
第17章 F(1)

face up to(及物,不可分)正视

Dave's father faced up to many problems.戴夫的父亲勇于面对许多问题。

We must face up to the facts.我们必须勇于正视事实。

We shall surely solve our problems provided we face up to them.我们只要勇敢地面对问题,就一定会解决它们。

Facing up to such a vital question of life and death,the guerrilla leader looked as cool as a cucumber.面对着这样重大的生死问题,游击队长显得异常冷静。

fade away(不及物)渐渐衰弱下去

Joffe faded away as the illness grew worse.随着病情恶化乔菲的身体越来越弱。

The flowers faded away in the cold.花在寒冷的天气渐渐枯萎。

fall back(不及物)撤退,退出

The occupation troops were compelled to fall back from some regions.占领军被迫从若干地区撤退。

The two candidates fell back from the room when the meeting elected chairman.当与会者表决两位候选人之一当主席时,他们两人退出会场回避。

He is ill today and will fall back from the race.他今天病了,将退出比赛。

fall back on [upon](及物,不可分)转而依靠

The old woman is short of money,unable to see a doctor;so she has to fall back on Chinese herbal medicine.这老太太手头拮据,不能看医生,所以她只好用中草药治病。

We have put forward two plans to negotiate with that firm.If they don't agree to the first plan,we'll have to fall back on the second one.我们提出了两个方案同那家公司谈判,如果他们不同意第一方案,我们将不得不退到第二方案。

fall behind1(不及物)落在他人后面

In a race,Dave fell behind.戴夫在赛跑中落后了。

No one fell behind in the three days'forced march.在三天的急行军中没有一个掉队的。

He fell behind in his studies.他的学习跟不上。

They worry about falling behind in the armaments race.他们担心在军备竞赛中落后。

fall behind2(及物,不可分)落后于

It's not surprising that thinking falls behind reality.思想落后于现实的事是不奇怪的。

David fell behind the other students in French.戴维的法语落后于其他学生。

fall for(及物,不可分)为…倾倒

Duncan fell for a girl in his class at school.邓肯在学校爱上了他班上的一个女孩。

Aven fell for a French girl.艾文爱上了个法国女郎。

She was falling for swimming.她对游泳着了迷。

Hammer fell for football when he was young.哈默年轻时就爱上了足球。

fall in1(不及物)站队

Order the whole platoon to fall in.命令全排战士集合。

The militiamen have already fallen in.民兵们已集合好了。

The men fell in for inspection.士兵们列队准备接受检阅。

fall in2(及物,可分)使站队

The company leader fell his men in along the railway track.连长命令士兵沿铁轨排开。

Fall in the glasses and I'll fill them.把玻璃杯排开,我来斟酒。

The bicycles were fallen in,ready to start off.自行车列好了队,准备出发。

fall in with1(及物,不可分)碰见

The boy fell in with some robbers.这个男孩意外地碰到一些强盗。

Mike fell in with his chemistry teacher as he was having a stroll in the park.迈克在公园里散步时,意外地遇见了他的化学老师。

fall in with2(及物,不可分)赞成

Pyke fell in with my advice without stopping to consider it.派克毫不迟疑地同意了我的建议。

Mary's father has fallen in with her wish to marry John.玛丽希望嫁给约翰,她父亲已经同意。

We fell in with going on a picnic early.我们都赞成早点去野餐。

fall on [upon](及物,不可分)进攻

We fell on the enemy's right flank.我们袭击敌军右翼。

He fell on me when I was unaware.他趁我不备袭击我。

The enemy fell on us at night.敌军在夜间进攻我们。

He fell on the food as if he had not eaten for several days.他狼吞虎咽,好像有几天没吃东西一样。

fall out with(及物,不可分)与…吵架

He fell out with his comrades on a matter of principle.他和同志们在原则问题上发生了争吵。

Liza fell out with her sister over a bunch of flowers.莉莎为了一束鲜花同姐姐争吵。

Emily has an eccentric hobby of falling out with everybody.埃米莉有个怪癖,就是和谁都吵架。

The brothers and sisters fell out with each other over their father's legacy.兄弟姐妹为父亲的遗产发生了争吵。

fall to(及物,不可分)开始

The farmers fell to gathering in the wheat.农民们开始收割小麦。

He fell to work.他开始工作。

Gaining the top of the hill,she fell to feeling dizzy.到达山顶后,她开始感到眩晕。

fawn on [upon](及物,不可分)巴结

The snob fawns on anyone with power and influence.这个势利小人谁有权势他就巴结谁。

He never wanted to fawn on the rich.他从不想巴结阔人。

John is not the kind of man who likes being fawned on.约翰不是那种喜欢别人奉承的人。

He fawned on her about her sewing.他恭维她缝纫的技术好。

feed on [upon](及物,不可分)以…为食物

Vultures feed on dead animals.坐山雕以死动物为食。

Most Asians feed on rice.大多数亚洲人吃大米。

What does your cat feed on?你的猫吃什么?

He imagines that he can live on by feeding on fruit.他设想他能靠吃水果活下去。


His self-praise feeds me up.他的自我吹嘘使我厌烦。

I have been fed up with such flatteries.这种阿谀奉承我听腻了。

Walson is fed up with the stereotyped films.沃尔森厌倦那些千篇一律的电影。

feel for(及物,不可分)同情

Just think who'll feel for a murderer?且请想想有谁会怜悯杀人犯?

We should never feel for evil people.我们决不应怜惜恶人。

I heartily feel for you.我非常同情你。

When she was rich,she didn't feel for the poor.她有钱时并没有怜悯过穷人。

The refugees are much to be felt for.这些难民十分可怜。

feel like(及物,不可分)想要

Do you feel like going to the cinema?你想去看电影吗?

Everybody feels like a higher living standard.人人都想提高生活水平。

Few people feel like seeing such plays.几乎没人想看这种戏。

I don't feel like a bath.I've just had a heavy meal.我刚才吃得太饱,不想洗澡。

feel up to(及物,不可分)觉得有能力(做或承担)

My mother would have come to my graduation from Oxford,but she didn't feel up to the trip.我母亲本要来参加我在牛津大学的毕业典礼的,但她经不起旅途劳顿,未能成行。

The swimmer does not feel up to racing today.这位游泳运动员感到不能参加今天的比赛了。

George was ill;he didn't feel up to walking in the park.乔治病了,他觉得不能去公园散步了。

fend off(及物,可分)避开,挡开

We fended off the sensitive questions.我们避开了敏感问题。

He raised his arms to fend off the falling plaster.他举起手臂挡住落下的灰泥。

I fended off her by leaving by the back door.我从后门离去,避开了她。

The dog rushed at me,but I fended it off with my stick.狗向我扑来,但我用手杖挡住了它。

ferret out(及物,可分)查明

We soon ferreted out the truth.不久我们便查明了真相。

Did you ever ferret out who sent you the gifts?你查出了是谁送礼品给你的吗?

We must ferret the criminal case out.我们必须查清这起刑事案件。

The policemen ferreted him out to be a murderer.警察查出他是个杀人犯。