书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches


But, says Mr.Montagu, these presents "were made openly and with the greatest publicity." This would indeed be a strong argument in favour of Bacon.But we deny the fact.In one, and one only, of the cases in which Bacon was accused of corruptly receiving gifts, does he appear to have received a gift publicly.This was in a matter depending between the Company of Apothecaries and the Company of Grocers.Bacon, in his Confession, insisted strongly on the circumstance that he had on this occasion taken a present publicly, as a proof that he had not taken it corruptly.Is it not clear that, if he had taken the presents mentioned in the other charges in the same public manner, he would have dwelt on this point in his answer to those charges? The fact that he insists so strongly on the publicity of one particular present is of itself sufficient to prove that the other presents were not publicly taken.Why he took this present publicly and the rest secretly, is evident.He on that occasion acted openly, because he was acting honestly.He was not on that occasion sitting judicially.He was called in to effect an amicable arrangement between two parties.Both were satisfied with his decision.Both joined in making him a present in return for his trouble.Whether it was quite delicate in a man of his rank to accept a present under such circumstances, may be questioned.But there is no ground in this case for accusing him of corruption.

Unhappily, the very circumstances which prove him to have been innocent in this case prove him to have been guilty on the other charges.Once, and once only, he alleges that he received a present publicly.The natural inference is that in all the other cases mentioned in the articles against him he received presents secretly.When we examine the single case in which he alleges that he received a present publicly, we find that it is also the single case in which there was no gross impropriety in his receiving a present.Is it then possible to doubt that his reason for not receiving other presents in as public a manner was that he knew that it was wrong to receive them?

One argument still remains, plausible in appearance, but admitting of easy and complete refutation.The two chief complainants, Aubrey and Egerton, had both made presents to the Chancellor.But he had decided against them both.Therefore, he had not received those presents as bribes."The complaints of his accusers were," says Mr.Montagu, "not that the gratuities had, but that they had not influenced Bacon's judgment, as he had decided against them."The truth is, that it is precisely in this way that an extensive system of corruption is generally detected.A person who, by a bribe, has procured a decree in his favour, is by no means likely to come forward of his own accord as an accuser.He is content.

He has his quid pro quo.He is not impelled either by interested or by vindictive motives to bring the transaction before the public.On the contrary, he has almost as strong motives for holding his tongue as the judge himself can have.But when a judge practises corruption, as we fear that Bacon practised it, on a large scale, and has many agents looking out in different quarters for prey, it will sometimes happen that he will be bribed on both sides.It will sometimes happen that he will receive money from suitors who are so obviously in the wrong that he cannot with decency do anything to serve them.Thus he will now and then be forced to pronounce against a person from whom he has received a present; and he makes that person a deadly enemy.

The hundreds who have got what they paid for remain quiet.It is the two or three who have paid, and have nothing to show for their money, who are noisy.

The memorable case of the Goezmans is an example of this.

Beaumarchais had an important suit depending before the Parliament of Paris.M.Goezman was the judge on whom chiefly the decision depended.It was hinted to Beaumarchais that Madame Goezman might be propitiated by a present.He accordingly offered a purse of gold to the lady, who received it graciously.There can be no doubt that, if the decision of the court had been favourable to him, these things would never have been known to the world.But he lost his cause.Almost the whole sum which he had expended in bribery was immediately refunded; and those who had disappointed him probably thought that he would not, for the mere gratification of his malevolence, make public a transaction which was discreditable to himself as well as to them.They knew little of him.He soon taught them to curse the day in which they had dared to trifle with a man of so revengeful and turbulent a spirit, of such dauntless effrontery, and of such eminent talents for controversy and satire.He compelled the Parliament to put a degrading stigma on M.Goezman.He drove Madame Goezman to a convent.Till it was too late to pause, his excited passions did not suffer him to remember that he could effect their ruin only by disclosures ruinous to himself.We could give other instances.

But it is needless.No person well acquainted with human nature can fail to perceive that, if the doctrine for which Mr.Montagu contends were admitted, society would be deprived of almost the only chance which it has of detecting the corrupt practices of judges.

We return to our narrative.The sentence of Bacon had scarcely been pronounced when it was mitigated.He was indeed sent to the Tower.But this was merely a form.In two days he was set at liberty, and soon after he retired to Gorhambury.His fine was speedily released by the Crown.