Vivek Wadhwa Alex Salkever

Vivek Wadhwa Alex Salkever
The Driver in the Driverless Car
A computer beats the reigning human champion of Go, a game harder than chess. Another is composing classical music. Labs are creating life-forms from synthetic DNA. A doctor designs an artificial trachea, uses a 3D printer to produce it, and implants it and saves a child's life.第3章 The Here and Now2021-11-14 00:54:51Your Happiness Was Hacked
Do you feel in control of your life or enslaved by your devices? Have you risked your life texting and driving? Do you sympathize with a test group of students who endured painful shocks rather than be separated from their phones?第5章 How Technology Removes Our Choices2021-10-23 07:54:29
The Driver in the Driverless Car
A computer beats the reigning human champion of Go, a game harder than chess. Another is composing classical music. Labs are creating life-forms from synthetic DNA. A doctor designs an artificial trachea, uses a 3D printer to produce it, and implants it and saves a child's life.第3章 The Here and Now2021-11-14 00:54:51Your Happiness Was Hacked
Do you feel in control of your life or enslaved by your devices? Have you risked your life texting and driving? Do you sympathize with a test group of students who endured painful shocks rather than be separated from their phones?第5章 How Technology Removes Our Choices2021-10-23 07:54:29