书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches


Montagu prove that, in Bacon's age, the practices for which Bacon was punished were generally considered as innocent, and we admit that he has made out his point.But this we defy him to do.That these practices were common we admit; but they were common just as all wickedness to which there is strong temptation always was and always will be common.They were common just as theft, cheating, perjury, adultery have always been common.They were common, not because people did not know what was right, but because people liked to do what was wrong.They were common, though prohibited by law.They were common, though condemned by public opinion.They were common, because in that age law and public opinion united had not sufficient force to restrain the greediness of powerful and unprincipled magistrates.They were common, as every crime will be common when the gain to which it leads is great, and the chance of punishment small.But, though common, they were universally allowed to be altogether unjustifiable; they were in the highest degree odious; and, though many were guilty of them, none had the audacity publicly to avow and defend them.

We could give a thousand proofs that the opinion then entertained concerning these practices was such as we have described.But we will content ourselves with calling a single witness, honest Hugh Latimer.His sermons, preached more than seventy years before the inquiry into Bacon's conduct, abound with the sharpest invectives against those very practices of which Bacon was guilty, and which, as Mr.Montagu seems to think, nobody ever considered as blamable till Bacon was punished for them.We could easily fill twenty pages with the homely, but just and forcible rhetoric of the brave old bishop.We shall select a few passages as fair specimens, and no more than fair specimens, of the rest."Omnes diligunt munera.They all love bribes.Bribery is a princely kind of thieving.They will be waged by the rich, either to give sentence against the poor, or to put off the poor man's cause.

This is the noble theft of princes and magistrates.They are bribe-takers.Nowadays they call them gentle rewards.Let them leave their colouring, and call them by their Christian name--bribes." And again."Cambyses was a great emperor, such another as our master is.He had many lord-deputies, lord-presidents, and lieutenants under him.It is a great while ago since I read the history.It chanced he had under him, in one of his dominions, a briber, a gift-taker, a gratifier of rich men; he followed gifts as fast as he that followed the pudding, a hand-maker in his office to make his son a great man, as the old saying is: Happy is the child whose father goeth to the devil.The cry of the poor widow came to the emperor's ear, and caused him to flay the judge quick, and laid his skin in the chair of judgment, that all judges that should give judgment afterwards should sit in the same skin.Surely it was a goodly sign, a goodly monument, the sign of the judge's skin.I pray God we may once see the skin in England." "I am sure," says he, in another sermon, "this is scala inferni, the right way to hell, to be covetous, to take bribes, and pervert justice.If a judge should ask me the way to hell, Iwould show him this way.First, let him be a covetous man; let his heart be poisoned with covetousness.Then let him go a little further, and take bribes; and, lastly, pervert judgment.Lo, here is the mother, and the daughter, and the daughter's daughter.

Avarice is the mother: she brings forth bribe-taking, and bribe-taking perverting of judgment.There lacks a fourth thing to make up the mess, which, so help me God, if I were judge, should be hangum tuum, a Tyburn tippet to take with him; an it were the judge of the King's Bench, my Lord Chief Judge of England, yea, an it were my Lord Chancellor himself, to Tyburn with him." We will quote but one more passage."He that took the silver basin and ewer for a bribe, thinketh that it will never come out.

But he may now know that I know it, and I know it not alone;there be more beside me that know it.Oh, briber and bribery!

He was never a good man that will so take bribes.Nor can Ibelieve that he that is a briber will be a good justice.It will never be merry in England till we have the skins of such.

For what needeth bribing where men do their things uprightly?"This was not the language of a great philosopher who had made new discoveries in moral and political science.It was the plain talk of a plain man, who sprang from the body of the people, who sympathised strongly with their wants and their feelings, and who boldly uttered their opinions.It was on account of the fearless way in which stout-hearted old Hugh exposed the misdeeds of men in ermine tippets and gold collars, that the Londoners cheered him, as he walked down the Strand to preach at Whitehall, struggled for a touch of his gown, and bawled, "Have at them, Father Latimer!" It is plain, from the passages which we have quoted, and from fifty others which we might quote, that, long before Bacon was born, the accepting of presents by a judge was known to be a wicked and shameful act, that the fine words under which it was the fashion to veil such corrupt practices were even then seen through by the common people, that the distinction on which Mr.Montagu insists between compliments and bribes was even then laughed at as a mere colouring.There may be some oratorical exaggeration in what Latimer says about the Tyburn tippet and the sign of the judge's skin; but the fact that he ventured to use such expressions is amply sufficient to prove that the gift-taking judges, the receivers of silver basins and ewers, were regarded as such pests of the commonwealth that a venerable divine might, without any breach of Christian charity, publicly pray to God for their detection and their condign punishment.