
第47章 S(2)

set off [forth]1(不及物)出发

The train for Chicago sets off at 14:25.开往芝加哥的列车14点25分发车。

We plan to set off when the sun rises.我们打算在太阳升起的时候出发。

The mobile medical team is setting off tonight.巡回医疗队今晚就要出发了。

We set off at dawn from that town.我们黎明时从那个小城出发。

set off2(及物,不可分)使爆炸,放(烟火等)

A detonator can set off a bomb.雷管能引爆炸弹。

They always set off fireworks on National Day.他们总是在国庆节燃放烟火。

Another nuclear device was set off in that country.那个国家又爆炸了一个核装置。

set out(不及物)出发

Mr Hammer sets out for work at seven in the morning every workday.哈默先生平时早上7点动身去上班。

The sailors set out in January on their long journey.水手们在1月份出发远航。

It was raining when we set out.我们出发时正在下雨。

set to(不及物)大干起来

The builders set to and built a garage very swiftly.建筑工人们努力干起来,很快就盖起了一间车库。

The students set to and soon the paths were cleared of snow.学生们大干起来,路上的雪很快被清除了。

Let's set to!This housing project will be carried out sooner and better.让我们大干一番吧!这项住宅建设计划将会更快、更好地完成。

set up1(及物,可分)开办

The young couple set up a shop on Vincent Street.小两口在文森特街开了一家商店。

They set a clothing factory up two years ago.他们两年前办起了一家服装厂。

set up2(及物,可分)建立

The Government set up a special department to deal with the problem.政府已成立一个专门部门来处理这个问题。

Thomas Edison set a small laboratory up when he was ten.托马斯·爱迪生10岁时就建立了一个小实验室。

The Lu Xun Academy of Arts was set up in 1938.鲁迅艺术学院是1938年成立的。

settle down1(不及物)成家,定居

Most young people settle down in their twenties.大多数年轻人在二十几岁时成家。

You are an unmarried man yet;you had better settle down.你还是个单身汉,该成家了。

I've resolved to settle down where conditions are hard.我已下决心哪里艰苦哪里安家。

The agriculturist has settled down in the countryside.这位农学家已在农村安家落户。

settle down2(不及物)(心情)安定下来

He was unhappy when he first went to school,but he soon settled down and liked it very much.他刚上学时很不快活,但很快就定下心来了,并且很喜欢学校。

He felt anxious about his hypertension at first and settled down afterwards.起初他担心自己的高血压,后来逐渐安下心来了。

None of us could settle down until he recovered from a serious illness.他重病痊愈后,大家的心情才安定下来。

settle for(及物,不可分)不情愿地接受

The poor old man asked the landlord to reduce the rent;he settled for it.这位贫寒的老头向房东要求减少房租,他勉强同意。

They'll enter into negotiations with the enemy for a cease-fire,but they will never settle for the enemy's harsh terms.他们将和敌人开始停火谈判,但他们决不会接受敌人的苛刻条件。

I'll never settle for being at the mercy of others.我决不甘心任人摆布。

settle on [upon]1(及物,不可分)同意

George settled on the terms for buying their machines.乔治同意这些条件购买他们的机器。

They all settled on the plan.他们全都同意这个计划。

The girl's parents reluctantly settled on her marriage although she was only seventeen.那女孩的父母勉强同意了她的婚事,尽管她当时只有17岁。

settle on [upon]2(及物,不可分)挑选

She looked at all the scarfs in the shop and finally settled on this one.她看了这家商店里所有的围巾,最后选定这条。

Will you help me settle on a new coat?你帮我挑一件新大衣好吗?

Who was settled on as the new mayor?谁被选为新市长?

settle up1(及物,可分)清(账),还(债)

Many people settle up their bills on the first of each month.许多人在每月1日付账。

I'm heavily in debt;I'll surely settle up the exact amount.我负债累累,我一定如数偿还。

I'm anxious to settle my debts up.我渴望还清欠款。

settle up2(不及物)清账

I shall settle up with you at the end of the month.我要在月底同你结账。

I stayed at your hotel for 4days.May I use American dollar for quoting prices and settling up?我在贵店住了四天,我可以用美元牌价结账吗?

This inn is too dirty to put up at any longer.We had better settle up and go.这家客店太脏,不能再住下去,我们最好结账走吧。

sew up(及物,可分)(用线等)缝合

The surgeon sewed up the cut in the boy's finger with a piece of fine silk thread.外科医生用一根细丝线把这男孩手指上的伤口缝合起来了。

This hole is too large;I can't sew it up.这个洞太大了,我没法缝合。

Her money was sewn up in an inner pocket.她的钱被缝在衣服的一个内口袋里。

shake off(及物,可分)脱离

He insisted on going with me although I tried to shake him off.他老跟我一起走,虽然我试图摆脱他。

He managed to shake off the man who was pursuing him.他设法甩掉那个跟踪他的人。

I found it hard to shake off the responsibility.我发现难以摆脱这个责任。

shake up(及物,不可分)改组

The higher authorities decided to shake up the leading group of this school.上级决定改组这所学校的领导班子。

The Government ordered that sort of organizations to be shaken up.政府下令改组那类组织。

share in(及物,不可分)参加

Are you going to share in the discussion?你打算参加讨论吗?

The naval vessels shared in the salvage of the sunk ship.海军舰艇参加了抢救沉船的工作。

Everyone shared in making the picnic a success.每个人都为搞好这次野餐出了力。

He shared in the planning of it.他参与了计划此事。

shoot up(不及物)迅速升起

Colourful balloons shot up into the sky on National Day.国庆节那天五颜六色的气球迅速升向天空。

The temperature has been shooting up lately.最近气温一直在上升。

The patient's pulse rate shot up last night.昨夜这个病人的脉搏急剧加快。

shop around(不及物)购商品前到处做比较

We told the saleswoman we were only shopping around.我们对女售货员说我们只是看看,不一定买东西。

Lacey likes to shop around to find the best shoes.莱西喜欢货比多家,以发现最好的鞋。

It will do you good to shop around.购物前多看几家商店比较比较价钱是有好处的。

shout down1(及物,可分)大声喊叫以致压倒别人的声音

A crowd should listen to a speaker and should not shout down him or her.人们应当好好听演说者讲话而不应当大声喊叫以致听不见演说者的声音。

His speech was shouted down by cheers.他的讲话被欢呼声淹没了。

Each of the two women tried to shout the other down.两个女人都扯开嗓门想把对方的声音压下去。

shout down2(及物,可分)大声制止(某人说话)

The audience shouted down the speaker who was ignorant and incompetent.听众喝倒彩,制止那位不学无术的演说者。

Don't talk to them that way,or they'll shout you down.别那样对他们讲话,否则他们会把你轰下台的。

show...around [round](...)(及物,必分)带领(某人)参观

The manager showed the visitors around.经理带领客人们到处参观。

If you are free tomorrow,could you show me round the Summer Palace?明天你如果有空,能带我去颐和园看看吗?

The guide is showing a lot of tourists around the Great Wall.导游正带一批游客参观长城。

show off1(不及物)炫耀

He never shows off.他从不卖弄。

She is showing off in her new dress.她穿着新衣四处炫耀。

A well-trained man often doesn't show off.有真才实学的人往往并不卖弄。

show off2(及物,不可分)炫耀

He took the floor just to show off his learning.他发言只是为了卖弄学问。

She wore a bikini to show off her figure.她穿一件三点式泳装以卖弄她的身材。

My husband likes to show off his garden to visitors.我丈夫喜欢向来访者炫耀他的花园。

show up1(不及物)到场,露面

Has Henry shown up yet?亨利来了吗?

Did everyone notified to attend the meeting show up?通知到会的人都到了吗?

The bride's father didn't show up at the wedding.新娘的父亲没有在婚礼上露面。

Among those showing up at the celebration were only a few eminent statesmen.在出席庆典的人们当中仅仅有几位著名政治家。