书城公版A Group of Noble Dames


So desirous was she of honouring her lamented husband's sentiments in this respect,that she wrote to her son-in-law suggesting that,partly on account of Betty's sorrow for her father's loss,and out of consideration for his known wishes for delay,Betty should not be taken from her till her nineteenth birthday.

However much or little Stephen Reynard might have been to blame in his marriage,the patient man now almost deserved to be pitied.

First Betty's skittishness;now her mother's remorseful volte-face:

it was enough to exasperate anybody;and he wrote to the widow in a tone which led to a little coolness between those hitherto firm friends.However,knowing that he had a wife not to claim but to win,and that young Phelipson had been packed off to sea by his parents,Stephen was complaisant to a degree,returning to London,and holding quite aloof from Betty and her mother,who remained for the present in the country.In town he had a mild visitation of the distemper he had taken from Betty,and in writing to her he took care not to dwell upon its mildness.It was now that Betty began to pity him for what she had inflicted upon him by the kiss,and her correspondence acquired a distinct flavour of kindness thenceforward.

Owing to his rebuffs,Reynard had grown to be truly in love with Betty in his mild,placid,durable way--in that way which perhaps,upon the whole,tends most generally to the woman's comfort under the institution of marriage,if not particularly to her ecstasy.

Mrs.Dornell's exaggeration of her husband's wish for delay in their living together was inconvenient,but he would not openly infringe it.He wrote tenderly to Betty,and soon announced that he had a little surprise in store for her.The secret was that the King had been graciously pleased to inform him privately,through a relation,that His Majesty was about to offer him a Barony.Would she like the title to be Ivell?Moreover,he had reason for knowing that in a few years the dignity would be raised to that of an Earl,for which creation he thought the title of Wessex would be eminently suitable,considering the position of much of their property.As Lady Ivell,therefore,and future Countess of Wessex,he should beg leave to offer her his heart a third time.

He did not add,as he might have added,how greatly the consideration of the enormous estates at King's-Hintock and elsewhere which Betty would inherit,and her children after her,had conduced to this desirable honour.

Whether the impending titles had really any effect upon Betty's regard for him I cannot state,for she was one of those close characters who never let their minds be known upon anything.That such honour was absolutely unexpected by her from such a quarter is,however,certain;and she could not deny that Stephen had shown her kindness,forbearance,even magnanimity;had forgiven her for an errant passion which he might with some reason have denounced,notwithstanding her cruel position as a child entrapped into marriage ere able to understand its bearings.

Her mother,in her grief and remorse for the loveless life she had led with her rough,though open-hearted,husband,made now a creed of his merest whim;and continued to insist that,out of respect to his known desire,her son-in-law should not reside with Betty till the girl's father had been dead a year at least,at which time the girl would still be under nineteen.Letters must suffice for Stephen till then.

'It is rather long for him to wait,'Betty hesitatingly said one day.

'What!'said her mother.'From YOU?not to respect your dear father--'

'Of course it is quite proper,'said Betty hastily.'I don't gainsay it.I was but thinking that--that--'

In the long slow months of the stipulated interval her mother tended and trained Betty carefully for her duties.Fully awake now to the many virtues of her dear departed one,she,among other acts of pious devotion to his memory,rebuilt the church of King's-Hintock village,and established valuable charities in all the villages of that name,as far as to Little-Hintock,several miles eastward.

In superintending these works,particularly that of the church-building,her daughter Betty was her constant companion,and the incidents of their execution were doubtless not without a soothing effect upon the young creature's heart.She had sprung from girl to woman by a sudden bound,and few would have recognized in the thoughtful face of Betty now the same person who,the year before,had seemed to have absolutely no idea whatever of responsibility,moral or other.Time passed thus till the Squire had been nearly a year in his vau

<and Mrs.Dornell was duly asked by letter by the patient Reynard if she were willing for him to come soon.He did not wish to take Betty away if her mother's sense of loneliness would be too great,but would willingly live at King's-Hintock awhile with them.

Before the widow had replied to this communication,she one day happened to observe Betty walking on the south terrace in the full sunlight,without hat or mantle,and was struck by her child's figure.Mrs.Dornell called her in,and said suddenly:'Have you seen your husband since the time of your poor father's death?'

'Well--yes,mamma,'says Betty,colouring.

'What--against my wishes and those of your dear father!I am shocked at your disobedience!'

'But my father said eighteen,ma'am,and you made it much longer--'

'Why,of course--out of consideration for you!When have ye seen him?'

'Well,'stammered Betty,'in the course of his letters to me he said that I belonged to him,and if nobody knew that we met it would make no difference.And that I need not hurt your feelings by telling you.'


'So I went to Casterbridge that time you went to London about five months ago--'

'And met him there?When did you come back?'

'Dear mamma,it grew very late,and he said it was safer not to go back till next day,as the roads were bad;and as you were away from home--'