书城公版A Child's History of England


IF any of the English Barons remembered the murdered Arthur's sister,Eleanor the fair maid of Brittany,shut up in her convent at Bristol,none among them spoke of her now,or maintained her right to the Crown.The dead Usurper's eldest boy,HENRY by name,was taken by the Earl of Pembroke,the Marshal of England,to the city of Gloucester,and there crowned in great haste when he was only ten years old.As the Crown itself had been lost with the King's treasure in the raging water,and as there was no time to make another,they put a circle of plain gold upon his head instead.'We have been the enemies of this child's father,'said Lord Pembroke,a good and true gentleman,to the few Lords who were present,'and he merited our ill-will;but the child himself is innocent,and his youth demands our friendship and protection.'

Those Lords felt tenderly towards the little boy,remembering their own young children;and they bowed their heads,and said,'Long live King Henry the Third!'

Next,a great council met at Bristol,revised Magna Charta,and made Lord Pembroke Regent or Protector of England,as the King was too young to reign alone.The next thing to be done,was to get rid of Prince Louis of France,and to win over those English Barons who were still ranged under his banner.He was strong in many parts of England,and in London itself;and he held,among other places,a certain Castle called the Castle of Mount Sorel,in Leicestershire.To this fortress,after some skirmishing and truce-making,Lord Pembroke laid siege.Louis despatched an army of six hundred knights and twenty thousand soldiers to relieve it.

Lord Pembroke,who was not strong enough for such a force,retired with all his men.The army of the French Prince,which had marched there with fire and plunder,marched away with fire and plunder,and came,in a boastful swaggering manner,to Lincoln.The town submitted;but the Castle in the town,held by a brave widow lady,named NICHOLA DE CAMVILLE (whose property it was),made such a sturdy resistance,that the French Count in command of the army of the French Prince found it necessary to besiege this Castle.While he was thus engaged,word was brought to him that Lord Pembroke,with four hundred knights,two hundred and fifty men with cross-bows,and a stout force both of horse and foot,was marching towards him.'What care I?'said the French Count.'The Englishman is not so mad as to attack me and my great army in a walled town!'But the Englishman did it for all that,and did it-not so madly but so wisely,that he decoyed the great army into the narrow,ill-paved lanes and byways of Lincoln,where its horse-soldiers could not ride in any strong body;and there he made such havoc with them,that the whole force surrendered themselves prisoners,except the Count;who said that he would never yield to any English traitor alive,and accordingly got killed.The end of this victory,which the English called,for a joke,the Fair of Lincoln,was the usual one in those times-the common men were slain without any mercy,and the knights and gentlemen paid ransom and went home.

The wife of Louis,the fair BLANCHE OF CASTILE,dutifully equipped a fleet of eighty good ships,and sent it over from France to her husband's aid.An English fleet of forty ships,some good and some bad,gallantly met them near the mouth of the Thames,and took or sunk sixty-five in one fight.This great loss put an end to the French Prince's hopes.A treaty was made at Lambeth,in virtue of which the English Barons who had remained attached to his cause returned to their allegiance,and it was engaged on both sides that the Prince and all his troops should retire peacefully to France.

It was time to go;for war had made him so poor that he was obliged to borrow money from the citizens of London to pay his expenses home.

Lord Pembroke afterwards applied himself to governing the country justly,and to healing the quarrels and disturbances that had arisen among men in the days of the bad King John.He caused Magna Charta to be still more improved,and so amended the Forest Laws that a Peasant was no longer put to death for killing a stag in a Royal Forest,but was only imprisoned.It would have been well for England if it could have had so good a Protector many years longer,but that was not to be.Within three years after the young King's Coronation,Lord Pembroke died;and you may see his tomb,at this day,in the old Temple Church in London.

The Protectorship was now divided.PETER DE ROCHES,whom King John had made Bishop of Winchester,was entrusted with the care of the person of the young sovereign;and the exercise of the Royal authority was confided to EARL HUBERT DE BURGH.These two personages had from the first no liking for each other,and soon became enemies.When the young King was declared of age,Peter de Roches,finding that Hubert increased in power and favour,retired discontentedly,and went abroad.For nearly ten years afterwards Hubert had full sway alone.

But ten years is a long time to hold the favour of a King.This King,too,as he grew up,showed a strong resemblance to his father,in feebleness,inconsistency,and irresolution.The best that can be said of him is that he was not cruel.De Roches coming home again,after ten years,and being a novelty,the King began to favour him and to look coldly on Hubert.Wanting money besides,and having made Hubert rich,he began to dislike Hubert.At last he was made to believe,or pretended to believe,that Hubert had misappropriated some of the Royal treasure;and ordered him to furnish an account of all he had done in his administration.