"You must not talk any more at present.Here comes the doctor to see you."Gys,busy in the cabin,had heard their voices and nowcame to look at his most interesting patient.The soldier seemed about twenty years of age;he was rather handsome,withexpressive eyes and features bearing the stamp of culture.Already they knew his name,by means of an identification card found upon him,as well as a small packet of letters carefully pinned in an inner pocket of his coat.These last were all addressed in the same handwriting,which was undoubtedly feminine,to Andrew Denton.The card stated that Andrew Denton,private,was formerly an insurance agent at Antwerp.
Doctor Gys had rather impatiently awaited the young man's return to consciousness that he might complete his examination.He now devoted the next half hour to a careful diagnosisa of Denton's injuries.By this time the patient was suffering intense pain and a hypodermic injection of morphineb was required to relieve him.When at last he was quietly drowsingc the doctor called Maud aside to give her instructions.
"Watch him carefully,"said he,"and don't let him suffer.
Keep up the morphine."
"There is no hope,then?"she asked.
"Not the slightest.He may linger for days—even weeks,if we sustain his strength—but recovery is impossible.That bit of shell tore a horrible hole in the poor fellow and all we can do is keep him comfortable until the end.Without the morphine he would not live twelve hours.""Shall I let him talk?""If he wishes to.His lungs are not involved,so it can dohim no harm."But Andrew Denton did not care to talk any more that day.He wanted to think,and lay quietly until Beth came on duty.To her he gave a smile and a word of thanks and again lapsed into thoughtful silence.
When Ajo brought the new consignment of wounded to the ship the doctors and nurses found themselves pretty busy for a time.With wounds to dress and one or two slight operations to perform,the afternoon passed swiftly away.The old patients must not be neglected,either,so Captain Carg said he would sit with the German and look after him,as he was able to converse with the patient in his own tongue.
The German was resting easily to—day but proved as gluma and uncommunicative as ever.That did not worry the captain,who gave the man a cigarette and,when it was nonchalantly accepted,lighted his own pipe.Together they sat in silence and smoked,the German occupying an easy chair and resting his leg upon a stool,for he had refused to lie in a berth.Through the open window the dull boom of artillery could constantly be heard.After an hour or so:
"A long fight,"remarked the captain in German.
The other merely looked at him,contemplativelyb.Carg stared for five minutes at the bandaged foot.Finally:
"Hard luck,"said he.
This time the German nodded,looking at the foot also.
"In America,"resumed the captain,puffing slowly,"they make fine artificial feet.Walk all right.Look natural.""Vienna,"said the German.
"Yes,I suppose so."Another pause.
"Name?"asked the German,with startling abruptness.But the other never winked.
"Carg.I'm a sailor.Captain of this ship.Live in Sangoa,when ashore.""Sangoa?""Island in South Seas."
The wounded man reached for another cigarette and lighted it.
"Carg,"he repeated,musinglya."German?"
"Why,my folks were,I believe.I've relations in Germany,yet.Munich.Visited them once,when a boy.Mother's name was Elbl.The Cargs lived next door to the Elbls.But they've lost track of me,and I of them.Nothing in common,you see."The German finished his cigarette,looking at the captain at times reflectively.Carg,feeling his biography had not been appreciated,had lapsed into silence.At length the wounded man began feeling in his breast pocket—an awkward operation because the least action disturbed the swathedb limb—and presently drew out a leather card case.With much deliberation he abstracted a card and handed it to the captain,who put onhis spectacles and read:"Otto Elbl.12th Uhlans.""Oh,"he said,looking up to examine the German anew.
"Otto Elbl of Munich?""Yes."
"H—m.Number 121Friedrichstrasse?"
"I didn't see you when I visited your family.They said you were at college.Your father was William Elbl,my mother's brother."The German stretched out his hand and grippeda the fist of the captain.
"Cousins,"he said.
Carg nodded,meditatingb.
"To be sure,"he presently returned;"cousins.Have another cigarette."