书城外语Le Mort d'Arthur

第309章 BOOK XX(15)

How Sir Launcelot and Sir Gawaine did battle together,and how Sir Gawaine was overthrown and hurt THEN Sir Gawaine and Sir Launcelot departed a great way asunder,and then they came together with all their horses'might as they might run,and either smote other in midst of their shields;but the knights were so strong,and their spears so big,that their horses might not endure their buffets,and so their horses fell to the earth;and then they avoided their horses,and dressed their shields afore them.Then they stood together and gave many sad strokes on divers places of their bodies,that the blood brast out on many sides and places.Then had Sir Gawaine such a grace and gift that an holy man had given to him,that every day in the year,from underne till high noon,his might increased those three hours as much as thrice his strength,and that caused Sir Gawaine to win great honour.And for his sake King Arthur made an ordinance,that all manner of battles for any quarrels that should be done afore King Arthur should begin at underne;and all was done for Sir Gawaine's love,that by likelihood,if Sir Gawaine were on the one part,he should have the better in battle while his strength endureth three hours;but there were but few knights that time living that knew this advantage that Sir Gawaine had,but King Arthur all only.

Thus Sir Launcelot fought with Sir Gawaine,and when Sir Launcelot felt his might evermore increase,Sir Launcelot wondered and dread him sore to be shamed.

For as the French book saith,Sir Launcelot weened,when he felt Sir Gawaine double his strength,that he had been a fiend and none earthly man;wherefore Sir Launcelot traced and traversed,and covered himself with his shield,and kept his might and his braide during three hours;and that while Sir Gawaine gave him many sad brunts,and many sad strokes,that all the knights that beheld Sir Launcelot marvelled how that he might endure him;but full little understood they that travail that Sir Launcelot had for to endure him.And then when it was past noon Sir Gawaine had no more but his own might.

When Sir Launcelot felt him so come down,then he stretched him up and stood near Sir Gawaine,and said thus:My lord Sir Gawaine,now I feel ye have done;now my lord Sir Gawaine,I must do my part,for many great and grievous strokes I have endured you this day with great pain.

Then Sir Launcelot doubled his strokes and gave Sir Gawaine such a buffet on the helmet that he fell down on his side,and Sir Launcelot withdrew him from him.

Why withdrawest thou thee?said Sir Gawaine;now turn again,false traitor knight,and slay me,for an thou leave me thus,when I am whole I shall do battle with thee again.I shall endure you,Sir,by God's grace,but wit thou well,Sir Gawaine,I will never smite a felled knight.

And so Sir Launcelot went into the city;and Sir Gawaine was borne into King Arthur's pavilion,and leeches were brought to him,and searched and salved with soft ointments.

And then Sir Launcelot said:Now have good day,my lord the king,for wit you well ye win no worship at these walls;and if I would my knights outbring,there should many a man die.Therefore,my lord Arthur,remember you of old kindness;and however I fare,Jesu be your guide in all places.