
第33章 蜀道文献辑存 (3)


第三节 蜀道申遗文献 (2)









Protection of China’s Shu Road Cultural Itinerary ——

Guangyuan Declaration

The “2009 China Shu Road-Guangyuan International Forum” is to be held from November 9 to 11 this year in Guangyuan, Sichuan.It probes deeply into the value of Shu Road's cultural itinerary,the overall protection and applying for the world heritage.Particularly,as regards all the efforts made by local government and corresponding agencies in protecting Shu Road's heritage,we are also very appreciative.

The forum further defines the value of China's Shu Road to be taken as a world heritage and sets it as a common goal for areas alongside Shu Road as well as related organizations to jointly push forward the overall protection and the world heritage application process of it.

According to the corresponding statement in the Cultural Itinerary Constitution of ICOMOS(2008),the forum deems China's Shu Road as a typical heritage example of this kind.In the meantime,it encourages mutual understanding and cooperation among areas alongside Shu Road so as to carry out their wishes to apply for it for the world heritage.

Points stressed by the forum:

1.Shu Road extends for thousands of miles,spans across Shanxi and Gansu Province,connects South China to North,and is the earliest existing traffic system in the world.People still use it today!With natural and cultural heritage in great abundance,it stands as a great work in mankind's traffic history and a milestone for the propaganda of civilization.As a cross-regional,multi-level and comprehensive heritage system,Shu Road is an epitome for China's ancient civilization and mankind's wisdom.

2.Shu Road's cultural itinerary heritage refers to those humanistic and natural remains and relics of prominent value which are closely related to Shu Road's development,scatter along it,demonstrate in a whole its historical importance,and which can be proved by archaeological evidence,physical example,scientific data and specific historical documents.It includes:Shu Road traffic and daks,relevant counties,towns,villages,ecological and tourism environment, corresponding intangible cultural heritage and other cultural heritage peculiar of its own,etc.

3.Due to the great diversity and wide distribution of Shu Road cultural itinerary's resources,full protection is the solution.So for areas alongside the itinerary,a consensus to thoroughly protect it should be reached.We should make an overall analysis over its protection status and come up with scientific protective plan and measures.A comprehensive cross-regional,cross-department and interdisciplinary research is also needed to work out a full protective plan and to draft laws corresponding to its protection and sustainable utilization.As a huge project in heritage preservation,the full protection of Shu Road not noly assumes creative,pioneering and prospective meaning,it also faces great challenges.

4.Communications among areas alongside the itinerary should be carried out around the full protection plan and a corresponding city alliance for Shu Road itinerary world heritage application shall be formed for purposes of information sharing,coordination and propaganda.The alliance will also draw up a time table and submit it to relevant department with regards to Shu Road's protection and world heritage application process.It will implement a full protection plan and conduct a reasonable utilization of it as required by World Heritage Committee.Meanwhile,we should increase the public awareness for heritage protection,achieve a cultural succession and maintain ecological balance through the full protection of Shu Road itinerary.

5.Shu Road cultural itinerary not only is a significant heritage,but it also bears great importance regarding sustainable development.Areas alongside Shu Road is currently undergoing post-disaster reconstruction,we should carry forward with the Shu Road Spirits of “Opening,Surpassing,Harmony and Development”, and by applying for world heritage,to exploit Shu Road itinerary's potentials under the premise of its full protection and reasonable utilization,to take advantage of its immense resources to boost regional development,post-disaster reconstruction,the improvement of people's livelihood and the sustainable social,economical and cultural development of Sichuan and Gansu province.

All representatives at the forum unanimously agreed that the protection of China's Shu Road is a significant practice in regard to the international cultural itinerary heritage preservation.Its experience and value will become an integral part of mankind's achievement on heritage protection.


November 11,2009