
第42章 爱在青涩年华 (8)



1. I was born in___ , but I moved to the United States when I was 5 years old. I know how to, read____, and write Korean and I thought I had learned____ from my family and watched enough TV programmes to know about Korean_____ .

2. I had to constantly recap the stories of the____ we just saw. But the toughest obstacle was trying to describe our___ or thoughts to each other, trying to learn about our____ worlds with our_____vocabularies.


1. 我漠然地看着窗外,约翰继续念叨。


2. 我们接触到了不同的世界,我们教会彼此如何从不同的角度处理、接受和学习事物。


3. 然而,我们的爱情让我意识到,即使很细微的文化差异,也会让我们产生很大的分歧。



1. It was hard for him to blend in with my Asian-American friends.

blend in:混合;加入


2. There were little things that I eventually became accustomed to.

become accustomed to:习惯于;对……觉得习以为常



Mr. Right

佚名 / Anonymous

When I was younger, I used to dream of finding Mr. Right.

After each heartbreak, I would wonder how long it would take me to find him. I didn’t realize it then, but each relationship taught me a lesson and brought me one step closer to true love. It went something like this:_

Tony and I walked down Bloomingdale Avenue holding hands. His friend was with us and suggested we kiss goodbye. I said okay. Tony’s eyes became the size of golf balls, “I can’t believe you said that!” (And not because he was not looking forward to the kiss.) So with one quick peck on his lips, I headed for home. When I dumped him a few weeks later, I thought he was going to hate me for life. He tattled on me to the teacher each chance he got, making me cry and look like a baby in gym class. Tony taught me that boys can be jerks, even bigger ones if you break their heart.

In the 7th grade, I had a crush on Billy. His hair was longer than mine, and he was missing a few front teeth, but each time he smiled at me, I melted. With a locker right next to mine, he would pick on me everyday, but I never quite got the hint that there was no future for us. What did Billy teach me? He taught me that no matter how much you drool over a guy, it won’t make him drool back.

In the 10th grade, I fell for a guy who had previously shown interest in my sister. How stupid is that? He came over to my house a few times, hardly talking to me at all as he sat there in my family room. We would write to each other notes in school, the scent of his cologne lingering on each letter. Not long after, my sister began to like him too. He was the one and only guy we fought over. What he taught me was invaluable—no guy is worth 2 sisters fighting.

My first“real” kiss happened with an out-of-town boyfriend, whom I didn’t see very often. When I realized I didn' t like him quite as much as he liked me, I dumped him over the phone (what a heartbreaker I was!) and cried because I felt so bad. I learned form that relationship that if one like the other more, it will never work.

After all these lessons, I had doubts that I would ever find Mr. Right.

But a year later, I was reacquainted with a man whose smile and kind words always flattered me back in high school. When we saw one another at a graduation party on a rainy, warm night in July, I felt my heart skip a beat. Somehow, I knew he was the one. We instantly found ourselves comfortable with each other and my doubts were put to rest.

I’ll never forget the day when we were sitting in my driveway in his truck, saying our goodbyes after spending the day together. Doug put his hand on my cheek and in a serious tone, said,“Someday, I’m going to marry you.” I had no doubt that he was right. Today I share his last name and I couldn’t be happier.

When I think back to Tony, Billy, and the rest of the boys, I smile. If I was able to go back and change a thing, I wouldn’t. Each relationship was an essential part of my life, there to teach me a thing or two about love. It also taught me that it’s okay to be picky about the people you date. Finding Mr. Right takes patience.

And I’m the proof that good things come to those who wait.













