
第20章 从早到晚的日常生活 (3)

8. 一共是102块。 In total 102 kuai.

9. 你的电话欠费52元。 Your telephone overdue fee is 52 Yuan.

10. 银行的电脑出问题了。 The bank’s computer has a problem.

11. 你可以用银行卡交电费。 You can use your bank card to pay for electricity.

12. 我可以预存一些电费吗? Can I pay for my electricity in advance?

13. 你能替我去银行交一下水费吗? Could you go to the bank and pay my water bill for me?

14. 我们要交多少钱的水费? How much is our water bill?


去哪兑换外币? Where can you exchange fore-

ign currency?


你可以去银行换外币。 You can go to the bank to change currency.

3. 可以换美元吗? Can I change US dollars?

4. 你要换多少人民币? How much RBM do you want to change?

5. 现在美元和日元的汇率是多少? What is the exchange rate of US dollars and Japanese Yen?


现在汇率很低。 Right now the exchange rate is very low.


你为什么要换美元呀? Why do you want to change US dollars?

8. 我要去美国旅游,得去换美元。 I’m going to the US on holi-day, so must take some US Dollars.

9. 我想储存一些美元。 Would you like to save some US dollars?

10. 5000块钱可以换多少美元? 5000 kuai can be exchanged for how many US dollars?

11. 需要手续费吗? Is there a handling fee?

12. 在机场也可以换外币。 There are also places to exch-ange money in the airport.

13. 现在日元升值了。 The Japanese yen has inc-reased in value.

14. 汇率高的时候再换吧! When the exchange rate is high come and change money!

15. 我需要1000美元。 I need 1000 USD.


你有信用卡吗? Do you have a credit card?


我快没钱了,得办张信用卡了。 I’m running out of money, I should get a credit card.

3. 你办哪家银行的信用卡? Which bank’s credit card do you want?

4. 这家银行信用卡额度很高。 This bank has a high credit limit.

5. 我要申请一张信用卡。 I would like to apply for a

credit card.


还款期限是多久? How long until you pay it back?


我只有一张信用卡。 I only have one credit card.

8. 这张信用卡可以在国外使用吗? Can this credit card be used abroad?

9. 现在申请信用卡有很多优惠。 Right now, applying for a cre-

dit card has a lot of advantag-


10. 我要取消这张信用卡。 I want to cancel this credit card.

11. 每月10日你会收到对账单。 On the 10th of every month you will receive a statement.

12. 我可以分期还款吗? Can I pay back in instalments?

13. 可以用信用卡取现金吗? Can a credit card be used to withdraw cash?

14. 如果你没有按时还款,你的信用度会下降。 If you do not pay back on time, your credit limit may be reduced.

15. 你可以在网上还款。 You can make payments on the internet.


你在这里休息一下,我去挂号。 You rest here for a minute, I’ll go and register.


你好!在哪挂号? Hello! Where do I register?

3. 你需要先挂号。 You need to register here first.

4. 我不知道挂什么科? I don’t know what departm-

ent I should register in.

5. 今天上午有专家吗? Will there be a specialist to-

morrow morning?


我要挂普通号。 I want an ordinary registration number.


我要挂皮肤科李大夫。 I want to register at the der-

matology department to see Dr Li.

8. 李大夫今天休息。 Dr Li is not working today.

9. 挂号的人很多。 There are a lot of registered patients.

10. 可以提前一天挂号吗? Can I make an appointment the day before?

11. 对不起,上午的号已经挂完了。 I’m sorry, the registration for this morning is finished.

12. 我可以打电话预约大夫吗? Can I make a doctors appoin-

tment over the phone?

13. 我要挂专家号。 I want to register to see a sp-


14. 我要挂眼科。 I want to register for an opht-


15. 几点开始挂号? What time does registration start?


你哪里不舒服? Where are you uncomfortable?


让我看一看。 Let me have a look.

3. 我头痛。 My head hurts.

4. 我的眼睛看不清楚。 I can’t see clearly.

5. 啊,很痛。 Ah, that hurts.


这儿痛吗? Does it hurt here?


疼了多长时间了? How long has it hurt?

8. 恶心吗? Are you nauseas?

9. 疼了两天了。 I have hurt for 2 days.

10. 你需要检查一下。 You need to check.

11. 明天来拿检查结果。 Come back tomorrow to check the results.

12. 问题严重吗? Is the problem serious?

13. 吃一些药就好了。 Just take this medicine and you’ll be fine.

14. 你得住院。 You need to be hospitalized.

15. 别担心,没有大问题。 Don’t worry, it isn’t a big problem.

16. 你得做手术。 You have to have an operation.

17. 我给你安排一下手术时间。 I’ll organise a time for the operation.

18. 一个月以后来复查。 Come back a month later for a check up.

19. 还有别的症状吗? Are there any other symptoms?

20. 我要看一看你的舌头。 I need to look at your tongue.


我刚做完手术,得住院。 I’ve just had an operation, so need to stay in hospital.


我要在医院住多长时间? How long do I need to stay in hospital?

3. 住两个星期。 Stay for 2 weeks.

4. 我不喜欢住院。 I don’t like staying in hospital.

5. 医院里的饭很难吃。 Hospital food is horrible.


今天好一点儿了吗? Are you better today?


医生,我感觉好多了,什么时候可以出院? Doctor, I’m feeling much be-

tter, when can I leave hosp-


8. 伤口还有一点疼。 The wound is still a little so-


9. 你可以出院了。 You can be discharged.

10. 李大夫每天来检查我的身体。 Doctor Li comes everyday to check on me.

11. 这里的护士很亲切。 The nurses here are very ki-


12. 护士小姐,可以给我一杯冰水吗? Nurse, can I have a glass of ice water?

13. 医生说我恢复得很快。 The doctor says I have made a fast recovery.

14. 医院的床不太舒服。 Hospital beds are not very comfortable.

15. 太好了,我可以出院了。 Great, I can be discharged.

16. 你需要再住一个星期。 I need to stay for another week.

17. 我只能躺在床上。 I can only lie in bed.

18. 我需要一些生活用品。 I need some day to day things.

19. 你该吃药了。 You have to take your medici-


20. 护士每天给我打针。 The nurse gives me an injec-

tion everyday.


李明住院了,我们去看看他吧。 Li Ming is in hospital, let’s go and visit him.


他做手术了。 He had an operation.

3. 我们带些什么东西? What should we bring?

4. 他现在只能吃流食,我们带些牛奶吧。 Right now, he can only drink liquids, let’s bring him some milk.

5. 我来看你了。 I’ve come to visit him.
