
第58章 V

vamp up1(及物,可分)虚构,捏造

The swindler vamped up a story.骗子伪造了一套经历。

There isn't any little boy called Jim;she's just vamped him up.根本没有什么叫吉姆的小男孩,那是她虚构出来的。

The document was vamped up.这文件是捏造的。

vamp up2(及物,可分)用…拼凑成

Ivan vamped up a lecture out of his old notes.伊凡从旧笔记中拼凑出一篇讲稿。

Robert vamped a radio up with some used spares.罗伯特用一些旧零件拼凑成一台收音机。


I don't think anybody has the right to vote our marriage down.我认为谁都无权否定我们的婚事。

The supreme court voted the decision of the local court down.最高法院否决了地方法院的判决。

The motion was voted down at the assembly.提案被大会否决了。