
第3章 青春不散场 (2)



















1. To me, these people around me embodied my ____ of the consummate college student. They stood there_____ with their friends, a cup of coffee in one hand, the_____ of classes in the other, discussing their options for the upcoming_____ .

2. As I got to know Lily’s dad as a father and as a husband, the crush_____. Now I was falling in love with his daughter. She taught me so____: not only how to____ , but also how to appreciate each moment in my life and how worrying over needless things wasstupid.


1. 我怎么才能像他们一样看上去信心十足,明确知道自己需要什么呢?译________________________________

2. 时光一周一周地流逝,我们一起分享了许多时光。


3. 那里的每个人都讲述了这个幼小的生命如何让众多人的生活发生改变。



1. Me, I had a list of classes on a piece of paper that I had painstakingly worked out with my big brother the night before.

a list of:一张……的清单;一列


2. She taught me so much: not only how to sign, but also how to appreciate each moment in my life and how worrying over needless things was just stupid.

not only…but also:不但……而且




陶尔?维格德森 / Tal Vigderson

It echoed through the hallways and out onto the quad like some ancient Gregorian chant. Everyone was asking it. It was the new catchphrase. It was the new pickup line—more popular than“What’s your sign?” But I had no answer. I dreaded the question. I was undeclared. Like some contraband being smuggled across an international border. Like an astronaut floating untethered through space, I had no purpose in life. I would rather have taken the SAT again than have to face the question, “What’s your major?”

And tomorrow was the last day to declare a major. The last day! Everyone else was happily moving forward in their lives, striving toward careers in anthropology, sociology, molecular biology and the like.“Don’t worry,” my friends would say, “You can always major in business.” Business? Not me. I was an artist. I would rather have died than majored in business. In fact, I didn’t even need college. I could just go out into the world, and my great talents would be immediately recognized.

On the night before my fate was to be declared, my parents were having a dinner party for some of their friends. Sanctuary!What would my parents’ friends care about majors? I could eat dinner in peace and take a break from my inner angst for a couple of hours.

I was wrong. All they could talk about was majors. They each had to share their majors with me, and each had an opinion as to what mine should be. All their advice didn’t put me any closer to a major. It just confused me even more. None of our dinner guests seemed particularly suited for their chosen professions. Dr. Elkins, the dentist, had spinach in his teeth. Mrs. Jenkins, the dentist, had spinach in her teeth. Mrs. Jenkins, the industrial chemist, put ketchup on her veal. And Mr. Albertson, the hydro-engineer, kept knocking over his water glass.

Dinner was over, everyone left, the night was getting later, and yet I was still undeclared. I got out the catalog and began paging through the possibilities for the millionth time. Aeronautical engineering? I get airsickness. Chinese? I’d always wanted to go to China, but it seemed I could go there without majoring in it. Dentistry? Just then I happened to look in the mirror and notice spinach in my teeth. This was hopeless.