
第80章 Movie Stars 影视明星(8)

Daisy: I want too, but I look nothing like her。


Clark Gable



About Gable


William Clark Gable was an American film actor。 In 1999, the American Film Institute named Gable seventh among the greatest male stars of all time。

Gable’s most famous role was Rhett Butler in the 1939 Civil War epic film Gone with the Wind, in which he starred with Vivien Leigh。 His performance earned him his third nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actor; he won for It Happened One Night (1934) and was also nominated for Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)。 Later performances were in Run Silent, Run Deep, a submarine war film, and his final film, The Misfits (1961), which paired Gable with Marilyn Monroe, also in her last screen appearance。

During his long film career, Gable appeared opposite some of the most popular actresses of the time。 Joan Crawford, who was his favorite actress to work with, was partnered with Gable in eight films, Myrna Loy was with him seven times, and he was paired with Jean Harlow in six productions。 He also starred with Lana Turner in four features, and with Norma Shearer in three。 Gable was often named the top male star in the mid-30s, and was second only to the top box-office draw of all, Shirley Temple。


Key words & Sentences


I am Clark Gable’s fan; I have seen all his films。


She was even more popular than Clark Gable, Robert Taylor, and Gary Cooper。


I love Clark Gable put the cigarette to his lips and suck in the smoke in Gone with the Wind。


I wouldn’t be surprised if some compared Depp to Clark Gable because there are definite similarities。


Clark Gable said he was very lucky。


Her beauty was praised by Clark Gable。


That could be why feminine looking movie stars like Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom are popular now compared with the likes of Clark Gable and Sean Connery in the past。


There is a portrait of Clark Gable。


That is the final resting place for stars from film’s golden age, such as Jean Harlow and Clark Gable。


Gable dominated the Hollywood box office for many years。


Women swooned at his masculine screen presence and men, Gable were a man’s man。


Gable was robust, athletic and lacking in mystery。


Let’s Talk!


Mike: Who is your favorite male actor·


Daisy: Now, I like Brad Pitt best, but I used to be mad about Clark Gable。


Mike: He is very charming and manly。


Daisy: I like his bad smile so much。


Mike: I suppose you have seen Gone with the Wind。


Daisy: I’ve watched it many times。 And his other movies too。


Mike: He is a man’s man。


Daisy: Yes, his life is glamorous。


Mike: But he lost his favorite wife。


Daisy: That’s a pity。


Gregory Peck


格里高利·派克:美国著名电影明星,奥斯卡影帝。他出演过60多部影片,其从容高雅的绅士风度让全世界无数的观众倾倒,他也成为好莱坞黄金时代的标志。派克曾被誉为“一生都值得爱的男人”,他也以他的善良、人情味十足与合作过的导演们保持着良好的友谊。 同时,格里高利·派克还被选为百年影史“一百名银幕英雄与坏蛋”头号银幕英雄。

About Peck


One of 20th Century Fox’s most popular film stars from the 1940s to the 1960s, Peck continued to play important roles well into the 1980s。 His notable performances include that of Atticus Finch in the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird, for which he won his Academy Award。

President Lyndon Johnson honored Peck with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1969 for his lifetime humanitarian efforts。 In 1999, the American Film Institute named Peck among the Greatest Male Stars of All Time, ranking at 12。

Peck was born Eldred Gregory Peck in San Diego, California’s seaside community of La Jolla, the son of Missouri-born Bernice Mae “Bunny” (née Ayres) and Gregory Pearl Peck, who was a chemist and pharmacist。 Peck’s father was of English (paternal) and Irish (maternal) heritage, and his mother was of Scots (paternal) and English (maternal) ancestry。 Peck’s father was a Catholic and his mother converted upon marrying his father。 Peck’s Irish-born paternal grandmother, Catherine Ashe, was related to Thomas Ashe, who took part in the Easter Rising fewer than three weeks after Peck’s birth and died while on hunger strike in 1917。 Peck’s parents divorced by the time he was six years old and he spent the next few years being raised by his maternal grandmother。

After graduating from Berkeley with a BA degree in English, Peck dropped the name “Eldred” and headed to New York City to study at the Neighborhood Playhouse with the legendary acting teacher Sanford Meisner。 He was often broke and sometimes slept in Central Park。[citation needed] He worked at the 1939 World’s Fair and as a tour guide for NBC’s television broadcasting。

His stage career started in 1941 when he played the secretary in a Katharine Cornell production of George Bernard Shaw’s play The Doctor’s Dilemma。 Unfortunately, the play opened in San Francisco just one week before the attack on Pearl Harbor。 He made his Broadway debut as the lead in Emlyn Williams’ The Morning Star in 1942。 His second Broadway performance that year was in The Willow and I with Edward Pawley。 Peck’s acting abilities were in high demand during World War II, since he was exempt from military service owing to a back injury suffered while receiving dance and movement lessons from Martha Graham as part of his acting training。 Twentieth Century Fox claimed he had injured his back while rowing at university, but in Peck’s words, “In Hollywood, they didn’t think a dance class was macho enough, I guess。 I’ve been trying to straighten out that story for years。”