
第39章 P(1)

pack off(及物,可分)把…打发走

I packed off my son to school as soon as I went home from the night shift.我刚下夜班回来就打发儿子上学去。

She packed him off to the railway station.她打发他到火车站去了。

part with(及物,不可分)出售

Billy liked his racing bike very much but had to part with it.比利很喜欢他的跑车,但又不得不把它出让。

The thief parted with the car which he had stolen.窃贼把他偷来的汽车卖了。

pass away [on](不及物)(委婉)(通常指亲属或朋友)去世

It is to be regretted that your father has passed away.令尊仙逝,令人遗憾。

His mother passed away in hospital before dawn today.他母亲于今天凌晨在医院逝世。

pass by [over](及物,可分)忽略,不理睬

I'm prepared to pass by your other mistakes,but I can't ignore this one.我准备对你别的错误视而不见,但不能忽略这一次。

The news reporter passed me by in favour of a notable figure.记者没理会我而去赞扬一位名人。

We'll pass by that matter for the moment.我们将暂不理睬那件事。

pass for1(及物,不可分)冒充

People saw through the swindler who was trying to pass for a professor.人们识破了冒充教授的骗子。

The swindler passes for a policeman.这个骗子冒充警察。

pass for2(及物,不可分)被看做

He passes for a man of wealth in our little community.他被认为我们小社区的富翁。

The fighter plane passes for a bird.这架战斗机看上去像只鸟。

pass off1(不及物)终止

The wind has passed off and the waves have calmed down at sea.海上风平浪静。

Your illness will soon pass off.你的病不久就会好的。

When automobiles became popular,the use of the horse and buggy passed off.汽车普及后,就不再使用马和马车了。

pass off2(不及物)消失

I had a sore throat last night;it passed off soon after I took some antiphlogistic.昨夜我嗓子痛,当我服用一些消炎剂后不久就好了。

With a wave of his hand,the magician made the rabbit pass off.魔术师手一挥,兔子便消失了。

pass out(不及物)晕倒

Of course,Bill did not really pass out.当然,比尔并没有真正晕倒。

When the young man heard the news,he passed out with the skock.当这小伙子听到这个消息时,他震惊得昏过去了。

If he took one more drink,he would pass out.他要是再喝一杯酒,就会昏过去。

pass up(及物,可分)失去(机会等)

Don't be too prudent,or you will pass up a lot of chances to attain success.不要过分稳重,否则你会错过许多获得成功的机会的。

If we pass this bus up,we won't be able to go today.如果错过这趟汽车,我们今天就走不成了。

I regretted that I had passed up making a tour of Hangzhou.我对失掉去杭州旅游的机会感到遗憾。

pay down(及物,可分)(分期付款购货时)先付(一部分钱)

On a seven hundred dollar motorcycle,Henry paid down two hundred dollars and owed five hundred.(or:On a seven hundred dollar motorcycle,Henry paid two hundred dollars down and owed five hundred.)为买一辆700美元的摩托车,亨利先付了200美元,欠500美元。

When I bought the car,I paid down fifty thousand yuan and then paid off the other fifty thousand yuan for three years.我买汽车时先付了五万元,然后分三年付清了其余五万元。

pay for(及物,不可分)得到…的报应

You'll pay for doing evil.因为干坏事你将受到惩罚。

She was very generous to him,but she paid for it when he ran away with all her money.她对他慷慨大方,却因此吃了苦头,因为他把她的钱全部席卷而逃。

pay off1(及物,可分)还清(欠款)

Last month we paid off the debts.(or:Last month we paid the debts off.)上月我们偿清了债务。

I am sure I can pay off my outstanding loans this year.今年我一定能还清未偿贷款。

His arrears of rent have been paid off.他拖欠的租金已付清。

pay off2(不及物)取得成功,获得收益

He pays off in his studies.他在学业上很有成绩。

Lynd paid off as a doctor.林德做医生成功了。

Twenty students from the class paid off in the college examinations.这个班有20个学生考上了大学。

pay out(及物,可分)花费

They paid out several hundred dollars for insurance.他们花了几百美元参加保险。

He paid some money out on books every month.他每月花些钱买书。

persist in(及物,不可分)坚持

She persisted in using that shabby typewriter.她坚持使用那台破旧的打字机。

If you persist in misbehaving,you will be punished.你若继续行为不端,会受惩罚的。

If you persist in shouting,I'll leave.如果你这样大声叫嚷下去,我就要走了。

He persisted in his work despite the doctor's advice.他不顾医生的劝告坚持工作。

pick out1(及物,可分)挑选

Emma picks out the vegetables that she will cook.埃玛挑选出她要烹调的蔬菜。

Pick out the dress that you like best and I will buy it for your birthday.挑出你最喜欢的那件连衣裙,我愿把它买下来做你的生日礼物。

The professor picked me out as his assistant.教授挑我做他的助教。

pick out2(及物,可分)辨认

Your handwriting is easy to pick out.你的笔迹容易辨认。

Try to pick me out in this old school photograph.你试试从这张学生时代的旧照片上认出我来。

pick over(及物,可分)从…中挑拣

She picked over the pears to find the best ones.她在梨子中挑来挑去找最好的。

The fruiterer picked over a pile of peaches and put aside the over-ripe ones.这水果商仔细挑选一堆桃子,把熟过头的放在一边。

Edna picked the eggs over and chose ten.埃德娜在鸡蛋中挑来挑去,选中了10个。

pick up1(及物,可分)拾取

She picked up a wristwatch on her way home.她在回家的路上拾到一块手表。

The monkey picked an orange up and quickly climbed up the tree.猴子捡起一个橘子,很快爬上了树。

The pencil was picked up in the street.这支钢笔是在街上捡的。

pick up2(及物,可分)收拾

He picked up the tools before leaving the workshop.他收拾完工具才离开车间。

Tad picked his homework up hastily and went to bed.塔德匆匆收拾好家庭作业后睡觉去了。

pick up3(及物,可分)得到

I picked up this copy of "Macbeth"at an old bookshop.我在旧书店买到了这本《麦克白》。

I'll pick something up to eat before I go out.我出去以前要找点东西来吃。

pick up4(及物,可分)安排汽车等去接(人)

I'll pick you up on time at the railway station.我将准时到火车站接你。

I will drive over and pick you up at five o'clock.我5点钟开车来接你。

The bus stopped to pick up passengers.这公共汽车停下来接乘客。

pitch in1(不及物)提供帮助

My father pitched in when I lost my job.我失业时父亲帮助我渡过难关。

Whenever I had trouble,my elder brother would pitch in.每当我有困难时,我哥哥就帮助解决。

pitch in2(不及物)开始使劲干活

As soon as they came to the construction site,they pitched in.他们一来到工地就大干起来。

We took hoes and pitched in.我们拿起锄头使劲干起来。

pitch into1(及物,不可分)大吃大嚼起来

They pitched into instant-boiled mutton as if they had never eaten it.他们大吃大嚼起涮羊肉来,好像从来没吃过似的。

He was pitching into a roast duck with a wolfish appetite.他狼吞虎咽地大吃起烤鸭来。

pitch into2(及物,不可分)猛打,痛斥

He pitched into the horse across the back with his whip.他用鞭子猛抽马背。

His boss pitched into him for being late.他的老板骂他迟到。

plan on(及物,不可分)打算

We plan on starting for Tibet next week.我们打算下周动身去西藏。

He is planning on writing a play to be performed.他打算写一部话剧上演。

I plan on visiting my native place during this winter vacation.今年寒假我准备回老家看看。

play at(及物,不可分)不认真做(某事)

I accomplished nothing because I played at everything.我做什么事都不认真,所以一事无成。

He doesn't really make a scientific experiment,he just plays at it.他不认真做科学实验,他只是玩科学实验。

play down(及物,可分)缩小…的重要性

The hostile forces try hard to play down our country's achievements.敌对势力千方百计想贬低我国的成就。

Certain media inquire the discovery of new petroleum deposits,but we are playing it down until it will be thoroughly investigated.一些新闻媒体打听发现新油田的事,但我们在此事查清之前都是低调回答。