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Yoyo copied and looked down at the mountain below him. He saw such a crowd of small demons, there were tigers, pandas, elephants, giraffes, rabbits etc. Some of them were boxing and fighting, some of them were reading and writing and some of them were splashing and giggling.

Then the bamboo leaf floated down and revealed the vision of the old turtle demon. As soon the small demons saw the old turtle demon, then they instantly went to position.

The demons were not the only animals that were scared. Yoyo was also in dead fright. He’d never seen so many furry animals in his whole life! Even though he was in dead fear, his legs were trembling, his teeth were chattering, however, he told himself to stay strong. He knew that these animals were small demons and they were the only hope to find his parents his sister, his classmates and his friends.

Then the leaf floated lower and lower until it was one metre of the ground, and then it stopped. The small demons are used to the way that the old turtle demon floats down on a leaf to check on them. However; this time Yoyo was the person that caught their attention. At one time, they were looking at Yoyo, the next they were chatting about Yoyo.

The old turtle demon said “AHEM!!”

The small demons stood in dead silence as if they’d lost their words. After, the old turtle demon said,“You small demons should know that pharaoh Exodus took everyone from the human world. Yoyo is the only person left in his world. You small demons are one of our only hopes of retrieving every human being that Exodus from the human world to the Heavenly World. So, who wants to join and help Yoyo on this exclusive journey to the Heavenly World?

As the old turtle demon said this speech, all the demons started chatting about if they should go or not. Some of the small demons shook their heads, some of them walked back, some of them even hid behind their friends back. After a really long amount of time … not even a small demon wanted because they thought it was way too dangerous and too risky.

The old turtle demon looked at the crowd of small demons and felt sorry for Yoyo. So, he said,“Even though the Silver Road to Heaven is a really dangerous long away and it will stretch really far around the galaxy, you will also get to eat yummy food, good scenery and if you do arrive at the Heavenly world, your powers will increase dramatically. I really recommend you to go with Yoyo on this journey to the Heavenly World. Now who wants to join Yoyo on this exciting journey?”

As soon as the old turtle demon finished persuading the crowd, the small demons started thinking about the delicious food, the awesome scenery and their over powered powers. After a little while, some of the demons stood straight and wanted to go with Yoyo. Others started saluting. Some small demons watched the other small demons and got persuaded, and they eventually wanted to go. Then the whole crowd of small demons wanted to go with Yoyo.

The old turtle demon looked at the crowd again and said to Yoyo,“this bamboo leaf cannot hold so many demons so I would allow you to take 3 demons with you.”

At first, no small demons wanted to go with Yoyo, Yoyo was very sad. But now, everyone wanted to go, Yoyo didn’t know what to do.

“What should I choose?” thought Yoyo.

Yoyo scanned the crowd left and right. Every time Yoyo looked at an animal with fur and claws, he started to feel rather dizzy. After scanning the room for a while, a small turtle demon caught Yoyo’s sight. This turtle really wanted to go with him.

“Small turtle demon!!” Yoyo said to himself.

Yoyo thought about the old turtle demons powers and thought the small turtle demon might have the same powers. Yoyo made up his mind and picked his first buddy to go with him.

“I pick the small turtle demon.” Said Yoyo.

Yoyo looked at the crowd for another buddy. He then saw a small giraffe demon. He knew that giraffes did not have much fur and is very tall so if they ever got lost, the giraffe demon can help them find their way out. So Yoyo picked the small giraffe demon.