
第19章 从早到晚的日常生活 (2)

15. 明天去看看医生吧。 Go and see a doctor tomorrow.


我要去干洗店。 I need to go to the dry



附近有干洗店吗? Is there a dry cleaners nearby?

3. 前面路口就有一个干洗店。 There is a dry cleaner at the cross roads ahead.

4. 我有两件衣服要拿去干洗,你有要洗的吗? I need to take 2 things to the dry cleaners, do you have an-


5. 这件西服不能用水洗。 It can’t wash this suit.


衬衣得干洗。 Shirts should be dry cleaned.


他的领带都是在干洗店洗的。 All his ties are at the dry cle-


8. 什么衣服需要干洗? What clothes need to be dry cleaned?

9. 哪家干洗店不错? Which dry cleaners is good?

10. 这家干洗店不好。 That dry cleaner is bad.


洗领带多少钱? How much to clean this tie?


我要干洗两件衣服。 I want to dry clean 2 items.

3. 这件衣服掉色。 This has lost its colour.

4. 多长时间可以来拿? When can I pick it up?

5. 衣服上有油渍。 This has an oil stain.


这件衣服可以洗干净吗? Can you clean this?


这种污渍很难弄干净。 This kind of mark is very hard to clean.

8. 洗一条裤子20元。 To clean one pair of trousers is 20 yuan.

9. 明天来拿可以吗? Can I come and get it tomo-rrow?

10. 你后天可以来拿。 You can come the day after tomorrow to collect.

11. 现在付钱吗? Shall I pay now?

12. 洗完以后再付钱。 You can pay after the clea-ning.

13. 便宜点好吗? Can you make a little chea-per?

14. 两天不可以洗完。 It can’t be cleaned in 2 days.

15. 拿凭证取衣服。 Bring the receipt when you come to collect the clothes.


我取衣服。 I’ve come to collect / fetch / get my clothes.


我的西服洗好了吗? Has my suit been cleaned?

3. 请让我看一下你的凭证。 Please can I have a look at yo-

ur receipt?

4. 你洗了一件衬衣、一个领带,对吗? You have a shirt and a tie, is that right?

5. 这里没洗干净。 This still isn’t clean / there is still a stain.


这不是我的裤子。 These are not my trousers.


对不起,我拿错了。 I’m sorry, I took by mistake.

8. 我已经付过钱了。 I’ve paid already.

9. 给你钱。 Here is the money.

10. 这件衣服没熨好。 This hasn’t been ironed.

11. 那我们再给你洗一次吧。 We will wash it again for you.

12. 你明天来拿吧。 Come and get it tomorrow.

13. 你的衣服还没有干。 Your clothes still aren’t dry.

14. 衣服洗得不错。 The clothes have been clean-

ed well.

15. 请用袋子把衣服装起来。 Please use a bag to protect the clothes.


我要给妈妈寄一张明信片。 I want to send my mum a postcard.


附近有邮局吗? Is there a post office nearby?

3. 我要去邮局寄信。 I want to go to the post office to send a letter.

4. 你给谁寄信? Who are you sending a letter to?

5. 你经常写信吗? Do you often write letters?


我两个月前给爸爸寄一次信。 I send my dad a letter 2 mo-nths ago.


我要一个信封、一张邮票。 I need an envelope and a stamp.

8. 我能寄EMS吗? Can I send by EMS?

9. 请问,寄到广州要多长时间? Excuse me, how does it take to send to Guangzhou?

10. 我现在很少寄信。 I send very little.

11. 明天就能到上海。 It will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow.

12. 收信人的地址写在这里。 Write the recipients address here.

13. 请写一下邮编。 Please write the postcode.

14. 对不起,我不知道邮编。 I’m sorry, I don’t k now the postcode.

15. 在那本书上可以查邮编。 I can check the postcode in this book.

16. 再检查一下地址写对了吗。 Please check that the post-code is correct.

17. 你需要贴两张邮票。 You need to on 2 stamps.

18. 信封这么写对吗? Do I write like this on the envelope?

19. 放到邮筒就行了,不用去邮局。 Please put in the post-box, so I don’t have to go the post office.

20. 哦,地址写错了。 Ah, the address has a mis-take.


这是给妹妹的礼物,我要给她寄到英国。 This is a present for my sis-

ter, I need to send it to Eng-



我们要先检查一下你的包裹。 We need to inspect your package first.

3. 你得先包装。 You should wrap it first.

4. 这个箱子太小。 This box is too small.

5. 你们有箱子吗? Do you have boxes?


然后称重。 After, go and weigh.


我的东西多重? How heavy are my things?

8. 里面是易碎物品吗? Is anything inside breakable?

9. 请填写包裹单。 Please fill out the parcel form.

10. 我要空运。 I want airmail.

11. 空运还是海运? Airmail or shipping?

12. 里面只是一些衣服。 I just have some clothes inside.

13. 多长时间能到上海? How long does it take to ar-

rive in Shanghai?

14. 一个星期左右可以到。 It will arrive in about a week.

15. 最快的邮寄方式是哪种? Which is the fastest way to send?

16. 你要保价吗? Do you want insurance?

17. 这是收据,请拿好。 This is your receipt, please hold onto it.

18. 包裹邮寄成功后我们会给你打电话。 Once the parcel has been send, we will call you.

19. 你可以根据单子上的号码在网上查询邮寄过程。 You can use the number on the form to check the parcels status on the internet.

20. 如果地址错误,我们会寄回给你。 If there is a problem with the address, we will send back to you.


我要去办一张银行卡。 I would like to open a bank card.


银行几点关门? What time does the bank close?

3. 几点开门? What time does it open?

4. 我要开户。 I want to open an account.

5. 我要用这个账户炒股票。 I want to use this account to go on the stock market.


开户需要哪些材料? To open an account what do you need?


您带身份证了吗? Have you brought your ID?

8. 你是要存死期还是活期? Would you like a savings acc-

ount, or a current account?

9. 手续费多少钱? How much is the administrat-

ion fee?

10. 我最少要存多少钱? What is the smallest amount you wish to save?

11. 请填写这张单子。 Please fill out this form.

12. 请输入密码。 Please enter your password.

13. 密码至少六位数字。 Your password should be at least 8 numbers.

14. 我可以替我的妈妈开户吗? Can I open this account on behalf of my mother?

15. 现在的利息高不高? Right now, are interest rates high?


我要存钱。 I want to make a deposit.


请排队。 Please queue.

3. 可以去ATM机上取款吗? Can you go to the ATM to wi-

thdraw money?

4. ATM机坏了,我们去里面取钱吧。 The ATM is broken, so we’ve

come inside to withdraw money.

5. 我取5000。 I want to withdraw 5000.


密码不对,请再输一次。 Your password is incorrect, please enter it again.


哦,我忘记密码了。 Oh, I’ve forgotten my


8. 如果存钱,请先填写这张单子。 If you are depositing money, please fill out this form.

9. 是这个存款单吗? Is this the depositing money form?

10. 你的卡不是这个银行的,我们要扣手续费。 Your card is not from this bank, so we need to charge you a handling charge.

11. 你的账号余额不够5000。 Your bank balance isn’t as much as 5000.

12. 我可以存这张支票吗? Can I deposit this cheque?

13. 我不能取太多钱,要不然我花得很快。 I can not withdraw too much money, otherwise I will spend it too quickly.

14. 取钱需要身份证吗? Do you need ID to withdraw money?

15. 我的卡被ATM机吞了。 The ATM swallowed my card.


你把钱转到我的账号吧。 Transfer the money into my account.


我已经把钱转到你的账户了。 I’ve already transferred the money into your account.

3. 我要汇钱。 I want to remit some money.

4. 你有银行卡吗? Do you have a bank card


5. 你可以去ATM机转账。 You can use the ATM to trans-

fer money.


请把身份证给我。 Please give me your ID.


请填写转账单。 Please fill in the bank transfer form.

8. 请签字。 Please sign.

9. 请正确填写对方账号和姓名。 Please fill in the other person’s

name and account number correctly.

10. 你确认一下。 Please confirm.

11. 对方什么时候可以收到? When can they receive the money?

12. 收到钱以后请告诉我。 Please tell me once they have received the money.

13. 你给我汇了多少钱? How much money did you remit to me?

14. 我还没有收到你的汇款。 I still haven’t received your remittance.

15. 汇款收到了。 I’ve received your remittance.


请问,我可以在银行交电话费吗? Excuse me, can I pay my phone bill in the bank?


今天交费的人很多。 Today, there have not been many people in to pay bills.

3. 水费是在这里交吗? Can I pay my water bill here?

4. 可以交网费吗? Can I pay my internet fees here?

5. 我可以到那台机器那儿交电费吗? Can I use that machine over there to pay for my electricity?


对不起,我们银行不办理电费业务。 I’m sorry, this bank doesn’t handle electricity.


请把水费单给我。 Please give me a water bill form.