"And I have brought, Golden opinions from all sorts of people, Which would be worn now in their newest gloss, Not cast aside so soon - "but I will venture to intimate to those whom I am addressing how in my mind I mainly connect that occasion with the present.When Ilooked round on the vast assemblage, and observed the huge pit hushed into stillness on the rising of the curtain, and that mighty surging gallery, where men in their shirt-sleeves had been striking out their arms like strong swimmers - when I saw that.boisterous human flood become still water in a moment, and remain so from the opening to the end of the play, it suggested to me something besides the trustworthiness of an English crowd, and the delusion under which those labour who are apt to disparage and malign it: