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Buzz’s jaw fell off his face. He was so surprised that he couldn’t speak.“gaafshabda” he spluttered in amazement. He then turned into a big smile. He said,“Good, good. I must have the lot!”

“Ok. You can have the lot.” Yoyo said with a smile.“However, your mermaids are pretty average.”

“Don’t you worry. How about if I catch more, I will give you them.” Buzz said with a smile.

The reason Yoyo said this was to make sure that Buzz wasn’t hiding anything.“Ok. We will do the trade and if you do have more, please save them for us.”

Everyone then went to the back to the yard of sand. Ren started doing his sarcastic spell and ever so slowly, Ren started growing bigger and wider and higher and stronger until he had covered up the whole yard.

As the demons were unloading the ‘Advanced weapons’, Buzz’s henchmen were also unloading the mermaids. As they went by, they smiled because what they seek is in their hands now.

Buzz’s henchmen all started to make sure that there was no broken ‘weapons’. They would pick one up very gently in hope that they don’t ring a bell. As this was happening, Zhi was trying to comfort the mermaids. He told them their plan and the recent events.

Until all the mermaids were successfully loaded in Ren’s shell and the weapons were in Buzz’s hands, Buzz knew that it was trade accomplished.

As soon as it was night, Yoyo knew that it was time to go. As the currents started going stronger, Yoyo and friends climbed into Ren’s shell said good bye and sailed away.

Until Yoyo and friends sailed far enough, they quickly released mermaids, all of the mermaids started crying loudly. Bella quickly swam to meet her mother and hugged her dearly. She started to cry rainbow pearls.

The chief quickly gathered the pearls and handed them to Yoyo, he said,“Here take this, these are rainbow pearls. Sad tears are white pearls and happy tears are rainbow pearls. The fishermen only know how to get white pearls but mermaids can make rainbow pearls. These are worth way more.”

Yoyo looked at Bella. He noticed rainbow tears and white tears?

“Your mum is with you now. Why are you still showing emotional distress?” Zhi said as she patted Bella’s shoulder.

“My mum is back and I am happy.” Bella said wile wiping away some tears.“But my dad is still at the crystal palace. My dad’s plan was to act dead so he could steal the key from the Buzz when he was going to get lifted out of the water and throw them the key. This way, the mermaids can be freed. However, the mermaids got freed and my dad is still in there.”

“Bella, don’t cry.” The mayor said.“We will rescue the residents. Tonight, if there aren’t any guards, we will emboscada.(Ambush)”

“Yes, we emboscada.” Chanted the crowd.

“When we got captured in big sack, we got carried away into the chamber. The whole sack was dark so we could not seewhere we were going.” Bella’s mum said with worried voice.“Besides, we have no powerful weapons, our whole defense has lack of sleep and we don’t know where the chamber is. Even if we knew where it is, we still don’t the key.”