
第9章 词汇篇(3)


例句:I hope you'll get well soon.希望你能尽快好起来。


例句:I never get to see that movie because I am too busy these days.我太忙了,没能去看那部电影。


例句:It's the phrase he used that gets me.让我迷惑的是他的措辞。


例句:It's Wendy.I'll get the door.是温蒂来了,我去开门。


1-getting at意指,暗示

例句:I'm not sure what you're getting at.我不知道你意指什么。

2-get into惹上,陷入

例句:Don't get into any trouble.不要惹麻烦。

3-get to somebody让某人烦心,惹某人生气

例句:Don't let it get to you.It's not worth it.别为它生气,这不值得。

4-get up起床,叫某人起床

例句:I've got to get Wendy up,or she will be late for work.我得叫温蒂起床,不然她上班会迟到的。

5-Get out(of here)!滚蛋;我才不信呢!得了吧!少来了!(表示怀疑或者不相信)

例句:Get the hell out of here!You bastard!滚蛋!你个浑蛋!

A:I'm sexy and I know it.我知道我很性感。

B:Get out of here!少来了!

6-get over克服,不再纠结,熬过;恢复

例句:You really need to get over this.你真的应该让这事过去。

7-get through熬过去,挺过去

例句:We're going to get through this.


8-get going开始行动,离开

例句:We'd better get going!It's kinda late.我们最好赶紧出发,有点儿晚了。(kinda=kind of有点儿)

9-get there成功,达到目标,得偿所愿

例句:I always wanted to be rich,and I finally got there this year.我之前一直想变得富有,今年终于得偿所愿。

10-get started开始

例句:Since you're all here,let's get started now.既然你们都在,我们现在开始吧。

11-get laid of被炒鱿鱼,被裁员

例句:Terry got laid off two days ago.特瑞两天前刚刚被炒鱿鱼。

12-get back at报复,复仇

例句:He's trying to get back at me.他试图报复我。

13-get rid of摆脱,除去,抛弃,甩掉

例句:I just can't get rid of her.She's everywhere.我没法甩掉她,到哪儿都有她的影子。

14-get old变得枯燥,变得无聊,腻了(通常因为重复过多造成)

例句:You've listened to this song over 100 times!It's getting old,man!这首歌你已经重复听了超过100遍!都听腻了!

15-get married结婚,成亲

例句:They're getting married next month.他们下个月结婚。

16-get drunk喝醉,喝高了

例句:She got drunk at the party.她在派对上喝高了。

17-get high嗑药,吸毒

例句:Dude,did you get high?老兄,你嗑药了吧?!

18-get somebody wrong误会某人

例句:Don't get me wrong,but I don't think she's that into you.别误会我的意思,我是觉得她不是那么喜欢你。

19-getting on(in years)上了年纪,变老了

例句:He's getting on in years,but he's still healthy.他上了年纪,但还是很健康。

20-get somebody down击垮某人,使某人沮丧或崩溃

例句:Don't let it get you down.It will be over soon.别让它击垮你,事情很快会过去的。

21-get on with it赶快,赶紧,快点儿

例句:If you don't get on with it,we will never finish this work.如果你不赶快的话,我们永远都完成不了这项工作。

22-get the runs拉肚子

例句:I've got the runs these days.最近几天我总拉肚子。

23-get to the point直截了当,直奔主题

例句:Would you just get to the point?你能不能直奔主题?

24-get along well with合群,混得关系好,吃得开

例句:She's getting along well with her roommates.她跟她的室友关系很好。

25-Get yourself together!振作起来!(=pull yourself together)

例句:A:I lost my job and my girlfriend just broke up with me.I'm such a loser.我丢了工作,女朋友也刚刚跟我分手。我真是个窝囊废。

B:Come on!Get yourself together!You're a great guy.拜托,振作起来!你很棒的!

26-get over yourself得了吧,少来了,别自作多情了,别臭美了

例句:A:You're totally in love with me,aren't you?你是彻底爱上我了是不?

B:Get over yourself!别自作多情了!

27-(I'm)just getting by勉强过活,还行吧,还凑合,经济上勉强过得去

例句:A:How you doing,Terry?特瑞,最近怎么样?

B:Just getting by.还凑合吧。

28-get somebody of your back让某人不再烦你,摆脱某人使之不再烦你

例句:I have to figure out a way to get her off my back.


29-get up on the wrong side of bed吃错药,牢骚满腹

例句:Did you get up on the wrong side of bed or something?You are so grouchy.你是吃错药了还是怎么的?怎么这么牢骚满腹的。

30-Buy one,get one free.(缩写:BOGO)买一赠一。




例句:You make me happy.你让我感到幸福。


例句:Please,make them stop!求求你,让他们停下来吧!


例句:I'll make you a sandwich.我给你做个三明治。


例句:I made dinner for you.我给你准备了晚饭。


例句:I make my bed every morning.我每天早上都会整理床铺。


例句:We made it to L.A.two hours ago.我们两个小时前抵达洛杉矶。


例句:How much money do you make?你赚了多少钱?


例句:We made a great team.我们组了一支很棒的团队。


例句:She just made a phone call.她刚刚打了个电话。


例句:You'll make a great doctor.你会成为一个出色的医生。


例句:Ten and ten make twenty.十加十等于二十。


例句:He makes nothing but trouble.他什么也干不了,就会给人惹麻烦。


1-make it达成目标,成功

例句:Oh my God!I made it!天哪!我成功了!

2-make do将就,凑合

例句:I had to make do with less income.收入少了我也只能将就将就了。

3-make out亲热(亲亲抱抱之类)

例句:Wendy and I made out in the car last night.温蒂和我昨晚在车里亲热了。

4-make sense讲得通,有道理

例句:It doesn't make any sense.这一点儿都讲不通啊。

5-make a reservation预订(酒店房间、餐厅座位等)

例句:I'd like to make a reservation.我想预订房间(酒店)。

6-make a fool of oneself出洋相,丢人现眼

例句:Don't make a fool of yourself!别出洋相了/别丢人现眼了。

7-make it up to补偿,赔偿

例句:I promise I'll make it up to you.我保证我会补偿你。

8-make up one's mind下定决心,做出决定

例句:Have you made up your mind yet?你下决心没?

9-make a move展开攻势,采取行动(追求某人等)

例句:If you really like her,you gotta make a move.如果你真的喜欢她,你得采取行动啊。(gotta=got to)

10-make a pass at勾引、挑逗某人

例句:She made a pass at me at the party.她在派对上勾引我。

11-make it quick快一点儿

例句:Ok,make it quick.I got a meeting in a few minutes.好吧,长话短说吧。我一会儿有个会议。

12-make one's day让某人开心

例句:Thank you for your gift.You just made my day!谢谢你的礼物。你让我好开心!

13-that makes two of us我也是,我们情况一样,我们观点一致

例句:A:I just passed my test.我考试过了。

B:That makes two of us!我也过了(我们俩一样)!

A:I don't think she's gonna make it.我觉得她不会成功的。

B:That makes two of us.我也这么认为(我们观点一致)。

14-make oneself at home自便,别拘束(他人来拜访时对客人说)

例句:Oh,Wendy,you made it!Come on in.Make yourself at home.噢,温蒂,你来了!快进来吧。别拘束啊。

15-make a killing赚一大笔钱,赚翻了

例句:He made a killing in the stock market.他炒股赚了很多钱。

16-make a fuss大惊小怪

例句:Don't make a fuss about it.不要这么大惊小怪的。

17-make a big deal about小题大做

例句:She's always making a big deal about everything.她总是什么事都喜欢小题大做。

18-make peace with跟某人和好,接受某事

例句:I think you should make peace with her.我觉得你应该跟她和好。

19-make the cut达标,晋级

例句:She was the only one who made the cut.她是唯一一个达标的人。

20-make someone's blood boil让人极度恼火

例句:It just makes my blood boil to think of the bad attitude he gave me.一想起他对我那种恶劣态度我就十分恼火。




例句:He took it pretty well.他彻底地接受了。


例句:What do you take me for?你把我当成什么了?


例句:You should take your responsibility.你应该承担自己的责任。


例句:I'm sorry.I can't take this anymore.抱歉,我承受不了这个。


例句:Don't take this the wrong way.别误会哦(别想歪了)。