书城英文图书Tales from the Hood (The Sisters Grimm #6)


For my friend Joe Deasy

Sabrina had never before felt as confident as she did at that moment. For the first time in her life, she wasn't afraid of monsters or villains. In fact, she was eager for a confrontation. Let one of the Scarlet Hand's thugs try something-she would crush them into dust!

She wanted to tell Daphne how she felt. If only she could make her sister understand. But the words were too hard to find. Her thoughts were cloudy and confused. It didn't help that everyone was shouting and the wind was blasting in her ears.

Sabrina turned to her sister. A swirling black fog circled Daphne's body, blocking out most of the little girl's face. All Sabrina could see were her eyes, like two brilliant suns shining through the darkness.

"You have to fight this!" Daphne cried from behind the fog. "I know you are still in there. Don't let him control you!"

"Fight him, child," a voice said. Sabrina looked down to find Mr. Canis lying at her feet-his body, old and withered, pinned to the floor by a huge, fur-covered paw. It was squeezing the life from the old man's chest.

Sabrina cried out for help. Suddenly, she realized the paw that was killing Mr. Canis was her own.