Georgians,north Georgians,only a generation away from pioneers.They were sure of themselves and of their environment.They knew instinctively what they were about,as did the Wilkeses,though in widely divergent ways,and in them there was no such conflict as frequently raged in Scarlett's bosom where the blood of a soft-voiced,overbred Coast aristocrat mingled with the shrewd,earthy blood of an Irish peasant.Scarlett wanted to respect and adore her mother like an idol and to rumple her hair and tease her too.And she knew she should be altogether one way or the other.It was the same conflicting emotion that made her desire to appear a delicate and high-bred lady with boys and to be,as well,a hoyden who was not above a few kisses.
“Where's Ellen this morning?”asked Mrs.Tarleton.
“She's after discharging our overseer and stayed home to go over the accounts with him.Where's himself and the lads?”
“Oh,they rode over to Twelve Oaks hours ago—to sample the punch and see if it was strong enough,I dare say,as if they wouldn't have from now till tomorrow morning to do it!I'm going to ask John Wilkes to keep them overnight,even if he has to bed them down in the stable.Five men in their cups are just too much for me.Up to three,I do very well but—”
Gerald hastily interrupted to change the subject.He could feel his own daughters snickering behind his back as they remembered in what condition he had come home from the Wilkeses'last barbecue the autumn before.
“And why aren't you riding today,Mrs.Tarleton?Sure,you don't look yourself at all without Nellie.It's a stentor,you are.”
“A stentor,me ignorant broth of a boy!”cried Mrs.Tarleton,aping his brogue.“You mean a centaur.Stentor was a man with a voice like a brass gong.”
“Stentor or centaur,'tis no matter,”answered Gerald,unruffled by his error.“And 'tis a voice like brass you have,Ma'm,when you're urging on the hounds,so it is.”
“That's one on you,Ma,”said Hetty.“I told you you yelled like a Comanche whenever you saw a fox.”
“But not as loud as you yell when Mammy washes your ears,”returned Mrs.Tarleton.“And you sixteen!Well,as to why I'm not riding today,Nellie foaled early this morning.”
“Did she now!”cried Gerald with real interest,his Irishman's passion for horses shining in his eyes,and Scarlett again felt the sense of shock in comparing her mother with Mrs.Tarleton.To Ellen,mares never foaled nor cows calved.In fact,hens almost didn't lay eggs.Ellen ignored these matters completely.But Mrs.Tarleton had no such reticences.
“A little filly,was it?”
“No,a fine little stallion with legs two yards long.You must ride over and see him,Mr.O'Hara.He's a real Tarleton horse.He's as red as Hetty's curls.”
“And looks a lot like Betty,too,”said Camilla,and then disappeared shrieking amid a welter of skirts and pantalets and bobbing hats,as Hetty,who did have a long face,began pinching her.
“My fillies are feeling their oats this morning,”said Mrs.Tarleton.“They've been kicking up their heels ever since we heard the news this morning about Ashley and that little cousin of his from Atlanta.What's her name?Melanie?Bless the child,she's a sweet little thing,but I can never remember either her name or her face.Our cook is the broad wife of the Wilkes butler,and he was over last night with the news that the engagement would be announced tonight and Cookie told us this morning.The girls are all excited about it,though I can't see why.Everybody's known for years that Ashley would marry her,that is,if he didn't marry one of his Burr cousins from Macon.Just like Honey Wilkes is going to marry Melanie's brother,Charles.Now,tell me,Mr.O'Hara,is it illegal for the Wilkes to marry outside of their family?Because if—”
Scarlett did not hear the rest of the laughing words.For one short instant,it was as though the sun had ducked behind a cool cloud,leaving the world in shadow,taking the color out of things.The freshly green foliage looked sickly,the dogwood pallid,and the flowering crab,so beautifully pink a moment ago,faded and dreary.Scarlett dug her fingers into the upholstery of the carriage and for a moment her parasol wavered.It was one thing to know that Ashley was engaged but it was another to hear people talk about it so casually.Then her courage flowed
strongly back and the sun came out again and the landscape glowed anew.She knew Ashley loved her.That was certain.And she smiled as she thought how surprised Mrs.Tarleton would be when no engagement was announced that night—how surprised if there were an elopement.And she'd tell neighbors what a sly boots Scarlett was to sit there and listen to her talk about Melanie when all the time she and Ashley—She dimpled at her own thoughts and Hetty,who had been watching sharply the effect of her mother's words,sank back with a small puzzled frown.
“I don't care what you say,Mr.O'Hara,”Mrs.Tarleton was saying emphatically.“It's all wrong,this marrying of cousins.It's bad enough for Ashley to be marrying the Hamilton child,but for Honey to be marrying that pale-looking Charles Hamilton—”
“Honey'll never catch anybody else if she doesn't marry Charlie,”said Randa,cruel and secure in her own popularity.“She's never had another beau except him.And he's never acted very sweet on her,for all that they're engaged.Scarlett,you remember how he ran after you last Christmas—”
“Don't be a cat,Miss,”said her mother.“Cousins shouldn't marry,even second cousins.It weakens the strain.It isn't like horses.You can breed a mare to a brother or a sire to a daughter and get good results if you know your blood strains,but in people it just doesn't work.You get good lines,perhaps,but no stamina.You—”
“Now,Ma'm,I'm taking issue with you on that!Can you name me better people than the Wilkes?And they've been intermarrying since Brian Boru was a boy.”