书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches


Homer's descriptions of war had therefore as much truth as poetry requires.But truth was altogether wanting to the performances of those who, writing about battles which had scarcely anything in common with the battles of his times, servilely imitated his manner.The folly of Silius Italicus, in particular, is positively nauseous.He undertook to record in verse the vicissitudes of a great struggle between generals of the first order; and his narrative is made up of the hideous wounds which these generals inflicted with their own hands.Asdrubal flings a spear which grazes the shoulder of the consul Nero; but Nero sends his spear into Asdrubal's side.Fabius slays Thuris and Butes and Maris and Arses, and the long-haired Adherbes, and the gigantic Thylis, and Sapharus and Monaesus, and the trumpeter Morinus.Hannibal runs Perusinus through the groin with a stake, and breaks the backbone of Telesinus with a huge stone.This detestable fashion was copied in modern times, and continued to prevail down to the age of Addison.Several versifiers had described William turning thousands to flight by his single prowess, and dyeing the Boyne with Irish blood.Nay, so estimable a writer as John Philips, the author of the Splendid Shilling, represented Marlborough as having won the battle of Blenheim merely by strength of muscle and skill in fence.The following lines may serve as an example:-"Churchill viewing where The violence of Tallard most prevailed, Came to oppose his slaughtering arm.

With speed precipitate he rode, urging his way O'er hills of gasping heroes, and fallen steeds Rolling in death.Destruction, grim with blood, Attends his furious course.Around his head The glowing balls play innocent, while he With dire impetuous sway deals fatal blows Among the flying Gauls.In Gallic blood He dyes his reeking sword, and strews the ground With headless ranks.What can they do? Or how Withstand his wide-destroying sword?"Addison, with excellent sense and taste, departed from this ridiculous fashion.He reserved his praise for the qualities which made Marlborough truly great, energy, sagacity, military science.But, above all, the poet extolled the firmness of that mind which, in the midst of confusion, uproar, and slaughter, examined and disposed everything with the serene wisdom of a higher intelligence.

Here it was that he introduced the famous comparison of Marlborough to an angel guiding the whirlwind.We will not dispute the general justice of Johnson's remarks on this passage.

But we must point out one circumstance which appears to have escaped all the critics.The extraordinary effect which this simile produced when it first appeared, and which to the following generation seemed inexplicable, is doubtless to be chiefly attributed to a line which most readers now regard as a feeble parenthesis:--"Such as, of late, o'er pale Britannia pass'd."Addison spoke, not of a storm, but of the storm.The great tempest of November 1703, the only tempest which in our latitude has equalled the rage of a tropical hurricane, had left a dreadful recollection in the minds of all men.No other tempest was ever in this country the occasion of a parliamentary address or of a public fast.Whole fleets had been cast away.Large mansions had been blown down.One Prelate had been buried beneath the ruins of his palace.London and Bristol had presented the appearance of cities just sacked.Hundreds of families were still in mourning.The prostrate trunks of large trees, and the ruins of houses, still attested, in all the southern counties, the fury of the blast.The popularity which the simile of the angel enjoyed among Addison's contemporaries, has always seemed to us to be a remarkable instance of the advantage which, in rhetoric and poetry, the particular has over the general.