Seth Adam Smith

Seth Adam Smith
Your Life Isn't for You
Reflecting on the love and support he experienced in the aftermath, his time as a youth leader in the Arizona desert, his marriage, and even a story his father read to him as a child, he shares his deep conviction that the only way you can find your life is to give it away to others.第4章 The Selfish Giant2021-11-14 00:48:19You, Unstuck
This book combats a destructive mind-set that we all sometimes fall into: I can't change.I am the victim of my circumstances, and I am confined by my personal philosophy, though intangible, destroys more dreams and limits more lives than any actual, physical obstacle.第2章 Stuck(2)2021-11-14 00:46:06
Your Life Isn't for You
Reflecting on the love and support he experienced in the aftermath, his time as a youth leader in the Arizona desert, his marriage, and even a story his father read to him as a child, he shares his deep conviction that the only way you can find your life is to give it away to others.第4章 The Selfish Giant2021-11-14 00:48:19You, Unstuck
This book combats a destructive mind-set that we all sometimes fall into: I can't change.I am the victim of my circumstances, and I am confined by my personal philosophy, though intangible, destroys more dreams and limits more lives than any actual, physical obstacle.第2章 Stuck(2)2021-11-14 00:46:06