
第42章 TROUBLE(2)

"You are Mr.Andrews,I believe—Mr.Jack Andrews ?"The youth turned his head to look at his questioner.

"No,sir,"he answered with a smile."A case of mistakenidentity.My name is Jones."Then,continuing his speech to Patsy Doyle,he said:"There is no need to consider the acoustic properties of our theatres,for the architect—""Pardon me again,"interrupted the man,more sternly."I am positive this is not a case of mistaken identity.We have ample proof that Jack Andrews is parading here,under the aliasa of 'A.Jones.'"The boy regarded him with a puzzled expression.

"What insolence!"muttered Beth in an under—tone but audible enough to be distinctly heard.

The man ?ushed slightly and glanced at Le Drieux,whonodded his head.Then he continued ?rmly:

"In any event,sir,I have a warrant for your arrest,and I hope you will come with me quietly and so avoid a scene."The boy grew pale and then red.His eyes narrowed as he stared fixedly at the officer.But he did not change hisposition,nor did he betray either fear or agitationa.In a voice quite unmoved he asked:

"On what charge do you arrest me ?"

"You are charged with stealing a valuable collection of pearls from the Countess Ahmberg,at Vienna,about a year ago.""But I have never been in Vienna.""You will have an opportunity to prove that.""And my name is not Andrews.""You must prove that,also."The boy thought for a moment.Then he asked:"Who accuses me ?""This gentleman;Mr.Le Drieux.He is an expert in pearls,knows intimately all those in the collection of the countess and has recognized several which you have recently presented to your friends,as among those you brought from Austria."Again Jones smiled.

"This is absurd,sir,"he remarked.

The of?cer returned the smile,but rather grimly.

"It is the usual protest,Mr.Andrews.I don't blame you for the denial,but the evidence against you is very strong.Will you come?And quietly ?""I am unable to offer physical resistance,"replied the young fellow,as he slowly rose from his chair and displayedhis thin ?gure."Moreover,"he added,with a touch of humor,"I believe there's a ?ne for resisting an of?cer.I suppose you have a legal warrant.May I be permitted to see it?"The of?cer produced the warrant.Jones perused it slowly and then handed it to Mr.Merrick,who read it and passed it back to the of?cer.

"What shall I do,sir?"asked the boy.

"Obey the law,"answered Uncle John."This officer is only the law's instrument and it is useless to argue with him.But I will go with you to the police station and furnish baila."Le Drieux shook his head.

"Quite impossible,Mr.Merrick,"he said."This is not a bailable offense.""Are you sure?""I am positive.This is an extraditionb case,of international importance.Andrews,after an examination,will be taken to New York and from there to Vienna,where his crime was committed.""But he has committed no crime!"Le Drieux shrugged his shoulders.

"He is accused,and he must prove his innocence,"saidhe.