书城外语Lincoln's Personal Life


Hitchcock.Fifty Years in Camp and Field.Diary of Major-General Ethan Allen Hitchcock,U.S.A.Edited by W.


Johnson.Stephen A.Douglas.By Allen Johnson.1908.

The Journal of the Virginia Convention.1861.

Julian.Political Recollections 1840-1872.By George W.Julian.


Kelley.Lincoln and Stanton.By W.D.Kelley.1885.

Lamon.The Life of Abraham Lincoln.By Ward H.Lamon.


Letters.Uncollected Letters of Abraham Lincoln.Now first brought together by Gilbert A.Tracy.1917.

Lieber.Life and Letters of Francis Lieber.Edited by Thomas S.


Lincoln.Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln.Edited by John G.

Nicolay and John Hay.2vols.New and enlarged edition.12volumes.1905.(All references here are to the Colter edition.)McCarthy.Lincoln's Plan of Reconstruction.By Charles M.


McClure.Abraham Lincoln and Men of War Times.By A.K.McClure.


Merriam.Life and Times of Samuel Bowles.By G.S.Merriam.2vols.1885.

Munford.Virginia's Attitude toward Slavery and Secession.By Beverley B.Munford.1910.

Moore.A Digest of International Law.By John Bassett Moore.


Newton.Lincoln and Herndon.By Joseph Fort Newton.1910.

Nicolay.A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln.By John G.Nicolay.


Nicolay,Cambridge.The Cambridge Modern History:Volume VII.

The United States.By various authors.1903.

Miss Nicolay.Personal Traits of Abraham Lincoln.By Helen Nicolay.1912.

N.and H.Abraham Lincoln:A History.By John G.Nicolay and John Hay.10vols.1890.

N.P.Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies.

First series.27vols.1895-1917.

O.P.Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies.


Outbreak.The Outbreak of the Rebellion.By John G.Nicolay.


Own Story.McClellan's Own Story.By George B.McClellan.


Paternity.The Paternity of Abraham Lincoln.By William Eleazer Barton.1920.

Pearson.Life of John A.Andrew.By Henry G.Pearson.2vols.


Pierce.Memoirs and Letters of Charles Sumner.By Edward Lillie Pierce.4vols.1877-1893.

Porter.In Memory of General Charles P.Stone.By Fitz John Porter.1887.

Public Man.Diary of a Public Man.Anonymous.North American Review.1879.

Rankin.Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln.By Henry B.


Raymond.Journal of Henry J.Raymond.Edited by Henry W.

Raymond.Scribner's Magazine.1879-1880.

Recollections.Recollections of Abraham Lincoln.By Ward Hill Lamon.1911.

Reminiscences.Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln,by Distinguished Men of his Time.Edited by Allen Thorndyke Rice.1886.

Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction,first session,Thirty-Ninth Congress.

Rhodes.History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850.By James Ford Rhodes.8vols.1893-1920.

Riddle.Recollections of War Times.By A.G.Riddle.1895.

Schrugham.The Peaceful Americans of 1860.By Mary Schrugham.


Schure.Speeches,Correspondence and Political Papers of Carl Schure.Selected and edited by Frederick Bancroft.1913.

Scott.Memoirs of Lieutenant General Scott,LL.D.Written by himself.2vols.1864.

Seward.Works of William H.Seward.5vols.1884.

Sherman.Memoirs of William T.Sherman.By himself.2vols.

1886.Sherman Letters.

Letters of John Sherman and W.T.Sherman.Edited by Rachel Sherman Thorndike.1894.

Southern Historical Society Papers.

Stephens.Constitutional View of the Late War between the States.By Alexander H.Stephens.2vols.1869-1870.

Stoddard.Inside the White House in War Times.By William O.


Stories."Abe"Lincoln's Yarns and Stories.With introduction and anecdotes by Colonel Alexander McClure.1901.

The New York Sun.

Swinton.Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac.By William Swinton.1866.

Tarbell.The Life of Abraham Lincoln.By Ida M.Tarbell.New edition.2vols.1917.

Thayer.The Life and Letters of John Hay.By William Roscoe Thayer.2vols.1915.

The New York Times.

The New York Tribune.

Tyler.Letters and Times of the Tylers.By Lyon G.Tyler.


Van Santvoord.A Reception by President Lincoln.By C.J.Van Santvoord.Century Magazine,Feb.,1883.

Villard.Memoirs of Henry Villard.2vols.1902.

Wade.Life of Benjamin F.Wade.By A.G.Riddle.1886.

Warden.Account of the Private Life and Public Services of Salmon Portland Chase.By R.B.Warden.1874.

Welles.Diary of Gideon Welles.Edited by J.T.Morse,Jr.3vols.1911.

White.Life of Lyman Trumbull.By Horace White.1913.

Woodburn.The Life of Thaddeus Stevens.By James Albert Woodburn.1913.