

“Another such word and you go out of this house,Archie,”she said sternly.“It's not her fault.She only did—did what she felt she had to do.And our men did what they felt they had to do.People must do what they must do.We don't all think alike or act alike and it's wrong to—to judge others by ourselves.How can you and India say such cruel things when her husband as well as mine may be—may be—”

“Hark!”interrupted Archie softly.“Set,Ma'm.Thar's horses.”

Melanie sank into a chair,picked up one of Ashley's shirts and,bowing her head over it,unconsciously began to tear the frills into small ribbons.

The sound of hooves grew louder as horses trotted up to the house.There was the jangling of bits and the strain of leather and the sound of voices.As the hooves stopped in front of the house,one voice rose above the others in a command and the listeners heard feet going through the side yard toward the back porch.They felt that a thousand inimical eyes looked at them through the unshaded front window and the four women,with fear in their hearts,bent their heads and plied their needles.Scarlett's heart screamed in her breast:“I've killed Ashley!I've killed him!”And in that wild moment she did not even think that she might have killed Frank too.She had no room in her mind for any picture save that of Ashley,lying at the feet of Yankee cavalrymen,his fair hair dappled with blood.

As the harsh rapid knocking sounded at the door,she looked at Melanie and saw come over the small,strained face a new expression,an expression as blank as she had just seen on Rhett Butler's face,the bland blank look of a poker player bluffing a game with only two deuces.

“Archie,open the door,”she said quietly.

Slipping his knife into his boot top and loosening the pistol in his trouser band,Archie stumped over to the door and flung it open.Pitty gave a little squeak,like a mouse who feels the trap snap down,as she saw massed in the doorway,a Yankee captain and a squad of bluecoats.But the others said nothing.Scarlett saw with the faintest feeling of relief that she knew this officer.He was Captain Tom Jaffery,one of Rhett's friends.She had sold him lumber to build his house.She knew him to be a gentleman.Perhaps,as he was a gentleman,he wouldn't drag them away to prison.He recognized her instantly and,taking off his hat,bowed,somewhat embarrassed.

“Good evening,Mrs.Kennedy.And which of you ladies is Mrs.Wilkes?”

“I am Mrs.Wilkes,”answered Melanie,rising and for all her smallness,dignity flowed from her.“And to what do I owe this intrusion?”

The eyes of the captain flickered quickly about the room,resting for an instant on each face,passing quickly from their faces to the table and hat rack as though looking for signs of male occupancy.

“I should like to speak to Mr.Wilkes and Mr.Kennedy,if you please.”

“They are not here,”said Melanie,a chill in her soft voice.

“Are you sure?”

“Don't you question Miz Wilkes'word,”said Archie,his beard bristling.

“I beg your pardon,Mrs.Wilkes.I meant no disrespect.If you give me your word,I will not search the house.”

“You have my word.But search if you like.They are at a meeting downtown at Mr.Kennedy's store.”

“They are not at the store.There was no meeting tonight,”answered the captain grimly.“We will wait outside until they return.”

He bowed briefly and went out,closing the door behind him.Those in the house heard a sharp order,muffled by the wind:“Surround the house.A man at each window and door.”There was a tramping of feet.Scarlett checked a start of terror as she dimly saw bearded faces peering in the windows at them.Melanie sat down and with a hand that did not tremble reached for a book on the table.It was a ragged copy of Les Misérables,that book which caught the fancy of the Confederate soldiers.They had read it by camp-fire light and took some grim pleasure in calling it “Lee's Miserables.”She opened it at the middle and began to read in a clear monotonous voice.

“Sew,”commanded Archie in a hoarse whisper and the three women,nerved by Melanie's cool voice,picked up their sewing and bowed their heads.

How long Melanie read beneath that circle of watching eyes,Scarlett never knew but it seemed hours.She did not even hear a word that Melanie read.Now she was beginning to think of Frank as well as Ashley.So this was the explanation of his apparent calm this evening!He had promised her he would have nothing to do with the Klan.Oh,this was just the kind of trouble she had feared would come upon them!All the work of this last year would go for nothing.All her struggles and fears and labors in rain and cold had been wasted.And who would have thought that spiritless old Frank would get himself mixed up in the hot-headed doings of the Klan?Even at this minute,he might be dead.And if he wasn't dead and the Yankees caught him,he'd be hanged.And Ashley,too!

Her nails dug into her palms until four bright-red crescents showed.How could Melanie read on and on so calmly when Ashley was in danger of being hanged?When he might be dead?But something in the cool soft voice reading the sorrows of Jean Valjean steadied her,kept her from leaping to her feet and screaming.

Her mind fled back to the night Tony Fontaine had come to them,hunted,exhausted,without money.If he had not reached their house and received money and a fresh horse,he would have been hanged long since.If Frank and Ashley were not dead at this very minute,they were in Tony's position,only worse.With the house surrounded by soldiers they couldn't come home and get money and clothes without being captured.And probably every house up and down the street had a similar guard of Yankees,so they could not apply to friends for aid.Even now they might be riding wildly through the night,bound for Texas.