书城公版The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches

第93章 VON RANKE(13)

We have dwelt long on this subject, because we believe that of the many causes to which the Church of Rome owed her safety and her triumph at the close of the sixteenth century, the chief was the profound policy with which she used the fanaticism of such persons as St.Ignatius and St.Theresa.

The Protestant party was now indeed vanquished and humbled.In France, so strong had been the Catholic reaction that Henry the Fourth found it necessary to choose between his religion and his crown.In spite of his clear hereditary right, in spite of his eminent personal qualities, he saw that, unless he reconciled himself to the Church of Rome, he could not count on the fidelity even of those gallant gentlemen whose impetuous valour had turned the tide of battle at Ivry.In Belgium, Poland, and Southern Germany, Catholicism had obtained complete ascendency.The resistance of Bohemia was put down.The Palatinate was conquered.

Upper and Lower Saxony were overflowed by Catholic invaders.The King of Denmark stood forth as the Protector of the Reformed Churches: he was defeated, driven out of the empire, and attacked in his own possessions.The armies of the House of Austria pressed on, subjugated Pomerania, and were stopped in their progress only by the ramparts of Stralsund.

And now again the tide turned.Two violent outbreaks of religious feeling in opposite directions had given a character to the whole history of a whole century.Protestantism had at first driven back Catholicism to the Alps and the Pyrenees.Catholicism had rallied, and had driven back Protestantism even to the German Ocean.Then the great southern reaction began to slacken, as the great northern movement had slackened before.The zeal of the Catholics waxed cool.Their union was dissolved.The paroxysm of religious excitement was over on both sides.One party had degenerated as far from the spirit of Loyola as the other from the spirit of Luther.During three generations religion had been the mainspring of politics.The revolutions and civil wars of France, Scotland, Holland, Sweden, the long struggle between Philip and Elizabeth, the bloody competition for the Bohemian crown, had all originated in theological disputes.But a great change now took place.The contest which was raging in Germany lost its religious character.It was now, on one side, less a contest for the spiritual ascendency of the Church of Rome than for the temporal ascendency of the House of Austria.On the other side, it was less a contest for the reformed doctrines than for national independence.Governments began to form themselves into new combinations, in which community of political interest was far more regarded than community of religious belief.Even at Rome the progress of the Catholic arms was observed with mixed feelings.The Supreme Pontiff was a sovereign prince of the second rank, and was anxious about the balance of power as well as about the propagation of truth.It was known that he dreaded the rise of an universal monarchy even more than he desired the prosperity of the Universal Church.At length a great event announced to the world that the war of sects had ceased, and that the war of states had succeeded.A coalition, including Calvinists, Lutherans, and Catholics, was formed against the House of Austria.At the head of that coalition were the first statesman and the first warrior of the age; the former a prince of the Catholic Church, distinguished by the vigour and success with which he had put down the Huguenots; the latter a Protestant king who owed his throne to a revolution caused by hatred of Popery.The alliance of Richelieu and Gustavus marks the time at which the great religious struggle terminated.The war which followed was a war for the equilibrium of Europe.When, at length, the peace of Westphalia was concluded, it appeared that the Church of Rome remained in full possession of a vast dominion which in the middle of the preceding century she seemed to be on the point of losing.No part of Europe remained Protestant, except that part which had become thoroughly Protestant before the generation which heard Luther preach had passed away.

Since that time there has been no religious war between Catholics and Protestants as such.In the time of Cromwell, Protestant England was united with Catholic France, then governed by a priest, against Catholic Spain.William the Third, the eminently Protestant hero, was at the head of a coalition which included many Catholic powers, and which was secretly favoured even by Rome, against the Catholic Lewis.In the time of Anne, Protestant England and Protestant Holland joined with Catholic Savoy and Catholic Portugal, for the purpose of transferring the crown of Spain from one bigoted Catholic to another.