
第2章 "Yes" or "No" “是”还是“否”



英文稿 "Yes" or "No"

Edited by Eric John Jekins Sahlin

One of my friends had a crush on a lady and wanted to take her out for dinner, so he sent her this message: “I would like to invite you to dinner Saturday night, would you like to come?”

A few minutes later, came the reply: “Perhaps”.

My friend was puzzled as to whether the lady meant “Yes” or “No”, so he asked me to help him analyze the lady's concept of “Perhaps”. I laughed over his conundrum, then shared on a saying about a diplomat and a lady.

When a diplomat says “Yes!”, he means “Perhaps!”

When he says “Perhaps!”, he means “No!”

When he says “No!” directly, he is no a diplomat.

When a Lady says “No!”, she means “Perhaps!”

When she says “Perhaps!”, she means “Yes!”

When she says “Yes!” directly, she is not a Lady.

Gentlemen, you might think you need to take 3 steps to get a girl to say yes, actually two steps are enough: all you need to do is to turn her “No” into “Maybe”. Or just one step: sometimes even her “No” means “Yes”. So, the chance to turn a girl's “No” into “Yes” is high. However, telling the “Yes” from “No” is never easy.

If a girl seriously says that you are a good guy, you might think: “Oh, she is going to tell me “Yes.”. I am sorry to inform you that, in fact, the girl is saying “No”. Most girls are kind, they want to avoid hurting you, so the first step to say real “No” is to give you a compliment. Most of the time, after the sentence “you are a good guy”, there is always a “But”. If a girl tells you that you are a bad boy with a happy smile, don't think she says “No” to you, with these words, actually you can open the champagne to celebrate. Congratulations! She is saying “Yes” to you.

Gentlemen, for you “yes” and “no” only have literal meanings. “Maybe” really does mean “it might happen”; it doesn't mean “Yes” or “No”.

However, Women are different. Remember that men are from Mars, while women are from Venus, in other words, women are aliens to men, and vice versa So don't take it for granted that women will think and feel the same way you do.

For example, when a guy replies that he's “not thinking about anything,” he genuinely means he's thinking nothing. But when a woman says nothing's wrong, what she means is that “everything is wrong and it's your fault.”

If you believe her and think nothing is wrong, then whenever you say anything after that will start an argument, and the woman will have the last word in the argument.

If you are with a girl until late at night, you want to walk her home to make sure she gets home safely. She might say: “Oh, no, it is late, my house is far away. What's more, I am strong enough to protect myself.” Then she might even show you her biceps. Folks, believe me, don't take any notice of her refusal of your offer. Take her hand and walk with her, it will score a “Yes” for you; If a woman goes shopping with you and she sees one necklace she likes very much, the first reaction she has is to get in close to observe its quality, then the man might suggest:“Let's buy it.” Then the moment the girl sees the price tag, she will say: “Oh, no, it is too expensive.” Gentlemen, is she saying “No”? If you buy her the necklace, I bet that she will reward you with a big wet kiss.

Do you know the difference between “accomplished” and “finished”? When you can read a girl's “Yes” or “No” correctly, then your relationship will be “accomplished”, if you can't, then your relationship will be “finished”.

Gentlemen, please allow me to provide you with some unsolicited advice that you should learn to distinguish between a woman's “Yes” or “No” correctly. The accuracy of their assessment will make you a happy, help you accomplished your happiness.

中文稿 “是”还是“否”









