书城外语加州之旅(Aunt Jane's Nieces on the Ranch)


This baby,now five months old and reported to bethriving,had been from its birth of tremendous interest to every inhabitant of the Willing Square flat.It had been discussed morning,noon and night by Uncle John and the girls,while even the grizzleda major was not ashamed to admit that "that Weldon infant"was an important addition to the family.Perhaps little Jane acquired an added interest by being so far away from all her relatives,as well as from the fact that Louise wrote such glowing accounts of the baby's beauty and witcheries that to believe a tithe of what she asserted was to establish the child as an infantile marvel.

Now,Patsy Doyle knew in her heart that Uncle John was eager to see Louise's baby,and long ago she had confided to Beth her belief that the winter would find Mr.Merrick at Arthur Weldon's California ranch,with all his three nieces gathered around him and the infantile marvel in his arms.The same suspicion had crept into Major Doyle's mind,and that is why he so promptly resented the suggestion that New York was not an ideal winter resort.Somehow,the old major "felt in his bones"that his beloved Patsy would be whisked away to California,leaving her father to face the tedious winterwithout her;for he believed his business duties would not allow him to get away to accompany her.

Yet so far Uncle John,in planning for the winter,hadnot mentioned California as even a remote possibility.It was understood he would go somewhere,but up to the moment when he declared "we will be out of it,of course,when the bad weather sets in,"he had kept his own counsel and forborne to express a preference or a decision.

But now the major,being aroused,decided to "have it out"with his elusive brother—in—law.

"Where will ye go to ?nd a better place?"he demanded.

"We're going to Bermuda,"said Uncle John."For onions?"asked the major sarcastically.

"They have other things in Bermuda besides onions.A delightful climate,I'm told,is one of them."The major sniffed.He was surprised,it is true,and rather pleased,because Bermuda is so much nearer New York than is California;but it was his custom to object.

"Patsy can't go,"he declared,as if that settled the question for good and all."The sea voyage would kill her.I'm told by truthful persons that the voyage to Bermuda is the most terrible experience known to mortals.Those who don't die on the way over positively refuse ever to come back again,andso remain forever exiled from their homes and families—untilthey have the good luck to die from continually eating onions."Mr.Merrick smiled as he glanced at the major's severecountenancea.

"It can't be as bad as that,"said he."I know a man who has taken his family to Bermuda for ?ve winters,in succession.""And brought 'em back alive each time?""Certainly.Otherwise,you will admit he couldn't take them again.""That family,"asserted the major seriously,"must bemade of cast—iron,with clockwork stomachs."Patsy gave one of her low,musical laughs.

"I think I would like Bermuda,"she said."Anyhow,whatever pleases Uncle John will please me,so long as we get away from New York.""Why,ye female traitorb!"cried the major;and added,for Uncle John's benefit:"New York is admitted by men of discretion to be the modern Garden of Edenc.It's the one desideratumd of—"Here the door opened abruptly and Beth came in.Her cheeks were glowing red from contact with the wind and her dark tailor—suit glistened with tiny drops left by the melted snow.In her mittened hand she waved a letter.

"From Louise,Patsy!"she exclaimed,tossing it towardher cousin;"but don't you dare read it till I've changed my things."Then she disappeared into an inner room and Patsy,disregarding the injunctiona,caught up the epistle and tore open the envelope.

Uncle John refilled his pipe and looked at Patsy's tense face inquiringly.The major stiffened,but could not wholly repress his curiosity.After a moment he said:

"All well,Patsy?"

"How's the baby?"asked Uncle John.

"Dear me!"cried Patsy,with a distressed face;"and no doctor nearer than ?ve miles!"Both men leaped from their chairs.

"Why don't they keep a doctor in the house ?"roared the major.