
第14章 M


vt. to make sth. appear larger than in reality 放大,扩大 to exaggerate 夸张,夸大

magnify通常指面上的“放大,扩大”,夸大事物的重要性,危险性及严重程度。如:Don t magnify yourself against another.(别用抬高自己的方法反对别人。)而enlarge通常指尺寸、面积、范围和人员等的扩大。如:enlarge a house by adding a new wing(新建一厢房以扩大房屋)。expand着重指范围、影响、数量的扩大。如:expand trade with another country(发展与另一国的贸易)。

magnify sth. to the size of.. 把某物放大至……/magnify oneself 自夸,自大,自命不凡/magnify oneself against sb. 用抬高自己的方法反对某人

The microscope can magnify the object 100 times in diameter.



n. greatness in size or extent 巨大,尺寸或程度上的大 greatness in significance or influence 重大意义

a harvest of magnitude 大丰收/the magnitude of the loss 损失的巨大/the magnitude of mind 心胸的开阔/an artist of the first magnitude 一流的艺术家/be of the right magnitude 大小(数值)正好合适

The magnitude of epidemic was frightening.



n. the greatness and dignity of a sovereign 君王的伟大和尊严 a royal personage 王族成员

the majesty of the law 法律的尊严/the Parthenon in all its majesty 气势宏伟的帕台农神庙/unspeakable majesty 无法形容的庄严

The queen was seated on the throne in all her majesty.



n. a big shopping center. 大型购物中心


v. to show or demonstrate plainly; reveal 清楚地显示;表明n. a list of cargo or passengers carried on a ship or plane 货物或旅客的清单 adj. clear and obvious 明显的,明白的

manifest oneself 使显现,使显露/carrier manifest 承运人舱单,载货清单/passenger manifest 旅客名单

The overtraining syndrome should be considered in any athlete who manifests symptoms of prolonged fatigue and whose performance has leveled off or decreased.


The contradiction manifested itself in the employment situation.



vt. to control or influence often in an unfair or dishonest manner; to handle or control esp. a machine skillfully 操纵,控制


handle (处理,运用)指掌握了使用工具或处理事务方法,能应付各种情况。如:Your car handles easily.你的车子容易开。 manipulate 语气较强,指不仅使用工具,处理事务,而且技术熟悉,有办法,有计谋。如:The pilot of an airplane must manipulate various controls.飞机驾驶员必须会熟练地操纵各种控制装置。

manipulate a computer 使用电脑/manipulate puppets 操纵木偶/manipulate an election by bribing the voters 用贿赂选民来操纵选举/manipulate the company s financial records 伪造公司的账目

Do you know how to manipulate computers?


Too many vulnerable childfree adults are being ruthlessly(无情的)manipulated into parenthood by their parents, who think that happiness among older people depends on having a grandchild to spoil.



v. to move to a position esp. skillfully (使)移动 to use schemes 用策略 n. 1.(pl.) large scale exercises by troops or ships (军事)行动,演习 a skillful move or clever trick 策略,花招

manoeuvre scenery on a stage 操纵舞台上布景/carry out air manoeuvre 进行空中学习/a political manoeuvre 政治花招

She can then manoeuvre the 3D image on the computer screen to map the shortest, least invasive surgical path to the tumor.



n. a typewritten or handwritten version of a book, an article, a document, or other work, esp. the author s own copy, prepared and submitted for publication in print 手稿,原稿

in manu 以原稿形式/handwritten manu 手写原稿/literary manu 文学手稿/unsolicited manu 自动投稿,非特约稿/unsolicited manu 自动投稿,非特约稿/accept a manu 录用稿件/reject a manu 编辑稿件/proofread a manu 校对稿件/revise a manu 修改稿件

The editor has read his manu and promised to publish it.



n. a metamorphic rock formed by alteration of limestone or dolomite, often irregularly colored by impurities, and used esp. in architecture and scupture 大理石 adj. resembling metamorphic rock in consistency, texture, venation, color, or coldness 大理石般的

as cold as marble 其冷如冰/lose one s marbles 失去理智/as sharp as a marble 十分枯燥无味


adj. of or in a margin (la) (纸页)空白边缘(上)的,页边空白(上)的 small; slight 小的;少的;轻微的

marginal people 边远地区的人们/marginal subsistence 起码的生活/a marginal note 旁注/a marginal business 一个收益不大的生意/a marginal improvement 稍有好转/a marginal course 次要课程/marginal ability 勉强合格的能力/marginal writing ability 写作能力很低

The other alternatives are attractive in theory but in practice are either impractical or offer only marginal improvements.


There s only a marginal difference between the two estimates.



n. an area of soft, wet, lowlying land, characterized by grassy vegetation and often forming a transition zone between water and land 沼泽,湿地

reed marshes 芦苇荡/coastal marshes 海岸沼泽/salt marshes 盐碱滩/marsh gas 沼气,甲烷/drain a marsh 排干沼泽

When they tried to cross the marsh, their shoes sank into the soft ground.



n. a military officer of the highest rank in some countries 元帅,最高指挥官 officer with duties similar to a sheriffs 执法官 v. to arrange sb./sth. in proper order 安排,整理 to lead or guide 带领,引导

a marshal of state 国家元帅/marshal soldiers 集结兵力/marshal arguments 整理论据/marshal the guests at the banquet/为参加宴会的客人安排席位/marshal one s thoughts 整理思绪/marshal sb in/out 把某人领进来(出去)/marshal sb. to the door 把某人领到门口/marshal sb. into the presence of the minister 引导某人去见部长

The oldest general was appointed marshal of the armies.



adj. of or relating to men or boys; male 男子的,男子气概的 relating or belonging to the gender of words or grammatical forms that refer chiefly to males or to things classified as male 阳性的 n. a male person 男性,男子

the masculine courage 男子汉的胆量/the masculine pride 男子的骄傲

This piece of furniture is masculine, it is large and strong.



adj. large, heavy and solid 大而重的,大块的 substantial; very large 大量的,大规模的vast, large

They say that her study doesn t even show that the bacteria would survive in the wild, much less kill massive numbers of plants. What s more, the network says that contrary to Ingham s claims, the EPA was never asked to consider the organism for field trials.


Among all the changes resulting from the massive entry of women into the work force, the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important.



n. task done with great skill, esp an artist s greatest work 杰作;(尤指)名著

a masterpiece of political ingenuity 政治技巧的最佳运用/a scenic masterpiece 绝色美景/an architectural masterpiece 建筑杰作/a world masterpiece 世界名作/举世闻名的杰作

It is one of the greatest masterpieces of European art.



n. a tract of grassland, either in its natural state or used as pasture or for growing hay 草地,牧场


n. a part of a device or machine that does a particular job 机械装置 a way of getting sth. done within a system 办法,途径 the arrangement and action which parts have in a whole 机制,机理

There is supposed to be a safety mechanism which makes it impossible for trains to collide.



n. a flat pieced of metal which commemorates an event or is awarded to sb. for bravery, etc. 纪念章,奖章,奖牌


n. means of mass communication, eg TV, radio, newspapers 大众传播工作,大众传播媒介(如电视、电台、报纸)

a book that is often mentioned in the media 大众传播媒介常提到的书

The media are to blame for stating the rumours.


There are good reasons to be troubled by the violence that spreads throughout the media.



v. act as a peacemaker or gobetween for two or more people, groups, etc who disagree 调停;调解;斡旋 bring about (sth) by doing this (居间促成某事)

mediate between two warring countries 在两个交战国之间进行斡旋/mediate in an industrial dispute 调停劳资纠纷/mediate in a quarrel 为吵架双方调解/mediate a strike 通过调停解决罢工问题/mediate an agreement 经调解达成协议

He mediated a settlement between labor and management.



n. Mediterranean Sea地中海 the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea; some of the most ancient civilizations flourished in the region, which was dominated for millenniums by Phoenicia, Carthage, Greece, Sicily, and Rome 地中海(沿岸地区) adj. of this region 地中海的;地中海附近(各国)的


n. a rhythmically organized sequence of single tones so related to one another as to make up a particular phrase or idea 旋律,曲调

the melody of verse 诗歌的音乐性/the melody of one s utterance 讲话的抑扬顿挫/a delightful melody 欢快的曲调/a harmonized melody 配和声的曲调/a sacred melody 圣乐/chant a melody 唱歌/compose a melody 作曲/hum a melody 哼曲调

He played a delightful melody on his flute.



n. state of being a member of a group, society, etc (社团等的)会员身分,资格 members 会员(总称);会员人数

apply for membership of the association 申请加入该协会

The membership is/are very annoyed at your suggestion.



n. sth. which suggests a threat or brings danger 威胁,恐吓 a troublesome person or thing 麻烦的人(物) vt. to threaten 威胁,恐吓

menace作动词时,指“危害(人的生命、财产、名声等)”。要表示“用……威胁(害)”,通常用menace...with的结构。如:menace sb.with the immediate sack(以立即解雇威胁某人)。menace作名词时,后面通常接介词to。如:constitute menace to world peace(构成对世界和平的威胁)。

be a menace to 对……的威胁

Hurricanes periodically menace the Gulf coast of Mexico.



v. to become one; to combine (使)合并,(使)结合,(使)并入

merge着重指各组成部分在整体中失去本身的特点,彼此之间完全互相同化。如:merge the private in the general good(把私人利益融于全体利益之中)。mix指混合后各成分仍可辨认出来,但在混合物中可融合在一起。如:mix salt and pepper(把盐和胡椒混在一起)。与blend,mingle的比较,参见mingle词条。

merge in/into/with 合并;合人

Automatic control here should allow for smooth merging, without the usual uncertainties and potential for accidents.


The small banks were merged into one large organization.



n. a state of disorder or untidiness 凌乱状态 trouble 混乱的局面,困境 v.to put into disorder or confusion 弄乱,弄脏


in a mess 乱七八糟,处境狼狈/get into a mess (使)陷入狼狈/make a mess of 把……弄得乱七八糟/mess up 把……弄糟/mess about 浪费时间,干预

I ve never seen so much mess and disorder anywhere.



n. person carrying a message 送信者;报信者;通信员


adj. of or like metal (似)金属的

a metallic plate, sheet, etc 金属板、片等 /metallic sounds, 金属撞击(般)的声音、咔哒声等


adj. of or in a large or capital city 大城市的;首都的;首府的 n. bishop (usu an archbishop) having authority over the bishops in his province 主教;大主教

metropolitan streets 繁忙拥挤的大城市街道/metropolitan newspapers 大城市的报纸/metropolitan area 大都会区/metropolitan bishop 都主教

The Greater London police force is known as the Metropolitan Police.



n. the middle position or part; the center 中部,中央,中心 the condition of being surrounded or beset by sth. 困境 prep. among; amid 在……中间;在……当中

fist, mids, and last 始终一贯地;彻头彻尾地/in the midst of 在……之中,正当……的时候/from the midst of 从……当中/out of the midst of 从……当中/in out(your, their) midst 在我们(你们,他们)中间/in the midst of the desert 在沙漠中间/in the midst of the war 在战争进行之中/in the midst of cheers 在欢呼声中

We ride this way all night, and wake up in the morning in the midst of great plains.



v. to travel regularly according to the season of the year (鸟、鱼等)季节性地迁移/徙 to change one s place of living, esp. for a limited period (人)移居,迁移

migrate表示从一个地方移到另一个地方,往往指定期迁移,居住一段时间后又离开,可用于人,也可用于动物。如:these birds migrate northwards in spring and southward in fall.(这些鸟春天移栖北方,秋天移栖南方。)People often migrate to another country to try luck.(人们往往移居别国去碰碰运气。) emigrate表示离开自己所居住的国家到另一国去居住,常指永久性的居住,用于指人。如:The starving farmers emigrated from their country.(饥饿的农民背井离乡,移居国外。)immigrate也表示永久地迁居,指人从外国移居进来。如:Many Italians immigrated to the United States and Canada.(许多意大利人移居到美国和加拿大。)

migrate from Africa to Spain 从非洲移居西班牙/migrate to another country 移居他国/migrate to town from rural districts 从农村向城市迁移/migrate inland 向内陆迁移

Sea levels shot up nearly 500 feet, flooding coastal settlements and forcing people to migrate inland.

海平面上涨了将近 400 英尺,淹没了海岸上的一些居民区,迫使人们迁往内陆。(2002年6月阅读理解)

At the end of the summer these birds migrate from Canada to South America;they fly 2 500 miles,nonstop,over the ocean.

夏天快结束时,这些鸟从加拿大迁移到南美洲,它们不停地飞了2 500 公里,穿过了海洋。

We find that some birds migrate twice a year between hot and cold countries.



adj. having a combative character; aggressive, esp. in the service of a cause 好战的,富于战斗性的,富于侵略性的

a militant speech 富有战斗精神的演说/a militant political activist 一个好战的政治活动家/a militant policy 激进政策/a militant feminist 积极活动的男女平等主义者/a militant task 战斗任务/militant powers 交战的各大国

The strikers were in a militant mood and ready to take strong action at any time. 罢工者群情激奋,随时准备采取激烈行动。


vt. mix one thing with another; form a mixture with sth; combine 使混合;混合起来

mingle water and alcohol 使水与酒精混合/mingle in the crowd 混入人群/mingle in society 进行社交往来/mingle with guests 和宾客们交谈/mingle with... 与……混合;与……交融,与……混在一起

Now the cheers and applause mingled in a single sustained roar.


Although the colonists mingled to some extent with the native Americans, the Indians influence on American culture and language was not extensive.



n. sth. small of its class 小型物 on a very small scale 小型,小规模,小比例 adj. being on a small or greatly reduced scale 小型的,微小的

in miniature 小规模的,小型的/a replica in miniature 微型复制品/a miniature railway (玩具)小铁道/a miniature camera 小型照相机/a miniature war 小规模战争/a miniature book 袖珍书/a piece of miniature furniture 一件微型家具

The toy maker produces a miniature copy of the space station exactly in every detail.



adj. smallest in amount or degree 最小的

the minimal cost 最小代价/the minimal standard 最低标准/the minimal art 极简抽象艺术

Fortunately, the storm only did minimal damage to the crops.



v. reduce (sth) to the smallest amount or degree 使 (某事物)减至最小量或最低程度

minimize the risks 把风险减少到最低限度/minimize sb. s achievement 贬低某人的成就

To minimize the risk of burglary, install a good alarm system.



n. the state of suffering and want as a result of physical circumstances or extreme poverty 痛苦、悲惨、不幸、穷困

the miseries of unemployment 失业的种种痛苦/be in the depth of misery 陷入痛苦的深渊/relieve one s misery 减轻痛苦/bear misery 忍受痛苦/suffer the misery of toothache 遭受牙痛之苦/cause misery 造成苦难/fall into extreme misery 陷入极大的苦难之中


n. bad fortune or ill luck 不幸,灾祸

have a misfortune 遭到不幸/companions misfortune 患难之交/by misfortune 不幸地/have the misfortune to (do) 不幸(而)……

He failed in business not because of misfortune, but because of his own error.



n. person sent to preach usu the Christian religion, esp among people who are ignorant of it 传教士

a devoted missionary 虔诚的传教士/a missionary box 教会的慈善募捐箱/the missionary zeal 传教士般的狂热/a missionary society 传教会/missionary work 传教工作

Many churches used to send missionaries to China.



v. (cause sb/sth to) become ready for service or action, esp in war (使某人)准备行动;(尤指战时)动员,调动

mobilize all reserve forces 动员全部后备兵力/mobilize the masses 动员群众/mobilize all positive factors 调动一切积极因素/mobilize the wealth of a country 调动国家财力/mobilize one s energy 鼓足劲/mobilize one s angry 怒火中烧

The troops received orders to mobilize.



v. to laugh at or cause to seem ridiculous in 嘲笑,愚弄 to make fun of by copying 轻视 n. making sb./sth seem foolish 愚弄adj. not real substitute 非真实的;模拟的

mock可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作不及物动词跟宾语时,须先接介词at。mock有时还可以表示为了取笑而模仿,仿效,如:mock sb. s voice (speech,gait)(学某人的嗓音/讲话/走路样子来取笑)。

mock at sb./sth. 嘲弄某人/某事/mock at sb. s timidity 嘲笑某人的胆小/mock at the idea 嘲笑这种想法/make a mock of sb./sth. 嘲弄某人/某事/mock leather 人造革/mock battle 模拟战/mock up 仿制,伪造,模拟

The army training exercises ended with a mock battle.



n. force that increases the rate of development of a process; impetus 动力;冲力;势头

absolute momentum 绝对动量/aggregated momentum 总动量/gain/gather momentum 发展加快,势头增加/on the momentum of business boom 乘着商业繁荣的势头/with the momentum of an avalanche 以排山倒海之势

The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle, observes a French sociologist, is part of the “irresistible momentum of individualism” over the last century.


The movement to change the union s constitution is slowly gathering momentum. 修改工会宪章的运动正慢慢加强。


v. sole possession or control of sth.; possession of the sole right to supply 垄断,独占

monopoly可指对任何东西的“垄断,独占”。monopoly作“垄断商品,专利品”解时,前面可以加不定冠词。monopoly后面接介词of(英国用法)或on(美国用法)。如:break the Spanish monopoly of Oriental commerce(打破西班牙对东方贸易的垄断);have a monopoly on...(对……有专利权)。

have a monopoly of/in/on 独自占有

The government has a monopoly on oil production in that country.



n. an imaginary or legendary creature, such as a centaur or Harpy, that combines parts from various animal or human forms 怪物,妖怪


n. good behaviour 美德,品德 rightness or pureness of behaviour 道德规范,道德观

morality指人们的行为准则、道德规范。如:public morality(公共道德);new morality and practices(新道德风尚);commercial morality(商业道德)。morality还可指道德品行。如:a person of strict morality(品行极其端正的人);a person of doubtful morality(德行不良的人)。

morality play 道德剧/new morality and practices 新道德风尚

One sometimes wonders if there s any morality in political affairs.



adj. liable or subject to death 终有一死的,不能永生 causing death; fatal 致命的 of or relating to human kind; human 人类的,人的 n. a human being 一个人

a mortal wound 致命伤/a mortal combat 决斗/a mortal disease 绝症/a mortal weapon 凶器/mortal fear 极度的恐惧/mortal power 凡人的力量/mortal life 现世生活

All human beings are mortal.



n. a temporary, conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for performance of an obligation or repayment of a debt 抵押 v. to pledge or convey (property) by means of a mortgage 抵押

mortgage loan 抵押借款/mortgage on... ……的抵押/demand mortgage 活期抵押贷款/dry mortgage 产权抵押/farm mortagage 农产抵押 term mortgage 定期(中期)抵押贷款/repay one s mortgage 偿还抵押借款

He mortgaged his house in order to start a business.



n. an establishment that provides lodging for motorists in rooms usu. having direct access to an open parking area 汽车旅馆


v. to feel or show sorrow or regret for the loss of sb. or sth. (为……)悲叹,哀悼

mourn for/over 为……感到惋惜,哀伤

When Margaret Mead died, people from many lands mourned her passing.



v. make (sb/sth) muddy 使(某人)沾上泥;使(某物)泥泞、有泥、呈现泥土色或混浊 muddy the waters 水搅浑;弄乱情况

muddy one s face, clothes 弄得脸上、衣服上有泥


n. the condition or quality of being numerous 大量,众多 the masses; the populace 大众;民众

as/like the stars in multitude 多得像繁星一样/the multitude 民众,群众,大众/a great multitude of people 一大群人/cover a multitude of sins 掩盖种种丑恶的东西

These computers are capable of performing a multitude of tasks.



adj. of, relating to, or typical of a municipality 市政的,地方性的,地方自治的

the municipal affairs 市政/the municipal council 市议会/the municipal government 市政府/the municipal university 市立大学/the municipal authorities 市政当局/the municipal budget 市政预算

The municipal government is taking measures to control the soaring rise of the prices.



n. a low, indistinct, continuous sound 咕哝 v. to complain in low mumbling tones; grumble 低声抱怨,发牢骚 to say in a low indistinct voice; utter indistinctly 低声说,咕哝

a murmur of voices 低声细语/a murmur of bees in the garden 花园中蜜蜂的嗡嗡声/a murmur of the waves 波涛的轻微的拍击声/murmur a prayer 低声作祈祷/murmur at (against) 对……发牢骚; 抱怨

The children murmured as they memorized the poem.



adj. of the muscles. 肌肉的 having large stong muscles 肌肉发达的

the muscular system 肌肉组织/the muscular movement 肌肉运动/the muscular contraction 肌肉的收缩

He is big and muscular.



v. to speak indistinctly in low tones 咕哝,小声而含糊不清地说 to complain or grumble morosely 抱怨 n. a low grumble or indistinct utterance 低声地嘟哝

mutter and mumble 吞吞吐吐/mutter away to oneself 喃喃自语/mutter against sb. 抱怨某人/mutter one s dissatisfaction 咕哝表示不满意

Denis could be heard muttering to himself about my stupidity.



n. a traditional, gypieally ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the world view of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society 神话;神话故事

The myth of success has even invaded our personal relationships: today it s as important to be “successful” in marriage or parenthoods as it is to come out on top in business.
