
第18章 从早到晚的日常生活 (1)

Daily Life


明天早上我要6点起床。 Tomorrow morning, I need to get up at 6.


闹钟响了。 The alarm has gone off.

3. 快关了闹钟,我还想再睡一会儿。 Turn off the alarm clock, I need to sleep a little longer.

4. 快点起床,要迟到了。 Hurry and get up, don’t be late.

5. 哦,今天穿哪件衣服? Ah, what am I going to wear today?


我已经醒了。 I’m already awake.


我已经做好饭了,快点起床。 I’ve already made breakfast, hurry out of bed.

8. 下雪了,多穿一点衣服。 It’s snowing, wear more cl-


9. 哦,我没听见闹钟响。 Ah, I didn’t hear my alarm clock.

10. 我每天8点起床,不习惯早起。 I get up everyday at 8, so I’m not used to getting up early.

11. 昨晚没睡好。 I slept badly last night.

12. 已经8点了,快醒醒! It’s already 8, hurry and wa-

ke up!

13. 昨天晚上忘了定闹钟了。 Last night, I forgot to put on my alarm clock.

14. 真不想起床。 I don’t want to get out of


15. 我每周末都睡懒觉。 I lie in every weekend.

16. 我找不到我的袜子了。 I can’t find my socks.

17. 你的衣服已经准备好了。 Your clothes are already pre-


18. 我没时间收拾床了。 I have no time to make my


19. 哦,我很困。 Oh, I’m so tired.

20. 我已经起来了。 I’m already up.


我去洗脸。 I’m going to wash my face.


我没时间洗澡了。 I don’t have time for a sho-


3. 没有牙膏了? No toothpaste?

4. 你用厕所快一点好吗? Could you use the toilet qui-


5. 让我先洗,我没时间了。 Let me wash first, I have no time.


你用多长时间化妆? How long does your make-up take?


我先刷牙,再洗脸。 I’ll wash my teeth first, and then my face.

8. 我洗好了。 I’ve washed.

9. 你能快一点洗吗? Could you hurry?

10. 我每天花半个小时化妆。 Everyday I need half an hour for my make-up.

11. 我要梳头。 I want to brush my hair.

12. 哦,我的嘴里还有酒味。 Oh, my mouth still tastes of alcohol.

13. 今天这个发型很漂亮。 Today your hairstyle is bea-


14. 我每天要花很长时间弄我的头发。 Everyday I need a long time to do my hair.

15. 你总是洗得很快。 You always wash very fast.


早饭好了,快来吃。 Breakfast is ready, come qu-



我喝一杯牛奶就好了。 It’s good to drink a glass of milk.

3. 要面包吗? Do you want some bread?

4. 每天早饭我只吃一个苹果。 Every day for breakfast I just eat one apple.

5. 我没时间吃早饭了。 I don’t have time to eat br-



我们去外边买点早饭吧。 Let’s go out to eat breakfast.


我不喜欢吃面包。 I don’t like to eat bread.

8. 我不吃早饭。 I don’t eat breakfast.

9. 我需要一杯咖啡。 I need to drink a cup of cof-fee.

10. 有鸡蛋吗?我想吃。 Any eggs? I’d like to eat


11. 我吃了一个包子。 I’ve had a steamed bun.

12. 今天不饿,不吃早饭了。 I’m hungry today, as I di-dn’t eat breakfast.

13. 你每天早饭吃什么? What do you eat for break-fast everyday?

14. 我喝果汁。 I drink fruit juice.

15. 你可以带着早饭去公司吃。 You can take your breakfast to eat at work.


我准备好了,可以走了。 I’m ready, so I’m leaving.


都已经8点了。 It’s already 8 o’clock.

3. 我得赶紧走。 I must hurry up.

4. 糟糕,我的衣服扣子掉了。 Oh no, the button has come off my clothes.

5. 你的包呢? Your bag?


找不到钥匙了。 I can’t find my keys.


等一下,我马上来。 Wait a moment, I’ll come up now.

8. 我在外边等你,你快一点。 I’m outside waiting for you, hurry up.

9. 哦,今天可能要迟到了。 Ah, today I might be late.

10. 你的妆没化好。 Your make-up isn’t done.

11. 等一下,我忘记拿文件了。 Wait a moment, I forgot to grab my folder.

12. 带一把雨伞吧。 Take an umbrella.

13. 你忘了关灯了。 You forgot to turn off the lights.

14. 顺便把垃圾拿出去。 Take the rubbish out on your way out.

15. 检查一下,东西都带了吗? Check that you have every-thing.


我先去洗碗。 I go and do the washing up first.


卧室收拾好了吗? Have you tidied your room?

3. 今天得洗衣服。 Today I need to wash my clothes.

4. 我在拖地板。 I’m mopping the floor.

5. 你每天花多长时间打扫房间? How long do you spend

doing housework everyday?


我很喜欢做家务。 I really like doing house-work.


我从不做家务。 I never do housework.

8. 你的家很干净,你经常做家务吧? Your house is very clean, you regularly do the housework?

9. 我喜欢洗衣服,不喜欢洗碗。 I like doing laundry, but I don’t like doing the dishes.

10. 马桶干净了吗? Is the toilet clean?

11. 我熨了几件衬衣。 I’ve ironed several shirts.

12. 你把衣服叠一下吧。 Fold up your clothes.

13. 桌子上还有灰尘。 The table is still dusty.

14. 我打扫客厅,你打扫厨房吧。 I’ve cleaned the living room, you clean the kitchen.

15. 窗户擦干净了。 The windows are cleaned.

16. 把玩具都放在这个箱子里。 The toys are all in the box.

17. 所有的垃圾可以放在这个大袋子里吗? Can all the rubbish be put in a big bag.

18. 你的房间太乱了。 Your bedroom is too messy.

19. 脏衣服已经放在洗衣机里了。 Dirty clothes are already in the laundry basket.

20. 你的桌子太脏了。 Your table top is too dirty.


有人来了。 Some people are coming over.


李先生要来我们家做客。 Mr Li wants to come over and be our guest.

3. 我去买一些水果。 I’m going to buy some fruit.

4. 欢迎来我们家。 Welcome to our home.

5. 请进。 Please come in.


请坐。 Please sit down.


这是送给你的蛋糕。 This is a cake for you.

8. 不用脱鞋了。 You don’t need slippers.

9. 这是我的书房。 This is my study.

10. 你想喝点儿什么? What would you like to dr-ink?

11. 你可以把衣服和包放在这儿。 You can put your clothes

and bad here.

12. 你的家真大。 Your house is very big.

13. 你太客气了,还带礼物。 You are too polite, and still brought a present.

14. 路上还顺利吗? Was it a smooth journey?

15. 随便坐。 Sit wherever.

16. 你不用太约束,就像在自己家。 Don’t feel restrained, treat this like your own home.

17. 中午我给你包饺子。 At midday I’ll make you so-

me dumplings.

18. 你可以看看电视。 You can watch the TV.

19. 吃点儿水果吧。 Eat a little fruit.

20. 欢迎你以后常来我的家。 You are welcome to come over anytime.


我回来了。 I’m back.


今天你回来得有点儿晚。 Today you’ve come back a little late.

3. 外面太冷了。 It’s too cold outside.

4. 我饿了。 I’m hungry.

5. 晚上吃什么? What would you like to eat tonight?


今天工作忙吗? Was work busy today?


今天很累。 I’m very tired today.

8. 放学后我要回家。 After school I want to go ho-


9. 路上堵车了吗? Is the road has a traffic jam?

10. 亲爱的,快看我给你买什么了。 Dearest, quickly look at what I have bought you.

11. 你看起来不舒服。 You look uncomfortable.

12. 我可能感冒了。 I might have the flu.

13. 请给我倒一杯水。 Please give me a glass of wa-


14. 你先休息一下吧。 First, you rest for a while.

15. 哦,你淋湿了。 Oh, you are drenched.


我吃完了。 I’m finished.


我帮你收拾饭桌吧。 I’ll help you tidy up the ta-


3. 不用了,我一个人可以收拾。 No need, I can tidy up by


4. 晚饭我吃得太多了。 I ate too much for dinner.

5. 这些剩菜放在哪? Where shall I put the leftov-



放在冰箱里。 Put in the fridge.


我肚子不舒服。 My stomach is uncomfortable.

8. 你刚才吃得太快了。 You ate too quickly.

9. 我去书房看书了。 I’m going to the study to read.

10. 晚上8点电视有一个很有意思的节目。 There is an interesting TV programme on tonight at 8.

11. 我不喜欢看电视。 I don’t like to watch TV.

12. 晚饭后,你经常做什么? What do you usually do after dinner?

13. 我去上网。 I go on the internet.

14. 和我一起下棋,好吗? Would you like to play chess with me?

15. 你写完作业了吗? Have you finished your hom-


16. 我去洗澡了。 I’ve had a shower.

17. 写完作业去睡觉吧。 After you have finished your homework, go to bed.

18. 我困了。 I’m tired.

19. 明天要穿的衣服准备好了吗? Have you prepared the clot-

hes your clothes for tomor-


20. 我去睡觉了。 I’m going to bed.


我关灯了。 I’ve turned out the light.


我的睡衣呢? My nightclothes?

3. 很热,我睡不着。 It’s too hot, I cant sleep.

4. 今天晚上有点冷,你得盖被子。 It’s a little cold tonight, you should use a blanket.

5. 他睡着了。 He is sleeping.


别关灯,我害怕。 Don’t turn off the light, I’m afraid.


你先睡吧。 You sleep first.

8. 哦,已经很晚了,可是我睡不着。 Oh, it’s already so late, but I can’t sleep.

9. 最近,你总是失眠。 Recently, you are always having sleepless nights.

10. 我要吃点安眠药。 I need to take a sleeping pill.

11. 放松点,你会睡着的。 Relax a little, and you’ll be able to sleep.

12. 喝一杯牛奶试试吧。 Try to drink a cup of milk.

13. 听听轻音乐吧。 Listen to relaxing music.

14. 你太担心你的考试了。 You are too nervous about your exam.