
第13章 L


n. a young sheep or the flesh of a young sheep used as meat 小羊羔,羊羔肉 a sweet, mildmannered person; a dear 温顺、和气的人;亲爱的人 one who can be duped or cheated esp. in financial matters 容易受骗或被愚弄的人

as innocent as a lamb 天真无邪的人/as meek/gentle/mild as a lamb 性情温顺如小羊/like a lamb 顺从的,天真的


adj. disabled so that movement, esp. walking, is difficult or impossible 跛的 unconvincing 无说服力的 v. make a person or animal lame 使……跛,使残废

a lame excuse 站不住脚的借口/be lame of/in one leg 跛一条腿的/go lame 变成瘸子/lamebrain 笨蛋,傻瓜

A lame wing kept the bird from flying.



n. scenery of an area of land (陆上)风景,景色

a bleak urban landscape 单调的市区景色

Mountains dominate the Welsh landscape.



adj. present or potential but not evident or active 潜在的,隐藏的

latent energy 潜能/a latent infection 一种潜伏的传染病/latent defects 潜伏的缺点/latent period 潜伏期/latent talent 潜在的才能

Men s latent ability is unlimited.



n. the angular distance north or south of the earth s equator, measured in degrees along a meridian, as on a map or globe 纬度 freedom in action or opinion 言论自由的程度;行动自由的程度

high latitude 高纬度/south (ern) latitude 南纬/north latitude 北纬/astronomical latitude 天文纬度;黄纬/wide latitude 广泛的行动自由/out of one s latitude 超出自己本行(知识)范围/understand sth. in its proper latitude 充分理解其事

Our position is latitude 40 degrees north.

我们的位置是北纬 40 度。


n. a man who is a nonprofessional 外行

Doctors often confuse laymen with their jargon.



n. a printed, usu. folded handbill or flier intended for free distribution 传单,单页宣传品 v. to hand out leaflets to or in 向……散发传单

instruction leaflet 散页的说明书/advertising leaflets 广告传单/a guide leaflet 活页指南/distribute leaflets 散发传单/leaflet passersby 向过路人发传单/leaflet a place 在一地分发传单/leaflet a rally 在群众大会上散发传单

The demonstrators marched through the streets, leafletting and shouting slogans. 示威群众走过大街,一面散传单,一面喊口号。


n. a written agreement, made according to law, by which the use of a building or piece of land is given by its owner to sb. for a certain time in return for rent 租约,租契 vt. to give or take the use of on a lease 出租,租

lease可作“租约”解。如:sign a lease(在租约上签字)。也可作“租借权,租赁权”解。如:obtain leases on large pieces of land(得到大块土地的承租权)。还可作“租赁期限”解。如:a twoyear lease(两年租赁期)。

hire, lease

hire 表示短期“租”。如:The company hires out cars. 那家公司出租汽车。 lease多指土地、建筑物、房屋等出租。如:He leased his house for the summer. 他将房子出租供人避暑。

a lease of life 寿命/but out to lease 出租/sign a lease 签订租约

He lease that land down there to the hunting clubs.


The lease on this apartment expires in a year s time.



n. an unverified story handed down from earlier times, esp. one popularly believed to be historical 传说,(历史)传奇故事 one that inspires legends or achieves legendary fame 传奇人物

a local legend 当地的传说/an old legend 古代传说/according to one legend 据传说/the legends of King arthur 亚瑟王的传奇/the Golden Legend (宗)圣徒的故事集

Some cartoons are good enough to become legend.



n. an officially elected or otherwise selected body of people vested with the responsibility and power to make laws for a political unit, such as a state or nation 立法机关,立法机构

Legislation by Senator Byron Sher would require consumers to pay a recycling fee of up to $ 30 on every new machine containing a cathode ray tube.

由参议员 Byron Sher 制定的立法规定,要求消费者在每个带有阴极射线管上要付 30 美元的回收费用。(2005年1月阅读理解)


adj. being in compliance with the law; lawful 合法的 based on logical reasoning; reasonable 合理的;合乎逻辑的 v. to make legitimate 使合法

legitimate right 正当权利/a legitimate business 合法生意/legitimate advertising practices 正常的广告活动/the legitimate owner of the property 财产的合法所有人/a legitimate government 合法政府

He has a legitimate excuse for being absent from school.



n. (for sth) state of being liable (对某事物)有责任或义务

liability to pay taxes 纳税的义务/liability for damages 负赔偿责任/liability for military service 服兵役的义务/absolute liability 绝对赔偿责任/aggregate liability 债务总额/assets and liabilities 资产与负债/full liability 完全责任/interior liability 内部负债

Don t admit liability for the accident.



v. to pass the tongue over or along 舔 to punish with a beating; thrash 揍,打 to get the better of; defeat 占上风;打败 n. the act or process of licking 舔 a sudden hard stroke; a blow 猛击;打击


n. probability 可能;可能性

in all likelihood 十之八九,多半/in all human likelihood 十之八九,多半/great likelihood 很可能/little likelihood 不大可能/reduce the likelihood 降低可能性

There s no likelihood of that happening.


In all likelihood the meeting will be cancelled.



adj. lacking or having lost rigidity, as of structure or substance 柔软的 lacking strength or firmness; weak or spiritless 无精神的,无力的 v. to walk lamely, esp. with irregularity, as if favoring one leg 跛行 n. limping walk 跛行

a limp sweater 软的运动衫/limp away 一瘸一拐地走开/walk with a limp 一瘸一拐地走

The injured footballer limped slowly off the field.



adj. of or in lines 线的;线状的 of length 长度的

a linear design 线条图案/linear measure, eg metres, feet, inches 长度(如米、英尺、英寸)


n. a large commercial ship or airplane, esp. one carrying passengers on a regular route 班轮,班机,大型商船或飞机 a lining 衬里


v. to be slow in leaving, esp. out of reluctance 徘徊,逗留 to remain feel by alive for some time before dying 苟延残喘,奄奄一息 to proceed slowly; saunter 漫步,闲逛

linger over/on 拖延/liger over one s work 磨洋工/linger in pain 在痛苦中苟延残喘/linger away/out 消磨; 缓慢度过

The smell of her perfume lingered in the empty house.



n. the condition or quality of being literate,esp.the ability to read and write 读写能力

a literacy class 扫盲班/visual literacy 直观力

Despite almost universal acknowledgement of the vital importance of women s literacy, education remains a dream for far too many women in far too many countries of the world.


He has a little literacy.



adj. corresponding exactly to the original 照字面的,文字的 following the usual meaning of the words 原义的,非比喻意义的 exact 确实的,完全的

a literal error 文字上的错误/literal translation 直译

A literal translation is not always the closest to the original meaning.



n. odds and ends left lying about in a room or public place 废弃物,垃圾,乱七八糟的东西 vt. make untidy with scattered rubbgish. 乱扔,乱丢

作及物动词,后接sth. with sth.也可用litter up sth.或litter sth.+状语。litter是不可数名词,总称乱扔的东西,尤指废纸等杂物。如:There were piles of litter in the streets.(街道上垃圾成堆。) in a litter作“一片杂乱”解;in litters作“多得成堆的”解。如:Their country has now problems in litters.(他们的国家眼下面临的难题成堆。) No littering.作“请勿乱扔纸屑杂物”解。

in a litter 一团杂乱/be littered with 充满,到处都是/a litter of 一窝(小动物)/litter bin 废物箱/litter bug 在公共场所乱扔废物的人

Thoughtless, vacationers had littered the beach with cigarette packages and beer cans.



n. a hall, foyer, or waiting room at or near the entrance to a building, such as a hotel or theater 大厅、门厅或休息室 a group of persons engaged in trying to influence legislators or other public officials in favor of a specific cause 游说团 v. to try to influence the thinking of legislators or other public officials for or against a specific cause 游说

A monthly newsletter would contain stories about overwhelmed parents and offer guidance on how childless adults can respond to the different lobbying tactics that wouldbe grandparents employ.



n. position of sth; place or district in which sth happens 位置;地点;现场

one s sense of locality 方位感/the bourgeois locality 工人居住区/the locality of residence 住宅区/the locality of a crime 犯罪现场

The entire locality has been affected by the new motorway.



adj. of, relating to, or involved in locomotion 运动的;移动的 n. a selfpropelled vehicle, usu. electric or dieselpowered, for pulling or pushing freight or passenger cars on railroad tracks 机车


adj. of unusually high quality of thinking, feeling, etc. 崇高的,高尚的 proud, haughty 高傲的,傲慢的 very high 高耸的,极高的

lofty作“高耸的,极高的”解时,其同义词是high,两词常互换。如:a loft(或high)mountain tower(高高的山塔)。lofty还可作“崇高的,高尚的;高傲的,傲慢的;地位高的”解。如:lofty ideals(崇高的理想);lofty sentiments(高尚的情操);have a lofty scorn for...(高傲地蔑视……);have a lofty position(地位很高)。

high, tall,lofty

high 指高出地面,从下到上的高度,也指位置高,通常用于物,是普通用词;如:a high building 高楼;tall 指超过一般高度或高出周围事物的(多指垂直高度),可用于人,也可用于物,用于物时可与 high 换用;如:a tall man 高大的人;lofty 指“极高,高矗的”物体,是较文雅用语,带有庄严、堂皇的意味。high 与 low 相对,tall 与 short 相对。如: lofty mountain peaks 高高的山峰

lofty aim 崇高的目的/in a lofty manner 高傲地/lofty tower 高塔

I cannot put up with her lofty appearance any longer.



n. angular distance on the earth s surface, measured east or west from the prime meridian at Greenwich, England, to the meridian passing through a position, expressed in degrees (or hours), minutes, and seconds 经线

west longitude 西经/astronomical longitude 天文经度/geographic longitude 地理经度

The longitude of New York is 74 degrees west of Greenwich.

纽约的经度是西经 74 度。


v. to move or act in a lazy, relaxed way; loll 闲逛,闲荡, 懒洋洋的躺卧 n. a public waiting room, as in a hotel or an air terminal, often having smoking or lavatory facilities 休息室,大厅

have a lounge 懒洋洋地坐一会儿/a departure longe 候机厅/a transit lounge ( 飞机场)中转候机厅/a VIP lounge 贵宾休息室/a theatre lounge 剧场休息室/a lounge chair 安乐椅/a lounge lizard 纨绔子弟,花花公子/lounge against the wall 倚在墙上/lounge around 到处闲逛/lounge away one s time 虚度光阴

We regard the theatre as something more than an afterdinner lounge.



v. to make smooth 使润滑,给……上润滑剂

lubricate the gears of a car 在车的齿轮上加润滑油/lubricate the bearings 给轴承上油/lubricate the skin with cold cream 搽冷霜使皮肤滑润

In drilling an oil well, mud is used to lubricate the cutting bit.



adj. emitting light 发光的,光明的 easily comprehended; clear 清楚明白的,容易被理解的

a luminous body发光体/ the luminous paint 有光泽的油漆,夜光漆/a luminous room 光线充足的房间/the luminous energy 光能

The sun and stars are luminous bodies.



adj. of, involving, caused by, or affecting the moon 月球,月亮的

the lunar vehicle 月球车/the lunar probe 月球探测器/the lunar orbit 月球轨道/the lunar calendar 阴历/the Lunar New Year 阴历新年

The scientists throughout the world show great interest in the forthcoming lunar eclipse.
