
第10章 代名词(3)

Calhy,beside herself,gave the chair a violent push——E.Bronte(凯西发狂地把椅子用力一推。)

(5)to oneself私自,窃,心中。inwardly.例如:

I had kept the belief to myself.——L.Bromfield(我把那个信念藏在自己心中。)

I chuckled to myself.——Stevenson(我暗自发笑。)

He was chuckling to himself over what he was reading.(他对所读的书觉得有趣而不免私自好笑。)

I must write as though I were a person of importance;and indeed,I am——to myself,to myself I am the most important person in the world.——Maugham(我一定要把我写成一个伟大的人;对我自己来说,我诚然是一个伟大的人呀。对我自已来说,我是这世界上最伟大的人了。)

下例中用的to oneself=by oneself;alone(独自),和上面的意思又有所不同了。

Life's a wonderful thing,Kate,a thing one can't live all to oneself,a thing one shares with everybody.——Galsworthy(人生是奇妙的,凯特,是不能完全独自过活的,是要和大家分享的。)

Read that letter to yourself.——Hornby(默读那信吧。)(to yourself=silently)

Left to himself,Mr.Hutton got up and began to wander round the room.——A.Huxley(留下他一个人的时候,赫顿先生就站起身来,开始在室内走来走去。)

But,this,he acknowledged to himself,was a thing he had never done before.——Lawrence(但是他自认这件事,是以前他从来没做过的。)

(6)in oneself其本身,本来,不靠外力。Independently of extraneous influence;apart from what is not essential to it.例如:

Lack of confidence in himself made him hesltate.(缺乏自信使他犹豫不决。)

A fine courtesy is a fortune in itself.(好的礼貌其本身就是一笔财产。)

These substances are not poisonous in themselves.(这些物质本身无毒。)

The charity in itself is admirable.(慈善本身就是可赞赏的。)

Diamond is hard in itself.(钻石本来是硬的。)

Our very existence is a miracle in itself.(我们的生存本身就是一个奇迹。)


There's many people want to do the same.(很多人都想要做同样的事情。)在这句话中,为什么用了动词is,又用动词want,岂不是一句中用上两个动词了吗?

【解答】依照文法的规则,一句中只能有一个主语(Subject)和一个述语(Predicate)。述语就是动词,如果一句中要用两个动词的话,就要用连词的and或or连起来,再不然就让第二个动词变成不定词(Infinitive)。前者如He comes and goes.(他来来去去),后者如He come to see me.(他来看我)。但问题中提出的句子却不是这样,因为那原来是两个句子构成的,省去了一个关系代名词吧了。那句话本来应作There's many people who want to do the same.

这是一种古老的说法,莎翁时代是很普通的,一直流传下来,在今日的口语中仍很通用。使我们感到一句中有两个动词的;是主格关系代名词省略的结果,至于宾格关系代名词也常省略,但我们不会觉得有什么异样,只认为更加简明,例如The book(that或which)I bought yesterday is very interestins.(我昨天买的那本书非常有趣。)Buy it back from the man(whom或that)you sold it to.(从你卖给他的那人手里再买回来。)



She is not the cheerful woman〔that〕she was before she married.(她已不是结婚前那样快乐的女人了。)

I'm not the fool〔that)you thought me(to be).(我并不是如你所想的那种傻子。)


There's a man at the door〔who〕wants to see you.(门口有人要见你。)

There's a gentleman〔who has〕come to talk to you.(有位先生来跟你谈谈。)

Here's a lady〔who〕called about a cat.(有位太太为着猫的事来访。)

There's lots of people〔who〕would give a bit to know that.(很多人都极想知道那个。)(在口语中常以there is代there are用,本句中的a bit原为a little之意,但现作反语用,意为very much。正式用there are的当然不错,如There are many surprising things〔that〕happen in this wold.)

There's a lot〔that〕goes on abroad this ship that I don't like.(在这船上有很多事我不喜欢。)

(3)加强语气的It is......that的句形:

It's not everybody〔that〕knows the right way to test perfume.(并不是人人都知道正当的试验香水的方法。)

It was I〔that〕bought these flowers for Miss A.(为A小姐买了这些花的人是我呀。)

(4)在关系代名词后出现there is(are)时:

She taught me the difference〔that〕there is between what is right and what is wrong.(她教了我好坏的区别。)

The number of mistakes〔that〕there are in this homework is simply astounding.(在这份课外作业中错误多得惊人。)

I have seen all〔that〕there is left to see in the city.(在市内未看完的东西我全部看了。)

(5)有插入句I know,we think等时:

She is just the type〔that〕I always knew wouldattract him.(她确是能吸引他的那种典型的女性。)

Many of those qualities〔that〕we think are typical of Americans in general were the result of this frontier life.(可认为是美国人一般的特征的许多那样的性质,是从边疆拓荒生活而产生出来的。)


The hinge is loose and the first wind〔that〕comes along will blow the whole door off.(铰链很松,第一次刮风就会把整个的门吹掉的。)(主语)

I landed one once〔that〕weighed two and a half tons.(我有一次钓到一条有两吨半重。)(宾语)