书城公版Andreas Hofer


While Elza was speaking, Eliza had turned paler and paler; a slight tremor passed through her whole frame, and she compressed her lips firmly, as if to restrain the cry oppressing her bosom.

Now she laid her hand gently on Elza's head. "You love him, Elza,"she said mildly. "I understand your heart, dearest Elza, you love him. And now dry your tears and listen to what I have to say to you.

But first you must look at me, Elza, and you must show me your dear face; otherwise I won't tell you the good news I have got for you."Elza dropped her hands from her face, and looked, smiling amid her tears, into Eliza's countenance, which seemed now again entirely calm and serene.

"Now listen, Elza," she whispered, hurriedly; "Ulrich is not my bridegroom, and he never told me that he loved me."Elza uttered a cry of joy, and a sunbeam seemed to illuminate her face.

"I merely said so in order to save him," added Lizzie; "that was the reason why I uttered that impudent lie, which God Almighty, I hope, will forgive me. I saw that my father was just about to hill him and my heart told me I ought to save him at all hazards. I hastened to my father, and the words escaped my lips, I myself do not know how.

I said I loved him, he would marry me, and was my affianced bride-groom; and this saved him, for he was intent on dying rather than fall alive, as he said, into the hands of the peasant-rabble. That was the reason why he was so bold, abused the Tyrolese so violently, and would not cease resisting them. Therefore, I had to save him not only from my father, but from his own rage; and I did it.""But do you not love him?" asked Elza smiling.

"Do you not know that Joseph Thurmwalder has been courting me for a year past? My father will be glad to have me marry him; for he is the son of rich parents and the most skillful and handsome hunter in the whole Puster valley.""But you have often told me that you did not love him?""Have you not often told me likewise that you did not love Ulrich, Elza? We girls are queer beings, and never say whom we love!""But Ulrich! He loves you! Yes, yes, I know he loves you. I have suspected it a long time, and always teased him with his attachment to you.""And he always denied it, did he not?"

"Yes, he did, and yet--"