
第20章 特斯拉线圈和变压器的发明(3)

Some of the incidents in that city have left an indelible record on my memory.By a curious coincidence,a number of men who subsequently achieved fame,lived there about that time.In later life Iused to say:"There were bacteria of greatness in that old town.Others caught the disease but Iescaped!"The practical work,correspondence,and conferences with officials kept me preoccupied day and night,but,as soon as Iwas able to manage Iundertook the construction of a simple motor in a mechanical shop opposite the railroad station,having brought with me from Paris some material for that purpose.The consummation of the experiment was,however,delayed until the summer of that year when Ifinally had the satisfaction of seeing rotation effected by alternating currents of different phase,and without sliding contacts or commutator,as Ihad conceived a year before.It was an exquisite pleasure but not to compare with the delirium of joy following the first revelation.

Among my new friends was the former Mayor of the city,Mr.Bauzin,whom Ihad already in a measure acquainted with this and other inventions of mine and whose support Iendeavored to enlist.He was sincerely devoted to me and put my project before several wealthy persons but,to my mortification,found no response.He wanted to help me in every possible way and the approach of the first of July,1919,happens to remind me of a form of "assistance"Ireceived from that charming man,which was not financial but none the less appreciated.In 1870,when the Germans invaded the country,Mr.Bauzin had buried a good sized allotment of St.Estephe of 1801and he came to the conclusion that he knew no worthier person than myself to consume that precious beverage.This,Imay say,is one of the unforgettable incidents to which Ihave referred.My friend urged me to return to Paris as soon as possible and seek support there.This Iwas anxious to do but my work and negotiations were protracted owing to all sorts of petty obstacles Iencountered so that at times the situation seemed hopeless.

Just to give an idea of German thoroughness and "efficiency",Imay mention here a rather funny experience.An incandescent lamp of 16c.p.was to be placed in a hallway and upon selecting the proper location Iordered the monteur to run the wires.After working for a while he concluded that the engineer had to be consulted and this was done.The latter made several objections but ultimately agreed that the lamp should be placed two inches from the spot Ihad assigned,whereupon the work proceeded.Then the engineer became worried and told me that Inspector Averdeck should be notified.That important person called,investigated,debated,and decided that the lamp should be shifted back two inches,which was the place Ihad marked.It was not long,however,before Averdeck got cold feet himself and advised me that he had informed Ober-Inspector Hieronimus of the matter and that Ishould await his decision.It was several days before the Ober-Inspector was able to free himself of other pressing duties but at last he arrived and a two-hour debate followed,when he decided to move the lamp two inches farther.My hopes that this was the final act were shattered when the Ober-Inspector returned and said to me:"Regierungsrath Funke is so particular that Iwould not dare to give an order for placing this lamp without his explicit approval."Accordingly arrangements for a visit from that great man were made.We started cleaning up and polishing early in the morning.Everybody brushed up,Iput on my gloves and when Funke came with his retinue he was ceremoniously received.After two hours"deliberation he suddenly exclaimed:"Imust be going,"and pointing to a place on the ceiling,he ordered me to put the lamp there.It was the exact spot which Ihad originally chosen,

So it went day after day with variations,but Iwas determined to achieve at whatever cost and in the end my efforts were rewarded.By the spring of 1884all the differences were adjusted,the plant formally accepted,and Ireturned to Paris with pleasing anticipations.One of the administrators had promised me a liberal compensation in case Isucceeded,as well as a fair consideration of the improvements Ihad made in their dynamos and Ihoped to realize a substantial sum.There were three administrators whom Ishall designate as A,Band Cfor convenience.When Icalled on Ahe told me that Bhad the say.This gentleman thought that only Ccould decide and the latter was quite sure that Aalone had the power to act.After several laps of this circulus vivios it dawned upon me that my reward was a castle in Spain.

The utter failure of my attempts to raise capital for development was another disappointment and when Mr.Batchellor prest me to go to America with a view of redesigning the Edison machines,Idetermined to try my fortunes in the Land of Golden Promise.But the chance was nearly mist.Iliquefied my modest assets,secured accommodations and found myself at the railroad station as the train was pulling out.At that moment Idiscovered that my money and tickets were gone.What to do was the question.Hercules had plenty of time to deliberate but Ihad to decide while running alongside the train with opposite feelings surging in my brain like condenser oscillations.Resolve,helped by dexterity,won out in the nick of time and upon passing thru the usual experiences,as trivial as unpleasant,Imanaged to embark for New York with the remnants of my belongings,some poems and articles Ihad written,and a package of calculations relating to solutions of an unsolvable integral and to my flying machine.During the voyage Isat most of the time at the stern of the ship watching for an opportunity to save somebody from a watery grave,without the slightest thought of danger.Later when Ihad absorbed some of the practical American sense Ishivered at the recollection and marvelled at my former folly.