书城童书Snippy and Snappy


They both grabbed the string of the knitting ball,and pulled at it.But the string broke in two,and Snippy and Snappy fell in a heap on the ground!

"We simply must get back that knitting ball,""We simply must,"said Snappy."We'd better follow it."

So they followed it.

They followed it up,they followed it down --They followed it up and up and down.

They followed it up and DOWN and down --They followed it UP AND DOWN.

They followed it over this and that,and over things both round and flat --

And over things both small and tall --AND THEN?

--over the garden wall!

And what did Snippy and Snappy see there?

"A house!"cried Snippy.

"Yes,a house!"cried Snappy.

"In houses there are kitchen cupboards,"said Snippy.

"And in kitchen cupboards there is CHEESE,"said Snappy.

Snippy and Snappy were so excited about the cheese,they forgot all about Mother Mouse's big blue knitting ball.

They ran down the long path to the house and scampered in through the big open door.