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Yoyo woke up early in the morning as usual. He carefully slipped out of his bed and let of a big sigh. He’s head was trying to think up an excuse of not going to school.

“Daddy, mommy my head really hurts” said Yoyo when he was changing into his clothes.“I might have a serious sickness, so today can I not go to school?”

Yoyo murdered for a long time, however there was no reply by his parents!

Something that buzzed Yoyo the most was that his little sister Yiyi usually comes to his room every morning to play, however today he didn’t see her.

Perhaps she is sick, wondered Yoyo.

Yoyo went out of his room and checked the whole house. There was neither sound of neither cooking nor talking nor television sound which was extremely odd.

“Daddy? Mommy? Yiyi?”Yoyo cried out but there was no answer.

Yoyo tried to call his parents immediately, however there was no signal.

Yoyo was very worried, suddenly he remembered about his neighbor Mrs. Annabelle, Yoyo thought Mrs. Annabelle would know where his parents are.

Yoyo went to Annabelle’s house, but she wasn’t there.

Yoyo started to feel anxious, so he was planning to go to school to ask help. However when he rushed to the road, surprisingly, he found out that the road was very quiet. There was not even a person in sight.

It seemed like Yoyo was the only person in this world.

Yoyo was really scared; he didn’t know what had happened overnight and why there was nobody on the road. He rushed to his school hoping to find his classmates, he thought that if he can find his classmates, no matter how much they laugh at him, he won’t be sad.

When he arrived at his school, Yoyo had found out that he was the only person there. In such a big playground, he felt very lonely.

Yoyo was exhausted after rushing about all morning. Eventually he found a tree to lie back and have some rest. Yoyo soon bursted into tears thinking about his family and friends.

“Yoyo, are you okay?”

Yoyo suddenly heard an old man’s voice.

Yoyo suddenly turned around, the sun beams were so bright that Yoyo couldn’t even see who asked him the question. He then rubbed his eyes and saw a shadowy figure that turned out to be a really really tall old man! His eyebrow’s were pale white and so long that it was covering his eyes. He also had wrinkles all over his face and he had a whitish grey beard that was nearly as tall as himself.

“Who who are you?” Yoyo stopped himself from screaming. He started to back off further away from the old man, and asked in a shivering voice,“How did you know my name? Are you the one holding my parents and my sister captive?”

“Kid, don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you. The reason why I know your name is because you told me that. Remember the time when the tree you were lying at just the got sick? The whole school decided to cut it down because it was getting moldy and had a lot of bugs in it. You and your mates at school came up with away to persuade your teacher to not cut the tree down. Until that day, you watered it and told it stories that happened throughout the day. However you might have not noticed that I was the tree that you helped out. Now I am 940 years old. So today on, you were one of my closest friends.”

“You say that you are a TREE?!” Yoyo was shocked! He heard about this in a fairytale but he was surprised to find out that it was real!

The tree demon slowly nodded his head and said,“I wasn’t the one that stole the people from this world. They were sucked into a different world by mystery shiny specks. This world is called the Heavenly World. It was made by Pharaoh Exodus and it is at the top of the Silver Road of Heaven.”

The tree demon continued to talk “However even for Pharaoh Exodus it is not easy to accomplish. So that is why the people got sucked into the specks of dust, it was to help Exodus complete the world The Heavenly World. I was guessing that the people in this world are not enough help to build The Heavenly World so Exodus might take more people from the other worlds and you must stop it.”

“Another world?” Yoyo asked surprisingly,“does that mean that there are more worlds than this one in the universe and what is The Heavenly World? Plus, who is Exodus?”