
第15章 男人来自火星,女人来自金星 (14)

When she returned to her room late that afternoon, on her chest was an expanse of billowing white bandage placed by a surgeon’s hands with a precision and delicacy she would have admired. I was reminded of the coverlet she had appliquéd for our children’s cradle when they were infants. The bandage looked gentle and protective—reassuring and not as harsh as I had expected.

Sitting beside her in a dimly lit room that smelled sharply of disinfectant, I realized that because my life was so intertwined with hers, I, too, was a patient. I felt depleted and wrecked as I stared blankly out the window at pink-gray clouds slowly traversing the afternoon sky.

It was almost 7p. m. before she stirred. I heard her moan, and moved to the edge of the bed. I lightly touched her lips with an ice chip from the pitcher on her bedside table, and brushed the gray-flecked hair across her sweaty brow.

“I love you, ”I said.

At these words, her eyes opened hesitantly. At first her gaze seemed confused and unfocused, but for an instant her eyes sharpened with recognition, and a gentle smile lifted the edges of her mouth.

“I love you too, ”she whispered, and then her eyelids shut. I was close to exhaustion and dislocated in time as I recalled the moment I first saw her. It was as if I was young again and the sun was resplendent in the morning sky. She is the one, I said once more in my mind’s voice. She is the one.




















1. I lost my____and drove aimlessly on rural roads for an hour as my exasperation mounted. She remained good-humored-happy, she said, to tour____whose histories she had____about.

2. Back at__ , I was ready to apologize____the evening. But I felt her warm hand take mine, and then she quickly____my cheek. “Thank you for a wonderful__ ,” she said softly.

3. Sitting beside her in a dimly lit room that____sharply of disinfectant, I____that because my life was so intertwined with hers, I, too, was a__ .


1. 我们之前曾有过多少这样的时刻啊——充满了包容、优雅与爱意,我几乎不敢相信。


2. 我仿佛又回到的年轻时代,回到了那个阳光灿烂的早上。



1. I was reminded of the coverlet she had appliquéd for our children’s cradle when they were infants.

remind of:使(某人)想起……


2. She’s the one, I said once more in my mind’s voice.

once more:再;又


心 间

Among the Hearts

佚名 / Anonymous

He took in all the special sights while strolling through the mall;Hearts of every shape and size were hanging on the wall. He smiles and thinks the Christmas things are put away this year:the theme now is a valentine and that day now draws near.

He stands before the candy store amazed at what he sees:Hearts of every shape and size replaced the Christmas trees. He sees excitement on the faces of the people there; looking for that special thing for their loved ones to share.

He turns and sees a couple standing, locking arm in arm: In a jeweler’ s window pointing to a heart-shaped charm. He watehes as the young girl leans to give her man a kiss. He smiles and thinks “ah yes, young love” can there be more than this?

He sees an older couple now and once again he stops; peering in the window of one of the mall’ s card shops. Maybe in their 40’ s or at least he’ s sure midlife, with wedding rings so he assumes a husband and a wife.

He sees them looking through the cards and sharing what they say. And to himself he thinks that one time he had shopped that way. He watches as she grabs a card and reads the verse within, then shows her husband what it says and both begin to grin.