
第2章 这里是美国(1)

This is America

1.Origin of Uncle Sam 山姆大叔的由来

According to legend, in Troy City of New York, there is a person named Samuel Wilson. He is the owner of meat processing plant factory.He is diligent, honest, optimistic, respected by the people, people affectionately call him "Uncle Sam".

In 1812,American War of Independence began, and the plant of Uncle Sam received a contract for the U. S.Army of production of barrels of beef.Each time the U.S.government received the test beef, they will put the meat into a special bucket, and stamped on the barrel "US" of the mark.As "Uncle Sam" is the first letter of the words "US", the abbreviation U.S.is "US", so people put the two names into one, which means that beef passing from the hands of "Uncle Sam" will become "American" property.Since then "Uncle Sam" has been nicknamed as the United States, and gradually widespread up.

In 1830s, American cartoonist gave the historical legend "Uncle Sam" a specific image, so there is an old man sporting a goatee and thin caricature. He wore a tall hat decorated with star emblem, wearing a red, white and blue tuxedo and striped trousers(National Flag of the US).The tall, smiling old man, everybody like him in United States.




2.Liberty Guides You—The Statue of Liberty 自由引导大家——自由女神像

Statue of Liberty as a symbol of the United States, located in the United States west of New York City, Manhattan, a small island-free on the island, holding her torch in New York, Hong Kong stands at the entrance, at the city observe day and night, since the late 19th century ushered in since the to the millions of immigrants to settle in the United States. In 1984,it was inscribed on the World Heritage List.

The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York Harbor on June 19, 1885, as a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States. The Status of Liberty means Enlightening the World, it has come to symbolize freedom and democracy nationwide.

In order to transport the statue to America, the figure was disassembled into 350 pieces and packed in 214 crates. Four months later, it was reassembled on Bedloe's Island(renamed Liberty Island in 1956).On October 28, 1886,President Grover Cleveland dedicated the Statue of Liberty before thousands of spectators.But millions more would meet"Lady Liberty"in a different way of steel supports.

Statue of Liberty high 46 meters, with a total base of about 100 meters high, is the time to commemorate the world's highest building, its wholly-called"Statue of Liberty Bronze as national monuments, "officially known as"the Statue of Liberty illuminate the world",the entire statue to 120 tons of steel for the frames, 80 tons of copper for the skin to 300000 Liu nail fixed in the stent assembly, with a total weight 225 tons, the statue inside the steel stent is Victoria Lei Bo Duke by the architect and the construction industry world-famous Eiffel Tower in Paris France Eiffel design engineers produced.

The nearby Ellis Island Immigration Station, a major reception point for immigrants entering the United States, opened in 1892. Before the station closed in 1943,the Statue of Liberty welcomed more than 12 million immigrants to America.On its pedestal, words by poet Emma Lazarus reflect the hope for freedom and opportunity shared by the millions who see Miss Liberty after a long ocean journey.






3.The White House “白房子”——白宫

●Here is the White House 这里是白宫

The White House has not been white, and not called the White House, but was called "President Building" or "President's Palace." It was a gray sandstonebuilding founded in 1792. From 1800,it was the U.S.president's office and place for family to live.But in 1812,in the second British war, British troops invaded Washington.On August 24, 1814 the British burned the building, leaving only a pair of basket case.In 1817,in order to cover up the fire, President Monroe ordered to cover up the gray paint with a layer of white sand paint.Since then the presidential palace has been called "the White House." In 1902 U.S.President Theodore Roosevelt officially named it the "White House", and it became synonymous with the U.S.government.Interestingly, the first president living in the White House is not the first president Washington, but the second President John Adams.The White House is always full of mystery.According to the principle White House's spending taken charge by all taxpayers, part of the White House opens to the citizens of the world within the stipulated time, and therefore the spots become hot tourist.