书城外语Le Mort d'Arthur

第108章 BOOK VIII(12)

So when King Anguish understood his accusing he was passing heavy,for he knew Sir Blamore de Ganis that he was a noble knight,and of noble knights come.Then the King of Ireland was simply purveyed of his answer;therefore the judges gave him respite by the third day to give his answer.So the king departed unto his lodging.The meanwhile there came a lady by Sir Tristram's pavilion making great dole.What aileth you,said Sir Tristram,that ye make such dole?Ah,fair knight,said the lady,I am ashamed unless that some good knight help me;for a great lady of worship sent by me a fair child and a rich,unto Sir Launcelot du Lake,and hereby there met with me a knight,and threw me down from my palfrey,and took away the child from me.

Well,my lady,said Sir Tristram,and for my lord Sir Launcelot's sake I shall get you that child again,or else I shall be beaten for it.And so Sir Tristram took his horse,and asked the lady which way the knight rode;and then she told him.And he rode after him,and within a while he overtook that knight.And then Sir Tristram bade him turn and give again the child.


How Sir Tristram rescued a child from a knight,and how Gouvernail told him of King Anguish.

THE knight turned his horse and made him ready to fight.And then Sir Tristram smote him with a sword such a buffet that he tumbled to the earth.And then he yielded him unto Sir Tristram.

Then come thy way,said Sir Tristram,and bring the child to the lady again.So he took his horse meekly and rode with Sir Tristram;and then by the way Sir Tristram asked him his name.

Then he said,My name is Breuse Saunce Pite.So when he had delivered that child to the lady,he said:Sir,as in this the child is well remedied.Then Sir Tristram let him go again that sore repented him after,for he was a great foe unto many good knights of King Arthur's court.

Then when Sir Tristram was in his pavilion Gouvernail,his man,came and told him how that King Anguish of Ireland was come thither,and he was put in great distress;and there Gouvernail told Sir Tristram how King Anguish was summoned and appealed of murder.So God me help,said Sir Tristram,these be the best tidings that ever came to me this seven years,for now shall the King of Ireland have need of my help;for I daresay there is no knight in this country that is not of Arthur's court dare do battle with Sir Blamore de Ganis;and for to win the love of the King of Ireland I will take the battle upon me;and therefore Gouvernail bring me,I charge thee,to the king.

Then Gouvernail went unto King Anguish of Ireland,and saluted him fair.The king welcomed him and asked him what he would.

Sir,said Gouvernail,here is a knight near hand that desireth to speak with you:he bade me say he would do you service.What knight is he?said the king.Sir,said he,it is Sir Tristram de Liones,that for your good grace that ye showed him in your lands will reward you in this country.Come on,fellow,said the king,with me anon and show me unto Sir Tristram.So the king took a little hackney and but few fellowship with him,until he came unto Sir Tristram's pavilion.And when Sir Tristram saw the king he ran unto him and would have holden his stirrup.But the king leapt from his horse lightly,and either halsed other in their arms.My gracious lord,said Sir Tristram,gramercy of your great goodnesses showed unto me in your marches and lands:and at that time I promised you to do you service an ever it lay in my power.And,gentle knight,said the king unto Sir Tristram,now have I great need of you,never had I so great need of no knight's help.How so,my good lord?said Sir Tristram.I shall tell you,said the king:I am summoned and appealed from my country for the death of a knight that was kin unto the good knight Sir Launcelot;wherefore Sir Blamore de Ganis,brother to Sir Bleoberis hath appealed me to fight with him,outher to find a knight in my stead.And well I wot,said the king,these that are come of King Ban's blood,as Sir Launcelot and these other,are passing good knights,and hard men for to win in battle as any that I know now living.Sir,said Sir Tristram,for the good lordship ye showed me in Ireland,and for my lady your daughter's sake,La Beale Isoud,I will take the battle for you upon this condition that ye shall grant me two things:that one is that ye shall swear to me that ye are in the right,that ye were never consenting to the knight's death;Sir,then said Sir Tristram,when that I have done this battle,if God give me grace that Ispeed,that ye shall give me a reward,what thing reasonable that I will ask of you.So God me help,said the king,ye shall have whatsomever ye will ask.It is well said,said Sir Tristram.


How Sir Tristram fought for Sir Anguish and overcame his adversary,and how his adversary would never yield him.

NOW make your answer that your champion is ready,for I shall die in your quarrel rather than to be recreant.I have no doubt of you,said the king,that,an ye should have ado with Sir Launcelot du Lake--Sir,said Sir Tristram,as for Sir Launcelot,he is called the noblest knight of the world,and wit ye well that the knights of his blood are noble men,and dread shame;and as for Bleoberis,brother unto Sir Blamore,I have done battle with him,therefore upon my head it is no shame to call him a good knight.It is noised,said the king,that Blamore is the hardier knight.Sir,as for that let him be,he shall never be refused,an as he were the best knight that now beareth shield or spear.

So King Anguish departed unto King Carados and the kings that were that time as judges,and told them that he had found his champion ready.Then by the commandment of the kings Sir Blamore de Ganis and Sir Tristram were sent for to hear the charge.And when they were come before the judges there were many kings and knights beheld Sir Tristram,and much speech they had of him because that he slew Sir Marhaus,the good knight,and because he for-jousted Sir Palamides the good knight.So when they had taken their charge they withdrew them to make them ready to do battle.