
第2章 A

act out(及物,不可分)以动作等表现

He acted out his thanks by smiling and nodding.他微笑着点头表示他的谢意。

He got out his knife and acted out peeling the apple.他拿出小刀,比划着削苹果。

The deaf-mute acted out buying that shirt in the department store.那个聋哑人在百货商店里打手势,表示要那件上衣。

The child tried acting out the things that he had seen abroad.那小孩试着把他在国外看到的事情用动作描绘出来。

add up(及物,可分)把…加起来

She noted down the weight of each pig and then added up all the weight.她记下每头猪的重量,然后把所有重量加起来。

He is adding up his medical expenses in this year.他正在合计他今年的医疗费用。

You have to add the figures up in this column.你得把这一栏的数字加起来得出总数。

add up to(及物,不可分)总共

He took three trips to Beijing last year,but they didn't add up to much.他去年到北京旅行了三次,但总共不多。

Henry's debts add up to five thousand US dollars.亨利负债共计5000美元。

My schooling added up to no more than four years.我上学总共不过四年。

agree on(及物,不可分)同意

Both parties agreed on these terms.双方同意了这些条件。

After discussion the tenant and the owner agreed on the rent.经过讨论,房客和房东对租金取得了一致意见。

The belligerents agreed on an end to hostilities.交战国就结束敌对行为达成了协议。

aim at(及物,不可分)立志要,追求

Harry aims at being a doctor.哈里立志要当医生。

He aims at a success.他志在成功。

The young man aims at becoming a scientist.这个小伙子有志成为科学家。

air out1(不及物)通风

The room airs out well.这间屋通风好。

I hate this room that airs out badly.我不喜欢这个通风不好的房间。

air out2(及物,可分)使通风

We aired out the smoky room quickly by opening the windows.(or:We aired the smoky room out by opening the windows.)我们打开所有窗户使这间烟雾腾腾的屋子很快通了风。

allow for(及物,不可分)考虑到

I think you've done very well,allowing for your age.考虑到你的年龄,我以为你做得已经很不错了。

It will take half an hour to get to the airport,allowing for traffic jams.把交通堵塞的时间计算进去,到飞机场要花半个钟头。

Your English teacher will allow for your recent illness when judging your examination.你的英语老师评考试成绩时,会考虑到你最近生过病的事实。

amount to1(及物,不可分)一共

My travelling expenses amounted to a large sum.我的旅行开支合起来是一大笔钱。

Our debts amounted to five thousand yuan.我们共负债5000元。

amount to2(及物,不可分)相当于

If you go on like this,you'll never amount to anything.你如果照这样下去,将会一事无成。

Your words amount to nothing.你说的话等于没说。

answer back(不及物)回嘴

When his mother scolds him,he always answers back.他母亲责备他的时候,他老顶嘴。

It is not polite to answer back.顶嘴是不礼貌的。

The child would answer back to all his mother said.对他母亲说的一切话,这孩子总是回嘴。


When his mother scolds him,he always answers her back.他母亲责备他的时候,他老跟她顶嘴。

If you answer me back,I'll put you on a charge.如果你和我顶嘴,我就要控告你了。

answer for(及物,不可分)为…承担后果

I cannot answer for his illegal act.我不能对他的不法行为负责。

Be more careful.You must answer for any possible damage.你要多加小心,任何可能造成的损失都必须由你负责。

Someday you'll have to answer for what you have done.总有一天,你得为你的所作所为承担后果。

You will have to answer for your rude behaviour in the street.你必须为你在大街上的粗鲁行为承担后果。

ask for1(及物,不可分)要求得到

The little girl asked for candy.这小女孩要求给她糖果吃。

Joan asked for time to think this over.琼请求给她时间来仔细考虑这件事情。

He has written to his friends in France,asking for information.他已经给在法国的朋友们写信,打听消息。

When the audience asked for more,he sang more.当听众要求他多唱几支歌时,他又唱了几支。

ask for2(及物,不可分)来找(人)

Did anybody ask for me?有人来找过我吗?

There has been somebody here asking for you.刚才这儿有人要求见你。

Go to the information desk and ask for Miss Margaret.到问讯处去打听玛格丽特小姐。


The little girl asked me for candy.这小女孩向我要糖果吃。

Why should you not go and ask him for help?你为什么不去请他帮忙?

He was ill and asked the boss for two days'leave.他病了,向老板请两天假。

He asked the attendant for the bill.他向服务员要他的账单。


Mar asked me out to dinner last night.昨晚马尔邀我出去吃饭。

I've been asked out for the evening by a friend of mine.一个朋友已约我晚上出去玩。

My father and mother are not at home.Some friends have asked them out.我的父母不在家,有几个朋友邀请他们出去了。

attend on(及物,不可分)看护

Two nurses attended night and day on the patient in critical condition.两个护士日夜看护着那个危急病人。

There's a good nurse attending on the patient.有一个好护士看护那个病人。

attend to(及物,不可分)照料

Attend to your own business!管你自己的事吧!

When I wasn't at home,an old woman attended to my baby daughter.我不在家时,一位老大娘照料我的小女儿。

She attended to ten looms.她照看10台织布机。

Don't worry.Everything will be attended to in good time!不要着急!一切都会及时办妥的。