书城童书Snippy and Snappy


But alas!poor Snippy,and alas!poor Snappy --there was no cheese to be seen.What they did see,though,made them open their eyes in wonder.How puzzled they were!You see,Snippy and Snappy were field-mice and had never been in a house before,so what could they know about all the things people have in their homes?

On the floor was a fuzzy rug with a border of flowers around it.

"What's this?"asked Snippy.

"It's a hay field,I guess,"said Snappy,"only these flowers don't smell like flowers,and they're so flat we could never hide under them."

Then Snappy found a footstool which had a green fringe around it.

"Look,Snippy,"he cried,"here's a tree with funny leaves,and it's a tree with FOUR trunks."

But Snippy had found a mop.

"Such a queer plant,"she cried."It has a wooden stem and not a SINGLE leaf --and its roots grow outside of the ground."

"Oh,that's nothing,"said Snappy who was looking up at a standing lamp."I've found a plant with its roots outside of the ground too —beautiful cur-r-r-ly roots.And MY plant has leaves and a flower besides --the BIGGEST flower I EVER saw!"

But Snippy did not hear.She had wandered into a long hall which had a mirror at the end of it.