
第45章 R(2)

rule out(及物,可分)认为…不可能

Almost everyone hopes that wars can be ruled out forever.几乎人人都希望永远不会再发生战争。

The doctor deemed the cancer sufferer incurable,but said that he could not rule out the probability of a miracle.医生认为这癌症患者治不好了,但他又说不是没有出现奇迹的可能。

We can rule the possibility out that it was the lunatic who had shot the President.我们可以排除这个疯子向总统射击的可能性。

run across [into]1(及物,不可分)偶然碰见

Where did Bill run across Jane?比尔是在哪里碰见简的?

I ran across our chemistry teacher at the gate.我在大门口偶然遇见我们的化学老师。

They ran across a car accident on their way back.他们在回去的路上遭遇车祸。

run across [into]2(及物,不可分)偶然发现

Mr Brown ran across a 13th-century Chinese painting.布朗先生偶然发现了一幅13世纪的中国画。

I ran across this old diary in my desk.我在书桌里意外地发现了这本旧日记。

run after(及物,不可分)向(异性)求爱

Instead of devoting himself to his studies,he wasted his time running after girls.他把时间浪费在追求女孩子上,而没有专心学习。

He hasn't been forgetting the girl whom he ran after in his youth.他一直没有忘记他青年时期追求过的那个女孩。

A good many girls are running after the attractive new student.好些女孩子都在追求这个有吸引力的新来的大学生。

run along(不及物)走开(对儿童的命令语气)

Run along!Don't make trouble here!走开!别在这儿捣乱!

Run along,little devil;don't disturb me.I'm busy.走开,小鬼,别打扰我。我忙着呢。

run away [off]with1(及物,不可分)携…潜逃

The cashier ran away with a big sum of money.出纳员携巨款潜逃。

The thief ran away with all my bankbooks and bonds.小偷偷走了我全部的存折和债券。

She used to run away with her father's money.她过去常偷她父亲的钱。

run away [off]with2(及物,不可分)跟(某人)私奔

The sales clerk ran away with the shopkeeper's daughter.这店员跟店主的女儿私奔了。

Henry has run away with the proprietress.亨利同老板娘私奔了。

run away [off]with3(及物,不可分)对…失去控制

He is short-tempered and always lets his emotions run away with him.他性情暴躁,经常感情用事。

His words failed to convey his idea and his temper ran away with him.他词不达意,发了脾气。

run down1(不及物)钟、表等发条走完

His alarm clock ran down because he had not wound it up.他的闹钟停了,因为他没有上发条。

I've got used to winding up my watch before it runs down.我已习惯于在我的表停摆之前给它上发条。

run down2(及物,可分)毁谤

I can't tolerate your running down my father.我不能容忍你诽谤我父亲。

I wish you to stop running down your neighbours!我希望你不要再诽谤你的邻居。

She takes pleasure in running others down.她以说别人坏话为乐。

run down3(及物,可分)驾车途中撞上(他人)

The motorist ran down a man on a bicycle.那个摩托车手把一个骑脚踏车的男人撞倒了。

Last night a hit-and-run driver ran a man down in the village and killed him.昨夜一名肇事后开车逃走的司机在乡间撞死了一个男子。

run off(及物,不可分)印出

This machine can run off 70pages in a minute.这机器一分钟可印70页。

On the second edition,the publishing house ran off four thousand copies of this book.这书的第二版,出版社印了4000册。

The bottom line on this page hasn't been properly run off.这页的最后一行印得不清楚。

run on1(不及物)继续下去

If you've suffered from hypertension,you must go to a doctor at once.Don't let it run on.得了高血压,必须立刻就医,不能拖。

The flu will run on if nothing is done to check it.如果不设法制止,流感就会蔓延。

The fighting around the airport ran on for a week before the enemy were defeated.机场附近的战斗持续了一个星期,敌军才被击溃。

run on2(不及物)没完没了地说话

She does run on so!她确实唠叨个不停。

In her talk she ran on so that no one could get in a word.她说起话来滔滔不绝,以致谁也插不上一句话。

Jeans always ran on for hours about nothing at all.琼斯总是喋喋不休地讲好几小时的废话。

run out of(及物,不可分)用光

We have run out of butter.我们的奶油已经吃完了。

Hake wanted to buy and read several magazines,but he ran out of time and money.黑克想买几本杂志来读,但他没有钱和时间。

“There's nothing left to eat,”she said.“We've run out of food.”“没有剩下可吃的东西了,”她说。“我们的食品已经吃完了。”

The tractor operator said that he was running out of fuel oil.拖拉机手说,他的柴油快用完了。

run...out of...(及物,必分)把…从…赶走

Our frontier force ran the aggressor troops out of our country.我边防军把侵略军赶出了我们的国土。

If you go on like this,we'll run you out of here.如果你继续这样下去,我们就要把你从这里撵走。

run out on(及物,不可分)舍弃

The upstart ran out on his wife who had shared his hard lot.这个暴发户遗弃了他的糟糠之妻。

All his friends ran out on him when he was in financial difficulties.当他经济困难时,他所有的朋友皆弃他而去。

run over1(及物,可分)从…的身上碾过

Most drivers feel upset if they run over a domestic animal.大多数司机在开车途中如果碾过一头畜生,都感到不安。

A truck ran a donkey over and killed it.一辆卡车碾死了一头驴。

A snake was run over by a tractor.一条蛇被一辆拖拉机碾死了。

run over2[through](及物,可分)大略地看

He quickly ran over the headlines and put the paper down.他匆匆看了一下标题便把报纸放下。

Run over this batch of papers and tell me what you think of them.把这批论文浏览一下并告诉我你的看法。

The speaker ran the draft of his speech over before the lecture.演讲人在演讲以前把他的讲稿浏览了一遍。

run through(及物,不可分)挥霍

They ran through an enormous sum of money but got little done.他们挥霍了一大笔钱,但没有办成什么事。

This prodigal has run through all his family belongings.这个败家子已花完了他的全部家当。

He ran through his time having nothing to do all his life.他一生浪费光阴,无所事事。

run up(及物,不可分)升(旗)

They ran up the flag in salute upon sighting our ship.他们看见我们的船时,升旗致敬。

On Tian'anmen Square the national flag is run up early every day.天安门广场上每天很早就升国旗。

run up against1(及物,不可分)遇见

He ran up against a friend on the road.他在路上碰到一位朋友。

I ran up against the artist twice yesterday.我昨天碰巧两次遇见那位美术家。

We ran up against the enemy on a narrow mountain path.我们在狭隘的山道上同敌军遭遇。

run up against2(及物,不可分)遇到(困难等)

The policemen ran up against some difficulties in pursuing an escaped prisoner.警察在追捕一名越狱逃犯时遇到一些困难。

We had thought our scientific experiment would go on smothly,but we ran up against unforeseen problems.我们当初以为我们的科学实验会顺利进行,但我们遇到了意外的问题。

run up against3(及物,不可分)撞上

Many people were hurt when two buses ran up against each other at the corner.两辆公共汽车在拐角处相撞,有很多人受伤。

In the dark a drunkard ran up against a wall.在黑暗中一个醉汉撞上了一堵墙。

rush into(及物,可分)轻率[匆忙]行事

My father warned me against rushing into things.父亲告诫我不要做事莽撞。

Henry and Mary have rushed into marriage.亨利和玛丽迫不及待地结了婚。

Never rush into signing anything.不要轻率地签署任何东西。


It was the surprise attack launched by the division that rushed the enemy into accepting it.是这个师发动的突然袭击使敌军仓促应战。

It's not appropriate to be rushed into behaviour.听人家一说就莽撞行事可不好。