书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches


He would add, he said, to the titles which he owed to his ancestors and his sword, another title, derived from his last and proudest acquisition.His style should run thus: Frederic, King of Prussia, Margrave of Brandenburg, Sovereign Duke of Silesia, Possessor of Voltaire.But even amidst the delights of the honeymoon, Voltaire's sensitive vanity began to take alarm.A few days after his arrival, he could not help telling his niece that the amiable King had a trick of giving a sly scratch with one hand while patting and stroking with the other.Soon came hints not the less alarming, because mysterious."The supper parties are delicious.The King is the life of the company.But--I have operas and comedies, reviews and concerts, my studies and books.

But--but--Berlin is fine, the princesses charming, the maids of honour handsome.But--"This eccentric friendship was fast cooling.Never had there met two persons so exquisitely fitted to plague each other.Each of them had exactly the fault of which the other was most impatient;and they were, in different ways, the most impatient of mankind.

Frederic was frugal, almost niggardly.When he had secured his plaything he began to think that he had bought it too dear.

Voltaire, on the other hand, was greedy, even to the extent of imprudence and knavery; and conceived that the favourite of a monarch who had barrels full of gold and silver laid up in cellars ought to make a fortune which a receiver-general might envy.They soon discovered each other's feelings.Both were angry; and a war began, in which Frederic stooped to the part of Harpagon, and Voltaire to that of Scapin.It is humiliating to relate, that the great warrior and statesman gave orders that his guest's allowance of sugar and chocolate should be curtailed.It is, if possible, a still more humiliating fact, that Voltaire indemnified himself by pocketing the wax candles in the royal antechamber.Disputes about money, however, were not the most serious disputes of these extraordinary associates.The sarcasms of the King soon galled the sensitive temper of the poet.

D'Arnaud and D'Argens, Guichard and La Metrie, might, for the sake of a morsel of bread, be willing to bear the insolence of a master; but Voltaire was of another order.He knew that he was a potentate as well as Frederic, that his European reputation, and his incomparable power of covering whatever he hated with ridicule, made him an object of dread even to the leaders of armies and the rulers of nations.In truth, of all the intellectual weapons which have ever been wielded by man, the most terrible was the mockery of Voltaire.Bigots and tyrants, who had never been moved by the wailing and cursing of millions, turned pale at his name.Principles unassailable by reason, principles which had withstood the fiercest attacks of power, the most valuable truths, the most generous sentiments, the noblest and most graceful images, the purest reputations, the most august institutions, began to look mean and loathsome as soon as that withering smile was turned upon them.To every opponent, however strong in his cause and his talents, in his station and his character, who ventured to encounter the great scoffer, might be addressed the caution which was given of old to the Archangel:

"I forewarn thee, shun His deadly arrow: neither vainly hope To be invulnerable in those bright arms, Though temper'd heavenly; for that fatal dint, Save Him who reigns above, none can resist."We cannot pause to recount how often that rare talent was exercised against rivals worthy of esteem; how often it was used to crush and torture enemies worthy only of silent disdain; how often it was perverted to the more noxious purpose of destroying the last solace of earthly misery, and the last restraint on earthly power.Neither can we pause to tell how often it was used to vindicate justice, humanity, and toleration, the principles of sound philosophy, the principles of free government.This is not the place for a full character of Voltaire.

Causes of quarrel multiplied fast.Voltaire, who, partly from love of money, and partly from love of excitement, was always fond of stock-jobbing, became implicated in transactions of at least a dubious character.The King was delighted at having such an opportunity to humble his guest; and bitter reproaches and complaints were exchanged.Voltaire, too, was soon at war with the other men of letters who surrounded the King; and this irritated Frederic, who, however, had himself chiefly to blame:

for, from that love of tormenting which was in him a ruling passion, he perpetually lavished extravagant praises on small men and bad books, merely in order that he might enjoy the mortification and rage which on such occasions Voltaire took no pains to conceal.His Majesty, however, soon had reason to regret the pains which he had taken to kindle jealousy among the members of his household.The whole palace was in a ferment with literary intrigues and cabals.It was to no purpose that the imperial voice, which kept a hundred and sixty thousand soldiers in order, was raised to quiet the contention of the exasperated wits.It was far easier to stir up such a storm than to lull it.Nor was Frederic, in his capacity of wit, by any means without his own share of vexations.He had sent a large quantity of verses to Voltaire, and requested that they might be returned, with remarks and corrections."See," exclaimed Voltaire, "what a quantity of his dirty linen the King has sent me to wash!" Talebearers were not wanting to carry the sarcasm to the royal ear; and Frederic was as much incensed as a Grub Street writer who had found his name in the Dunciad.