18. 今年的公司宴会取消了。 The company dinner part has been cancelled.
19. 今天玩得很开心! Today has been really fun.
20. 在公司宴会上,不要喝醉了。 Don’t get drunk at the com-
pany dinner party.
这是这个月的工作总结。 This is this month’s work su-
月底我们要向经理汇报工作。 At the end of the month I have
to report to my manager.
3. 我要向你汇报一下上个月的销售情况。 I want to report to you on last month’s sales status.
4. 我想向你汇报一个新情况。 I want to report to you a new situation.
5. 这次市场推广做得怎么样? How should this marketing promotion / expansion be carried out?
我们上个月的业绩非常好。 Our performance last month was outstanding.
我们没有完成任务。 We haven’t finished the task / project.
上半年的任务我们已经完成了。 Our task from the last 6 mon-
ths is finished.
9. 请您看一下我的工作报告。 Please have a look at my wo-
rk report.
10. 下个月你有新的计划吗? Do you have a new plan for next month?
11. 我对你这个月的工作很满意。 I’m satisfied with your work from this month.
12. 都是我的错。 They are all my mistakes.
13. 我愿意为这件事负责。 I’m responsible for this task.
14. 这次展览非常成功。 This exhibition has been very successful.
15. 我已经和客户签订合同了。 I’ve already signed the cont-
ract with the client.
16. 客户对我们的产品很满意。 The client is very satisfied with the product.
17. 下次我不会再犯同样的错误了。 I will not repeat the same mi-
stake again.
18. 你总结一下这次活动的经验。 Please summarise what you have undergone with this activity.
19. 继续努力吧! Keep up the good work!
20. 对不起,让你失望了! I’m sorry to have disappoint-
ed you.
现在,我给大家介绍一位新来的同事。 Let me introduce to everyone a new employee.
这是新来的总经理。 This is our new general man-
3. 我给你介绍一下你的同事。 Let me introduce your new colleague.
4. 你去那个办公室领一些办公用品吧。 Go and get some office sup-
plies from that office.
5. 这是王丽,新来的秘书。 This is the Wang Li the new secretary.
这是你的办公室。 This is your office.
大家好!我是销售部经理李伟。 Hello Everyone, I am the sales manager, Li Wei.
他们和你是一个部门。 You are in their department.
9. 你有什么问题可以找那位王小姐。 If you have any problems, can find Miss Wang.
10. 很高兴认识各位同事。 So happy to meet all the em-
11. 欢迎来到XX公司。 Welcome to XX company.
12. John是从上海分公司调过来的。 John has come from the Sha-
nghai branch.
13. 这是我们的代理经理。 This is our acting manager.
14. 希望大家合作愉快! Hope everyone will get along great together!
15. 现在开始工作吧。 Start work!
哦,打印机坏了。 Oh, the printer is broken.
我忘了给老板发邮件。 I forgot to send my boss an E-mail.
3. 我不会用这个复印机。 I can’t use this photo copies.
4. 复印机好像坏了。 Looks like the photocopier is broken.
5. 你可以修复印机吗? Can you fix the photocopier?
太热了,空调坏了。 It’s too hot, the air conditio-
ning is broken.
我要找人来修空调。 I want to find someone to fix the air conditioning.
天啊,我没有保存我的文件。 God! I didn’t save my docu-
9. 我的钱包不见了。 My wallet has disappeared.
10. 我的工作太多了,谁可以帮我打印这份文件? I have so much work, could
someone help me print out this document?
11. 饮水机里没有水了。 There is no water in the water dispenser.
12. 我的电脑死机了。 My computer has died.
13. 我的电脑中病毒了。 My computer has a virus.
14. 停电了。 There’s a power cut.
15. 办公室里有蟑螂。 There are cockroaches in the office.
有一家公司让我去面试。 A company has called me for an interview.
我要去面试。 I’m going for an interview.
3. 明天下午3点我要去东方公司面试。 Tomorrow at 3, I’m going to the Eastern Company for an interview.
4. 那家公司终于给我打电话了。 That company have finally given me a call.
5. 我应该穿哪件衣服去面试? What should I wear to the
明天面试我需要带什么材料? What do I need to bring to
tomorrows interview?
今天晚上我得好好休息。 I should rest well tonight.
他们需要我带一份简历。 They need me to bring my resume.
9. 我得去打印一份简历。 I need to go and print out a copy of my resume.
10. 面试的公司要求我带一张照片。 The company require me to
bring a photo to my interview.
11. 你了解那家公司吗? Do you know much about this company?
12. 我想了解一下这家公司。 I would like to know about this company.
13. 我需要化妆吗? Do I need to wear make-up?
14. 我要准备一下明天的面试。 I need to prepare for tomorr-
ow’s interview.
15. 面试的时侯不要紧张。 Don’t act nervously during the interview.
16. 这是我第一次面试。 This is my first interview.
17. 如果他问我对工资的要求,我怎么回答? If they ask me about salary requirements, what should I say?
18. 听说那家公司的面试官很严厉。 I’ve heard the interviewer at the company is very strict.
19. 我觉得自己能面试成功! I think the interview will be
20. 你应该相信自己! You have to believe in your-
我叫Jack。 My name is Jack.
我毕业于北京大学。 I graduated from the Beijing University.
3. 我在美国长大。 I grew up in America.
4. 我的专业是法律。 My major was Law.
5. 我刚刚毕业。 I’ve just graduated.
我是博士。 I have a doctorate.
我3年前毕业。 I graduated 3 years ago.
我的组织能力很强。 I have strong organisational
9. 我很有耐心。 I’m very patient.
10. 我在大学参加过很多活动。 At university, I participated in a lot of activities.
11. 英语是我的母语。 English is my mother langu-
12. 我对这份工作很感兴趣。 I’m very interested in the job.
13. 我不怕困难。 I’m not scared of difficulties.
14. 我工作很积极。 I’m very motivated at work.
15. 我会说3种语言。 I can speak 3 languages.
请先自我介绍一下。 Please introduce yourself.
你为什么应聘这份工作? Why are you applying for this job?
3. 你有当记者的经验吗? Do you have experience as a
4. 你的英语水平怎么样? How is your English level?
5. 你的打字速度怎么样? What is your typing speed?
你的优势是什么? What are your strengths?
你的缺点是什么? What are your weaknesses?
一名记者应该具备什么能力? What abilities should a jour-
nalist have?
9. 你对我们有什么要求? Do you have any requireme-
10. 你对工资有要求吗? What are your salary require-
11. 你为什么辞职? Why did you resign?