
第3章 Methodological Research in Sinification of Marxism

Abstract: To give a basic and reflective question to the outset of the sinification of Marxism in China, and choose corresponding methodologies as solutions, is the basic clue of this writing. This question is that how the sinification of Marxism in China could be possible and achievable. The selected methodologies are various depending on different emphases of the answers about the questions. We used different methodologies to clarify the history and logic premise of the sinification of Marxism in China, such as the methodology of finding the foundation within its own genesis and development, the methodology of searching the background of its genesis and development in the scope of world history, the methodology of the unification of beginning and end and the unification of history and logic, and so on. We managed to further clarify how the sinification of Marxism in China could be possible and achievable by methodologies of modern hermeneutic and phenomenology, the theory of world history and communication. To clarify the questions and methodologies is through the use of questions and research by selecting and using different methodologies. It is similar to a panoramic scanning of the sinification of Marxism in China as its own development logic. The scanning can but be macroscopic and broad-brush. We can lucubrate meticulously and separately to write a well-researched book about all the methodologies mentioned above, but they could not be contained within only one Research Project actually. More in-depth studies on specifics which are not clear yet would of course continue in the future.