

“Tom,what you arresting him for?He ain't so very drunk.I've seen him drunker.”

“Drunk be damned,”cried the captain.“He can lie in the gutter for all I care.I'm no policeman.He and Mr.Elsing are under arrest for complicity in a Klan raid at Shantytown tonight.A nigger and a white man were killed.Mr.Wilkes was the ringleader in it.”

“Tonight?”Rhett began to laugh.He laughed so hard that he sat down on the sofa and put his head in his hands.“Not tonight,Tom,”he said when he could speak.“These two have been with me tonight—ever since eight o'clock when they were supposed to be at the meeting.”

“With you,Rhett?But—”A frown came over the Captain's forehead and he looked uncertainly at the snoring Ashley and his weeping wife.“But—where were you?”

“I don't like to say,”and Rhett shot a look of drunken cunning at Melanie.

“You'd better say!”

“Le's go out on the porch and I'll tell you where we were.”

“You'll tell me now.”

“Hate to say it in front of ladies.If you ladies'll step out of the room—”

“I won't go,”cried Melanie,dabbing angrily at her eyes with her handkerchief.“I have a right to know.Where was my husband?”

“At Belle Watling's sporting house,”said Rhett,looking abashed.“He was there and Hugh and Frank Kennedy and Dr.Meade and—and a whole lot of them.Had a party.Big party.Champagne.Girls—”

“At—at Belle Watling's?”

Melanie's voice rose until it cracked with such pain that all eyes turned frightenedly to her.Her hand went clutching at her bosom and,before Archie could catch her,she had fainted.Then a hubbub ensued,Archie picking her up,India running to the kitchen for water,Pitty and Scarlett fanning her and slapping her wrists,while Hugh Elsing shouted over and over:“Now you've done it!Now you've done it!”

“Now it'll be all over town,”said Rhett savagely.“I hope you're satisfied,Tom.There won't be a wife in Atlanta who'll speak to her husband tomorrow.”

“Rhett,I had no idea—”Though the chill wind was blowing through the open door on his back,the captain was perspiring.“Look here!You take oath they were at—er—at Belle's?”

“Hell,yes,”growled Rhett.“Go ask Belle herself if you don't believe me.Now,let me carry Mrs.Wilkes to her room.Give her to me,Archie.Yes,I can carry her.Miss Pitty,go ahead with a lamp.”

He took Melanie's limp body from Archie's arms with ease.

“You get Mr.Wilkes to bed,Archie.I don't want to ever lay eyes or hands on him again after this night.”

Pitty's hand trembled so that the lamp was a menace to the safety of the house but she held it and trotted ahead toward the dark bedroom.Archie,with a grunt,got an arm under Ashley and raised him.

“But—I've got to arrest these men!”

Rhett turned in the dim hallway.

“Arrest them in the morning then.They can't run away in this condition—and I never knew before that it was illegal to get drunk in a sporting house.Good God,Tom,there are fifty witnesses to prove they were at Belle's.”

“There are always fifty witnesses to prove a Southerner was somewhere where he wasn't,”said the captain morosely.“You come with me,Mr.Elsing.I'll parole Mr.Wilkes on the word of—”

“I am Mr.Wilkes'sister.I will answer for his appearance,”said India coldly.“Now,will you please go?You've caused enough trouble for one night.”

“I regret it exceedingly.”The captain bowed awkwardly.“I only hope they can prove their presence at the—er—Miss—Mrs.Watling's house.Will you tell your brother that he must appear before the provost marshal tomorrow morning for questioning?”

India bowed coldly and,putting her hand upon the door knob,intimated silently that his speedy retirement would be welcome.The captain and the sergeant backed out,Hugh Elsing with them,and she slammed the door behind them.Without even looking at Scarlett,she went swiftly to each window and drew down the shade.Scarlett,her knees shaking,caught hold of the chair in which Ashley had been sitting to steady herself.Looking down at it,she saw that there was a dark moist spot,larger than her palm.

“India,”she whispered,“India,Ashley's—he's hurt.”

“You fool!Did you think he was really drunk?”

India snapped down the last shade and started on flying feet for the bedroom,with Scarlett close behind her,her heart in her throat.Rhett's big body barred the doorway but,past his shoulder,Scarlett saw Ashley lying white and still on the bed.Melanie,strangely quick for one so recently in a faint,was rapidly cutting off his blood-soaked shirt with embroidery scissors.Archie held the lamp low over the bed to give light and one of his gnarled fingers was on Ashley's wrist.

“Is he dead?”cried both girls together.

“No,just fainted from loss of blood.It's through his shoulder,”said Rhett.

“Why did you bring him here,you fool?”cried India.“Let me get to him!Let me pass!Why did you bring him here to be arrested?”

“He was too weak to travel.There was nowhere else to bring him,Miss Wilkes.Besides—do you want him to be an exile like Tony Fontaine?Do you want a dozen of your neighbors to live in Texas under assumed names for the rest of their lives?There's a chance that we may get them all off if Belle—”

“Let me pass!”

“No,Miss Wilkes.There's work for you.You must go for a doctor—Not Dr.Meade.He's implicated in this and is probably explaining to the Yankees at this very minute.Get some other doctor.Are you afraid to go out alone at night?”

“No,”said India,her pale eyes glittering.“I'm not afraid.”She caught up Melanie's hooded cape which was hanging on a hook in the hall.“I'll go for old Dr.Dean.”The excitement went out of her voice as,with an effort,she forced calmness.“I'm sorry I called you a spy and a fool.I did not understand.I'm deeply grateful for what you've done for Ashley—but I despise you just the same.”

“I appreciate frankness—and I thank you for it.”Rhett bowed and his lip curled down in an amused smile.“Now,go quickly and by back ways and when you return do not come in this house if you see signs of soldiers about.”