
第27章 假如你爱得够深 (11)


2. Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss.

concern with:牵涉;与……有关;参与



The Little Words That Work Marriage Magic

佚名 / Anonymous

Using terms of endearment like honey or sweetheart from time to time is a small but important way to keep a marriage loving. These terms make the other person feel loved and special. There are some other words that can help make your spouse feel special and aware of how much you love and appreciate him.

“Thank You.” We would not never thank a friend or co-worker for helping us out. But sometimes we forget to thank the person we love most: our spouse. All couples forget now and then to thank each other for all they do. But thanking each other is a good habit to fall into because gratitude is necessary for the growth of love. Knowing that their actions are appreciated makes a couple more giving toward each other, and the more you give to each other the more your love will grow.

“Please.”Please, like thank you, is easy to forget to say, but it too is very important in a relationship. Because it is another way of letting your partner know you don’ t take him for granted and that his time and effort count.

“You are great.”Do you know that this sentence can make him feel good about himself all day? Now that you know how nice it makes him feel to be complimented, you should try to do it as often as you can. As an added bonus, he will begin paying compliments to you more often. This is not surprising since, experts say, compliments are a two-way street. So the more compliments you give, the more you get. Often couples will think nice things about each other but not verbalize their thoughts because they’ re just not in the habit of doing so. But when one of them starts, the other will pick up on the cue and begin doing the same.

“I love you.” In a new way a small variation such as “I love you more each day” can make a big difference in how you feel about each other. When you say “I love you” the exact same way over and over, your spouse may start to discount it. On the other hand, a fresh phrase can help keep the relationship fresh. For instance, you can expressed your love for him by saying “I’ m so glad you’ re in my life.” I’ m sure he will be really impressed and touched, and you two will feel closer.


“谢谢你。” 我们总会在朋友或同事帮忙后表示感谢。然而,有时候忘了感谢我们最爱的人,即爱人。夫妻间时常会忘记彼此道谢,这却是一个良好的习惯,在爱的成长路途中,是不可缺少的。只有自己所做的得到了对方的认同和欣赏,才乐意给予更多。彼此给予的越多,爱便会增值越多。


“你真好。” 你知道这句话能让他愉快一整天呢。既然你知道令爱人感受褒扬是很不错的,那么,你就应尽可能地这样对他说。这样做还有一个好处,就是他也会频繁地赞赏你。专家们认为,赞赏是条双向街。因而,夫妻间的这种互赞效应就不足为奇了。于是,你对爱人称赞得越多,你也会获得更多的赞扬。通常,夫妻彼此间都有好感,只是没养成习惯,因而没在言语上表达出来。只要其中一方开了口,另一方便能领会其意,如此效法。





1. But sometimes we forget to thank the person we love__ : our spouse. All couples____now and then to thank each other for all they do. But____each other is a good habit to fall into because gratitude is necessary for the growth of____ .

2. Do you____that this sentence can make him feel____about himself all day? Now that you know____nice it makes him feel to be complimented, you should try to do it as often as you____ .


1. 这些亲昵的词语能让人深感对方的爱意,也能感受到自己在其眼中的特殊地位。


2. 然而,有时候忘了感谢我们最爱的人,即爱人。


3. 通常,夫妻彼此间都有好感,只是没养成习惯,因而没在言语上表达出来。只要其中一方开了口,另一方便能领会其意,如此效法。



1. All couples forget now and then to thank each other for all they do.

now and then:时而;不时


2. But thanking each other is a good habit to fall into because gratitude is necessary for the growth of love.

fall into:落入;陷入
